ELDEN RING How to backup save data at game launch

ELDEN RING How to backup save data at game launch 1 - steamsplay.com
ELDEN RING How to backup save data at game launch 1 - steamsplay.com

There’s been a lot of talk lately about backing up save files, so I thought I’d share a method I’ve used with previous Souls games to backup my saves and launch the game with a single batch file.

Batch File

Here’s the batch file I use;

@echo off
TITLE Elden Ring - Backup Saves

SET datetime=%date%
FOR /F "skip=1" %%D IN ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime') DO (SET LIDATE=%%D & GOTO :GOT_LIDATE)
SET datetime=%LIDATE:~0,4%-%LIDATE:~4,2%-%LIDATE:~6,2%T%LIDATE:~8,2%:%LIDATE:~10,2%:%LIDATE:~12,2%

SET cwd=%~dp0
SET dir=backups\er\%datetime%\
SET dir=%dir:T= %
SET dir=%dir::=-%
SET dir=%cwd%%dir%

mkdir "%dir%"
cd /d "%dir%"

xcopy /s %appdata%\EldenRing\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\*.* .


start steam://rungameid/1245620


Replace “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” with your unique directory name, so the line becomes as such;

xcopy /s %appdata%\EldenRing\164736498762864\*.* .

If you would like to just backup only, and not launch the game, you can comment out the “start steam://rungameid/1245620” line as such;

*start steam://rungameid/1245620

or remove it completely.
The batch file will create a new directory each time you run it, and label it based on local date and time as below, and copy the save files across;
ELDEN RING How to backup save data at game launch - Batch File - B5C6075
Here is an example of what the batch file window will look like;
ELDEN RING How to backup save data at game launch - Batch File - 769A9AA

Written by Ser Bevan

Here we come to an end for ELDEN RING How to backup save data at game launch hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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