Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2 1 -
Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2 1 -
this is the most comprehensive teamless defense fortress 2 guide to be ever created (no jokes 100% legit, no scam [gone sexual])


how to play the speedy man


speedy man gameplay

make sure to never jump, this just makes you slower and easier to hit, ensure that you run in straight lines and dont strafe, strafing makes you easier to hit and slower 

speedy man slot 1

as speedy man, equip the force of nature as your primary weapon, everyone loves it when the speedy man is holding the knockback machine, but dont use it for anything that isnt hshooting friendlies. 

speedy man slot 2

for the second speedy man wepon your going to want to amke sure you have the go-go juice equiped this drink maeks you invicible for a feww seconds and makes you run ectra farst. extra speed as the speedy man is what u need. 

speedy man slot 3

use fish, fish is funny because jiggle and twisty glitch, hit poeple with fish for the funny 

how to play the american one


american man gameplay

as the american man in the teamless defense fortress 2 it is important that you do lots of the jumpy stuff to remain mobile 

american man slot 1

make sure to use the liberty launcher as the american man from teamless defense fortress 2, it do the most damage and has more rocket, aim for peoples heads to do extra damage with it, not their feet 

american man slot 2

for the american man slot 2 (hes from the game “teamless defense fortress 2”) make sure to use the leather boots, these make the air jumping more turnable, very important 

american man slot 3

for the slot 3 of the american man u need to use the meme spoon, meme spoon work best if you walk in straight lines towards the enemy swinging it 

how to play the spicy one


Spicy One Gameplay

Always use phlog, Hot axe and scorch shot. Rush any enemy and sentries as you’re the reincarnation of the devil and can kill anything that stands before you 

Spicy One slot 1

Always use phlog and taunt after every kill. Burn everything and make sure nobody escapes 

Spicy One slot 2

use scorch shot to burn the ones at far distances, like the filthy jar man. Always stand still as you have the best chance of hitting the man in a van 

Spicy One slot 3

Use the hot axe to put the burning people out of their misery. Once doing so, you become speedy like the little boston man baby and can w+m1 more effectively 

how to play the drunk black one


the black one gameplay

dont press “2” then spam. Aiming is not existent, aiming is not your friend, your only friend is your crippling alcoholism. 

black man slot 1

as the drunked black man in the teamless defense fortress 2 make sure to use the speedy shooter in slot 1, it do more damage and shott faster, more easy to aim 

black man slot 2

use the many pipe shooter bomb thing, press mouse 1 lots and dont aim 

black man slot 3

swing bottle and kill people. And when you kill people they die. haha crit go brrr 
Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2 

how to play the fat one



use your diabetes to make spinning gun go brrratatatatatatataruuuuaayutututyititiititi. 
something something russia communism 

The Fat One Slot 1

use chinese word heater, it gud spinny gun. it makes bad french man go away 

The Fat One Slot 2

eat sandwich to develop more your diabetes 
press x+5 to say the funni 

The Fat One Slot 3

Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2 

how to play the one with a machine fetish


machine man gameplay

idk he prolly watches transformers rule 34 or something 
put all machine close together, make it easier to fix them, and put them out in open for more easy access by team 

machine man slot 1


[insert youtuber impersonator line here] 
haha texas shotgun man goes boom 

machine man slot 2

use zappy arm thing that goes kame kame ha, it delet projectile 

machine man slot 3


use southern hospitality, it good metal stick to whack machine with. 
Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2 

how to play the healing one



thats it 

how to play the hitscan piss man


hitscan piss man gameplay

make sure to stand still, this make gun more accurate, and make sure to stand out in the open so you can see more 

hitscan piss man slot 1

as the hitscan piss man from teamless defense fortress 2 make to use the piss rifle, press M2 and wait until you hear the little “ping” then shoot people in the feet, do not aim for head, it too hard to hit 

hitscan piss man slot 2


hitscan piss man slot 3

piss enabler 
Team Fortress 2 how to excel at the teamless defense fortress 2 

how to play annoying baguette one





Written by nubs

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