We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

This is a complete guide of We Were Here Forever. This guide will contein all the information you need to complete this game like puzzle solution’s and how to get all the achievements.
We will be adding information about achievements and puzzles as we discover it.
We hope this guide will be useful to you 🙂
If you have any questions ask us in the comments, we will answer you as soon as possible <3

Chapter 1 – The Keep – Part 1

The Gaols

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 6E5A4F9
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 9C2BED9

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 7C8636E
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 4133DFD

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - D0B9402
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - A52ECDD

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - A711CB6
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 4AE4DBA

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - DE3D64B
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 02D172C

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 9A15336A Way Out of Here
Escaped from the prisons


The Chasm

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - C6ED89B
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 8077B86

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - C653136
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 3213C07

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 54EEA74
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - B06E3FA
↑ In this puzzle your partner will get random figures (left image) and you will have to tell him the corresponding figure (right image). We think this is random so the image on the right hand side is just for illustration.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 958E198

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - C4C0117

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - A44A1DD
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - EA5DEDE
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 26D1C4C
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - DF0AAE7

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 2D981ED
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 96C12BE
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 958E198
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - E9556D0
↑ To be able to do this puzzle you must have taken 4 video tapes that you will use in the projector.Once you put them all in the projector, follow this sequence:
Key → Button Panel (Left Image) → Press both red buttons → Back lever + Wheel → Chain → Blue botton → Key

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - F0413C1
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 4E861E2
↑ Pay attention to the number of dots that the circle has, not in the position.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - A5411FCTwo Halves
Escaped from the chasm


The Vault

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 7D61E3C
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 66DCB13
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - A9C39DF
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - C43A148
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 1046C55
↑ You have to tell your partner what symbols you see and in what position they are. He will have to find the symbols and the positions in the books.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 90816D4
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - BABF2C2
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - F49A6CF
↑In this puzzle you will have to select the part of the compass that you want to move (square, pentagon or circle) and thus be able to put both the same, your partner’s and yours. The green light indicates which part is ready to be moved.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 0EBB56BCarried
Escaped from the deep dungeons
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 4CAE926Projecting
Assisted in escaping from the deep dungeons


The Trials

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 5B5848C
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 9CF69CC
↑Your partner will have to tell you the order of the figures and you will have to go through them creating a path that does not disable you from going to the other areas. We think this part is random so photos are for reference only.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 672A557
↑You must memorize the symbols that appear because when you activate the lever they will disappear. You will have to go to those symbols in order (you can go straight, there is no specific path) and wait for the time to run out. Once the time is up, the other symbols will rise and you can go to the next one.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 672A557
↑This is the same as the first part of The Trials, but this time you will about the walls that are in the way to create your path.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - F1E0796
This is the same mechanic that you had in the second trial but this time there are three added symbols below that are the ones you can NOT step on. Just avoid them on your way, wait for the time to run out and go for the next one. The forbidden symbols change every round.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - A7B8542Live Entertainment
Survived the trials
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 1 - 10249AEBlood Sport
Assisted in escaping from the trials

Chapter 1 – The Keep – Part 2

The Memento

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 97F46CA
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 8E7BECE
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 1BFCD5E
↑Indentify your side and follow the next steps:
1. Player R: enter Portal 1, go up green ramp and press red switch.
2. Player L: enter Portal 5, go up red ramp and press green switch.
3. Player R: press red switch, enter Portal 2 and go up green ramp.
4. Player L: press green switch.
5. Player R: go up yellow ramp and reach Portal 3 (does not enter).
6. Player L: press green switch.
7. Player R: go up yellow and green ramp, press yellow switch and go up yellow ramp.
8. Player L: press green switch, enter Portal 6, go up red and green ramp, and enter Portal 8.
9. Player R: press green switch and then press yellow switch.
10. Player L: go up yellow ramp and wait there.
11. Player R: press yellow switch, go up yellow ramp and press green switch.
12. Player L: go up green ramp, enter Portal 9, press blue switch, enter Portal 9 and go down green ramp.
13. Player R: press green and yellow switch.
14. Player L: go down yellow ramp and enter Portal 8.
15. Player R: press yellow switch, go up yellow ramp and press green switch.
16. Player L: go down green and red ramp, enter Portal 6 and press green switch.
17. Player R: press yellow switch, go down yellow and green ramp and enter Portal 3.
18. Player L: press green switch.
19. Player R: go down green ramp, go up blue ramp, press blue switch and go up blue and yellow ramp.
20. Player L: enter Portal 6, go up red and green ramp and enter Portal 8.
21. Player R: press green switch.
22. Player L: go up yellow, red, green and yellow ramp and enter Portal 7.
23. Player R: go down yellow and blue ramp, enter Portal 4 and press blue switch.
24. Player L: go up blue ramp.
25. Player R: press blue switch.
26. Player L: go up blue ramp reaching the goal.
27. Player R: enter Portal 4, go up blue, yellow and blue ramp reaching the goal.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 6BC694FThis Takes Two
Escaped from the Jesters’ Toybox


