V Rising Private Server Settings Editor

V Rising Private Server Settings Editor 1 - steamsplay.com
V Rising Private Server Settings Editor 1 - steamsplay.com

A quick guide on downloading and using my V Rising private server settings editor. It’s written in python, html, css, and JS. It can be ran as a python program utilizing the source, or with the downloadable binary on github. It’s not finished yet, but I hope it helps.

Download and Run

Head on over to my github – [github.com] 

You have 2 options depending on what you’d like to do, as someone hosting a server, either option should be plenty easy.
This video walks through all the steps.

YouTube player

Download and run the source code
Keep in mind you will need python installed on your computer to run the source code

  • While on the page linked above, click the green “Code” button
  • Now click on “Download ZIP”
  • Unzip the file wherever you’d like
  • Now we need to get eel, open your CMD
  • run this command: “pip install eel”

Once that command finishes, you can run “main.py” and you’ve successfully ran this from source
Download and run the executable
You do not need any extra software to run the executable

  • While on the page linked above, click the “Releases” button on the right
  • Select the latest release ~ “Early Access with 50 dollars of DLC” at the time of writing this
  • select main.zip unless you’d prefer to run the source
  • Open up the zip that was downloaded, and drag the folder to a location of your choice

You can now run the exe file and start editing your server.

Written by Minx

Here we come to an end for V Rising Private Server Settings Editor hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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