Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information 1 -
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information 1 -

Quick explanation about how works the rank system in Mega Man Zero []. ENJOY 😀


Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information - RESULT SCREEN - FD28DFB
MISSION SUCCESS : Usually is the mission objective ( Pass Stage, Protect or Destroy something/someone ). Max Points you can obtain is 20 points 😀
CLEAR TIME : Every Stage/ Mission has a specific time to get the max points, in this case 20 points is the max too.
ENEMY : Same as Clear time every mission has specific amount of enemies to kill. Max Points here is 15 points.
DAMAGE : Shows Damage points you take during the mission. Less Damage more points :). Max you can get is 15 points, and in MegaMan Zero 4 changed to 20 points.
RETRY : You Start with MAX points 15 points, but every time you die and Retry ( Continue ), you lose points. So Don’t Die Easy Right ? 🙂
ELF : Okay…. First of all you Start with 15 points, in MegaMan Zero 1 and 2 using any kind of cyber-elf will reduce points and can be negative points XD. In MegaMan Zero 3 using fusion elves will reduce points. Satellite Cyber-Elves will not reduce points :D. In MegaMan Zero 4 you Start with 0 Points and becomes negative if your Cyber-Elf ability beyond it’s max limit.
*WEATHER : Only in MegaMan Zero 4. You obtain 10 points for completing the mission with Normal Weather, and get no points for using the weather that makes easier the boss. Completing the stage with Normal Weather will give you the EX SKILL
TOTAL : Your Total Amount of Points. 100 points is the max you can get 🙂
AVERAGE : Added in MegaMan Zero 3 for the Result Screen. In MegaMan Zero 1 and 2 exist but it’s not shown in the Result Screen. Basically Shows your Average points through the game. 😀


First of all, Points that matters are Average points, meaning that if your average is above or equal the Rank you want is the Rank you get :D. Here comes the Ranks

S 96-100
A 86-95
B 76-85
C 66-75
D 56-65
E 46-55



Well InMegaMan Zero 1 you just get a special move for every boss so that equals Harder. Getting an A Rank or above unlocks the special move
In MegaMan Zero 2 and 3 works the same as 1 but also you get rewarded with something called EX-SKILL, special moves that zero can do and use every time you want :D. EX SKILLS definitely makes Zero ( Z Series ) to Zero ( X Series ). They are worthy as hell if you want more movesets and in Z3 there’s the Combo System that makes Zero 3 to Devil May Cry 3 LOL
In MegaMan Zero 4 doesn’t matter because EX SKILL is obtained through the Weather System. Zero 4 has a good Combo System too ( I’m not good in Zero 4 xd so i can’t say a lot XD)
Examples of EX-SKILLS
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information - DOES MATTER THE RANK? - DE03B19
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information - DOES MATTER THE RANK? - 37BD126


S Ranking stages is Hard as hell at least in Zero 1 and Zero 2 but is fun also, basically S ranking is how Zero does the mission, perfect 🙂
Hope you enjoy the content and use it to your gameplay and be a GOD GAMER 😀
If something is wrong just tell me. Check this art from Copy X and Have Fun in Zero Series! 😀
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information - CONCLUSION - D9D8BE8

Written by SilentBlack

Here we come to an end for Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Ranking/Level System Information hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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