The Illusions

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 0CCEB4A
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 41D69D7
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 6070F88
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 95CDA13
↑Follow the next steps:
1. Player 1 match both accordions, goes in and actives watch’s crown.
2. Player 2 match both green shoes, goes in and actives watch’s crown.
3. Player 2 match both dices and goes in.
4. Player 1 and 2 match both lutes and player 1 goes in.
5. Player 1 and 2 match both cards, player 2 goes in and actives watch’s crown.
6. Player 1 and 2 match both jester’s hat and player 2 goes in.
7. Player 1 and 2 match both blue trumpets and player 1 goes in.
8. Player 1 and 2 match both lyres and player 1 goes in.
9. Player 2 match both cards and goes in.
10. Player 1 and 2 match both portals, goes in and actives watch’s crown to enter the big portal.
11. Player 1 match both eggs and goes in.
12. Player 1 and 2 match both red chess pieces and player 2 goes in (to be in cursed zone).
13. Player 1 turn plataform to make player 2 match both cursed masks and goes in.
14. Player 2 turn plataform to make player 1 match both jester’s rod and both balls with crown, goes in and return to normal zone.
15. Player 1 goes in through jester’s rods (to be in cursed zone).
16. Player 2 match both skulls and also the keys in the cursed zone for player 1, both goes inside, now player 2 is in cursed zone and P1 in normal zone.
17. Player 1 match both eggs and goes in.
18. Player 1 match portals for both players, now both can go in actives watch’s crown and leave the area through the big portal.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 624E0BCMind Games
Escaped from the Jesters’ realm
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 1 - The Keep - Part 2 - 40B7F71Escape Royale
Escaped from the keep

Chapter 2 – The Chapel

The Broken Road

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - C988F29
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 010B803
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 458A07D
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 1C4E4C4
↑Follow the next instructions:
1. Bartholomeus the King + Rudolf the Court Jester
2. Alard the Clockenmakere + Yde the Steenhouwere
3. Hylle the Glaseblasere + Ysebrant the Bronsghieter
4. Emilia the Princess + Katherine the Princess

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - B7CA6CECapitulum Carnival
Solved the riddles
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - ECC1631Get A Head of Yourself
Assisted in solving the riddles


The Pledge

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - D85DF1F
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 893F532
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 5E80234
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 275D6C6
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 39FA1AD
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - C5C60E7


The Resistance

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 22E2220

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 7E6F501Guess Whomst?
Discovered the realms’ defiance
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - 5CF258ERefrain of Resistance
Discovered the secrets of the Resistance


The Hymn

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 2 - The Chapel - B57E503
↑Hit the following sequences on the organ:

Chapters 3, 4 and 5 can be played in any order. Depends on which path you take. Each time you finish a chapter return to the chapel and add the new part in the astrolabe.

Chapter 3 – The Graveyard

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 75A83C8The Royal Graveyard
Entered the Royal Cemetery


The Seal

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - B989DEB
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - C086A1D
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - AE3178A
↑Place the seals in the correct positions. Use the elevator (right image) to swap the seals with your partner. Each seal can only be next to the others of the stone.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 7D09CDDObsolete Obol
Unlocked the catacombs


The Lost

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 4ED5F55
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 5C53C6F
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - B4C8989
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 9A4CB1A
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 2370A46
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 674C829
↑Give the pickaxe to your partner using the water well so you can use the pickaxe to open this tombs.
The keys are inside. Use the well to pass the keys to the other player.
1. Truden (1256-1339) Family: Clokenmakere
2. Reynwi (1261-1339) Family: Glaseblasere
3. Gertruid (1232-1310) Family: Steenhouwere
4. Ysebrant (1207-1285) Family: Bronsghieter
5. XXX (1253-1331) Family: Bronsghieter

