In-Game Settings Setup Guide in Ready or Not

In-Game Settings Setup Guide in Ready or Not 1 -
In-Game Settings Setup Guide in Ready or Not 1 -

In-Game Settings Setup Guide in Ready or Not

Hey there, gamer friends! Ready to boost your in-game performance? Let’s tweak those settings for smoother gameplay and less VRAM stress (yep, it’s a game-changer!).

Starting up Ready or Not, you’ll choose between DX11 or DX12. Give both a whirl and see what fits your rig best. I’m all in for DX11 – it’s stable and keeps things looking sharp.

Setting the Stage: In-Game Tweaks

1. In the Graphics Tab – Start with the Basics:

  • Go Fullscreen – It’s the way to play!
  • Think of dropping Resolution and Rendering Scale as your last resort.

2. Advanced Moves in the Graphics Tab:

  • Texture Quality? Turn it down a notch. Still testing if it really saves VRAM though.
  • Shadow Quality – Settle for Medium (Low just doesn’t cut it visually).
  • Tone down Post Processing to Low.
  • Anti-Aliasing – Keep it high for sweet visuals, but lower if you must.
  • Go easy on VFX Quality – set it to low.
  • View Distance at medium – helps with VRAM, but not a game-changer.
  • Ditch Frame Limit, Motion Blur, VSYNC, and Bounce Light.
  • Stick with World Decals, but pull back on Decal Distance Fade to the minimum (50).
  • Opti-Wand lagging? Try dropping resolution and capping FPS. But hey, it works fine for me.
  • AMD squad, try FSR2 on Quality mode for a frame boost without losing much clarity.
  • NVIDIA folks, DLSS Quality is your go-to.
    • (NVIDIA peeps, dabble with Reflex mode and share your finds! I’m all ears but can’t test it myself.)

Subsection: The PIP Scoop

For those who’ve played ARMA, Picture-in-Picture (PIP) might ring a bell. In Ready or Not, it’s all about that helmet cam. To up your game, maybe skip the helmet cam. Heard some players face frame dips with it. If you’re stuck, toggle it off and on a few times or just reboot the game and avoid it altogether.

Subsection: Wrapping It Up

So, that’s the lowdown on settings. From my side, these tweaks don’t hurt the game’s look. Got the gear? Feel free to push the limits. These tips should ease any performance hiccups though.

Here’s a pro tip – consider capping your game’s FPS. “But Maevarienn, didn’t you say nix the FPS limit?” True, but the in-game limiter’s a bit wonky. Use Radeon Chill for AMD or NVIDIA’s own tool. Set it just below your monitor’s refresh rate or at a comfy FPS you can maintain. There are other FPS capping tools out there, but can’t vouch for them myself. Experiment and see what works for you.

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