Elite Dangerous Quick-Guide to Empire Rank Grinding

Elite Dangerous Quick-Guide to Empire Rank Grinding 1 - steamsplay.com
Elite Dangerous Quick-Guide to Empire Rank Grinding 1 - steamsplay.com


Note that this method is a cheap option to grind the Empire rank in Elite, meaning it will not cost you much (actually anything) in terms of money, but may take a bit more time than other methods out there that use donation missions for example. It still is a valid option though, so you should consider using it ;D 


Setup / Preparation: 
Get a small or medium ship. 
Super cruise assist and/or Docking computer (Optional. Only if you are lazy) 
The target systems are outside the bubble, so a fuel scoop is advised for the relatively long travel there. 
1. Go to “Mies van der Rohe’s Claim” in Mainani 
2. Pick up data delivery missions from Empire factions only to “Hickam Survey” in Ngalinn 
3. Fly to “Hickam Survey” and drop off missions. Pick up any data delivery missions back to “Mies van der Rohe’s Claim” in Mainani 
4. Repeat 
Elite Dangerous Quick-Guide to Empire Rank Grinding 
It’s important to always choose the reward with the highest reputation payout, NOT influence !!! 
Elite Dangerous Quick-Guide to Empire Rank Grinding 


– Note that only 20 missions may be active at the same time. 
– The mission board will refresh every ten minutes or so. Switching between open and solo play may refresh the mission board. 
– Be on the lookout for mission named “…Imperial Navy…” which will allow you to rank up. 


I hope this method helps you out. I’ll try to find better methods in the future or fine-tune existing ones for the commanders. Suggestions are welcome and appreciated. 
Fly safe out there, Commanders. 

Written by Logtonal

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