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - CD358DADescendants Inheritance
Unlocked the treasure vault
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 64029F6Grave Sins
Assisted in unlocking the treasure vault


The cache

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - F3AED54
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 3180558
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - EE0B7A8
↑Use the map to find the clues. Tell the other player where is the cross.
↑Use the clues to find the tombs.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 5A0E6D6Cache Chase
Discovered hidden treasures
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - EDE4B78X Marks the Plot
Assisted in discovering hidden treasures
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 3 - The Graveyard - 8053927The Seer
Obtained the lens of the Astrolabe

Chapter 4 – Rockbury

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - 0E4B246The Ruins of Rockbury
Entered the Ruins of Rockbury


The Ruins of Rockbury

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - A07DF72
↑You have to turn the platform until you leave your partner in the lower area on your left side, where there will be a lever that he will have to activate so you can access the area on your right side. Keep turning the platform until you can leave your partner in the upper area and then go to the lower area using the platform, you will find and elevator that will reunite you with your partner

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - F470387Incandescent
Realigned the light beam


The Reflections

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - A37FB36
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - 7F66EE8
↑Take all the glass panels and put them as we indicate in the drawing. At the end of this puzzle the reflection of the howl must be seen like the first picture, if the reflection doesn’t look like that, the upper player may need to turn the crystal.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - 1D3BD65Reflections
Discovered Rockbury’s secret
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - A530B7EBangle Angle
saAssisted in discovering Rockbury’s secret
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 4 - Rockbury - CF0B66DThe Coordinator
Obtained the rete of the Astrolabe

Chapter 5 – The Foundry

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - C23540AThe Sunken Mines
Entered the Sunken Mines


The Expedition

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 7F5D9C8
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 8BA8800
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 7EBE526
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 35C8F6F
↑In this puzzle your partner will have to go to the sunken mines while you stay in the area of ​​pipes and maps. The mines are made up of different floors connected to the pipe room. Your partner will have to open different water faucets that will unlock the closed doors of the pipe room while you will have to connect the different pipes indicated with geometric icons to provide your partner with oxygen and unlock the doors that will allow him to go down to the following levels.
You will be able to guide your friend by looking at the different statues around the mines, since these are indicated on the maps.
These images will provide you with an example of the parts we need to pay attention to.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - EA236DBAquatic Claustrophobic
Navigated the sunken mines
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - D468B89Breathtaker
Assisted in navigating the sunken mines


The Nautilus

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 02ADCFB
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - D7EA7EC
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 4576B97
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 4DE181E
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 61D0A2B
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 246A0A0
↑Just copy that patterns.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 594FB5AConnecting the Dots
Refueled the Nautilus


The Deep

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - EA4A960We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 25A88F8We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - ED737CBWe Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 924FC7E

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 17A00E0Diplomatic Entity
Assisted in negotiations with the guardian
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - BC5EA3BMonster Bargain
Negotiated with the guardian


The Assembly

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 7A536F9
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 40FB131
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 3424E05
↑This part is a bit complicated to give a concrete solution, so I will explain how we did it to create the 6 potions within the indicated time.
You will see that on each side there are different machines, some work with liquids (yellow, green, orange and blue) and others work alone. Once you start, our recommendation is that you try to make the red potions first, constantly communicating with your partner so that the crafting is fluid. After making the red ones you will see that there is a “dead time” in which you cannot do much, take the opportunity to make the 3 blue potions and leave the green one for the last one. Try that at the time of making the green potion you already have all the materials at your disposal.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - 6C335FBDome of Creation
Reforged the base of the Astrolabe
We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 5 - The Foundry - ACD2D6BThe Foundation
Obtained the base of the Astrolabe

Chapter 6 – Finale

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - 00E5FA9The Solution
Unlocked the Bell Tower
↑ Put all the crystals in the astrolabe.


The Finale

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - 864B128
↑ Just align the laser with the spheres of light.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - 915947BExodus
Restored the device

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - B478D29Forlorn
Paid the ultimate price
↑ Choose to die in the endgame.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - 8345755Evermore
Escaped.. but at what cost?
↑ Let your partner die.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - 8B161BAOne Must Remain
Escaped from Castle Rock
↑ Finish the game.

We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide - Chapter 6 - Finale - A017051Best Friends Forever
Invite a friend to play We Were Here Forever!

Written by Obe, kingodrunk

This is all for We Were Here Forever Full Achievements Guide hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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