Yakuza 3 Remastered Ultimate Match – Challenge Match 3 & 4 Actions

Yakuza 3 Remastered Ultimate Match – Challenge Match 3 & 4 Actions 1 - steamsplay.com
Yakuza 3 Remastered Ultimate Match – Challenge Match 3 & 4 Actions 1 - steamsplay.com
This guide details all the actions you need to do for the Ultimate Match – Challenge Matches 3 & 4 with PC controls.



I originally had quite a bit of trouble completing the Ultimate Match Challenge Matches 3 & 4 because I didn’t remember the key presses for some of the actions. Other online guides weren’t helpful since they only included console controls and not PC controls. I also couldn’t find the key presses for some of these actions within the game. For example, after you first learn the Komaki Dragon King Essence from Komaki, there’s no way for you to relearn the key presses—you only get one chance to learn the move! 
After much testing, trial and error, and trying to align console controls to PC controls, I have finally fleshed out the PC key presses for all the actions within Challenge Matches 3 & 4. I hope this guide saves you from hours of frustration with trying to figure out the PC controls for these actions. 

Challenge Match 3

Challenge Match 3 has you following the director’s instructions within the time limit. Basically, you need to complete a series of heat actions. 
Below are the required actions in order: 

  1. Komaki Firearm Flip – Build up your heat bar to the blue area. Then press RMB (right mouse button) near the enemy with a gun. 
  2. Sly Wolf – Build up your heat. Press 2 (on the keyboard number row) to pull out your knife. Gather near a group of enemies and press RMB. You’ll know you’ve done the right heat action when the game prompts you with 2-3 QTEs, and it will show 3-4 enemies all falling down from your knife cuts. If you don’t get the QTE prompts and the cutscene only shows one enemy being slain, then you didn’t do this heat action correctly. 
  3. Komaki Dragon King Essence – Build up to red heat. Put away your knife by pressing ` (also the ~ key). When standing in front of an enemy, press the middle mouse button to enter a fighting stance. As the enemy is about to hit you, press E (this part is called the Komaki Parry). Basically, as the enemy lifts his arm to strike, press E; also make sure that there are no other enemies around you or else Kiryu will just grab another enemy. Wait about 1 second until you see stars on top of the enemy’s head and then press RMB. If done right, a short cutscene will play that has a red tint to it. Don’t press RMB immediately after you press E—you must wait a little bit until you see the circle of stars on the enemy’s head. 
  4. Essence of Smoking – In order to take out a cigarette, press ` (~) when you are unarmed and there are no enemies around. Wait until Kiryu lights up his cigarette and then press RMB near an enemy. You will need to build up heat. 
  5. Essence of Dagger (Wall) – Build up your heat. Press 2 to bring out your knife. Find an enemy near a wall and then press RMB to do the heat action. You’ll know you’ve done it correctly when Kiryu stabs the enemy and pins him to the wall. Note that when I tried to grab an enemy with E, it wouldn’t work (Kiryu would just do a dagger trick instead), so just find an enemy already near a wall, then press RMB. 
  6. Essence of Head Bashing – Build up to red heat. Then grab one of the white-suited enemies and press RMB when he’s near another enemy. You can also grab an enemy with E, pull him near another enemy, and then press RMB. If done correctly, Kiryu will literally bash one enemy’s head into the other enemy’s head.


Challenge Match 4

Challenge Match 4 has you following the children’s instructions within the time limit. Some of these actions are heat actions while others don’t require any heat. 
Below are the required actions in order: 

  1. Komaki Tiger Drop – Build up to blue heat. Knock down an enemy by pressing MMB (middle mouse button), and as he’s about to strike, press RMB. Once he’s on the ground, press RMB again. You’ll need to complete 1-2 QTEs. 
  2. Double Finishing Blow – You don’t need heat for this one. Press LMB, LMB, LMB, RMB, RMB in that order in front of an enemy, making sure to land all your strikes on him. 
  3. Dropkick – Run towards an enemy and press RMB as you’re about to reach him. No heat needed. 
  4. Komaki Cat-Like Reflexes – Make sure you have no heat for this. Your goal is to get knocked down, but right before you fall down to the ground, press Space. Just let the enemies hit you and spam Space as you’re falling down. You’ve done it correctly when instead of falling down, Kiryu flips back up. 
  5. Komaki Dodge Shot – No heat needed. As an enemy is about to hit you, press Space to dodge. Then press RMB. 
  6. Knockdown Reversal – No heat needed. When an enemy knocks you down, spam RMB before you fall to the ground. Kiryu will not fall down and will attack the enemy instead. 
  7. True Lotus Flare First – Face an enemy and hold RMB until you are fully powered up. When you start holding RMB, you will first see thin swirls; then, you will see orbs; finally, Kiryu will start doing a crouched stance. When he does the crouched stance, wait 1-2 seconds then release RMB, and he will attack the enemy. You don’t need to start with any heat, but doing this action will charge up the heat meter.


Written by daevilpenguin

This is all for Yakuza 3 Remastered Ultimate Match – Challenge Match 3 & 4 Actions hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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