Suzerain Best Ways How to Pass Reformist Reform Tips

Suzerain Best Ways How to Pass Reformist Reform Tips 2 -
Suzerain Best Ways How to Pass Reformist Reform Tips 2 -

This guide is one of a couple of ways to pass the most reformist reform as possible, which includes the 3% threshold, Justices impeachment, and the removal of Soll’s Member of Honor. Its harder than normal reform, but I assure you its doable. Hell, I will raise the stakes by putting Soll on trial, fixing economy, and making sure you gets re-elected without getting threatened by coup or impeachment.

While there are many variations and this is definitely not the only way to do it, I will try to include every details I can so you, the player, knows the reasons why I picked a certain decisions and the consequences.

Also, this guide will contains a lot of spoiler, since I will be commenting on a lot of characters, and I suggests not following this guide if this is your first run.

Let’s start Mr. President

How the Assembly voting Works

As you might known, one of the hardest part of passing a reformist run is to pass it at the Assembly. I won’t mince words, you will need 167 votes to make sure it pass (more on that later), and you will need to do plenty of bribing to reach that.

Let’s start by mentioning each of the people we need to convince. On usual case, the votes from all of USP and PFJP is enough to reach 2/3 at assembly. However, since we are doing a very reformist one, Gloria won’t support you, and it will costs you half of USP votes. That’s why you will need to get votes by convincing the independents, having Tusk (or Koronti) at your side so they help you bribe people at Assembly, and you will need to do a bit lobbying too. Who could have thought money buys democracy?

If you aren’t interested in the details, you can skip the next few of character introductions and go straight to ‘Let’s Start” section.

Also, if you are a socialist, the guide starts below under the “socialist label”

USP Conservatives Wing (Gloria Tory)

Gloria holds the conservatives wing. Usually, she doesn’t want you to change too many points on the reform, and will ask you not to privatize Healthcare and SSC, and cancel your wife’s speech if you promise her that.

The bad news is, passing the 3%, impeach Justices, and remove MoH will never be accepted by Gloria. As such, you will practically lose half of USP support in this run. To make matter worse, she is the speaker of MP, so she will raise the requirement from 166 to 167 when you didn’t have her support.

The good news is since she won’t support our super reform, you didn’t promise her anything, which means you can privatize health and majority of SSC and Nedam for extra budget. Amazing right?

P.S On the latest patch, I suggest not privatizing health to maintain your popularity

USP Reformist Wing (Albin Clavin)

Albin holds the reformist wing, and fortunately, he should be able to quickly give you his support if you follow this guide. The only problem is that if you want to keep your decree, he won’t help you unless you bribe him ( 1 wealth) or offer him VP position. Personally, I don’t think the normal decree matters, but do as you wish.

PFJP (Frens Ricter)

PFJP is the opposition, and he is willing to help your reform now. Fortunately, since you will be lowering threshold and veto campaign finance bill, you should be able to get his support easily in this run.

Just to make sure though, if you decide to ask about his departure to Arcasia, say that you will trust him. No point on antagonizing him at this stage.

Note that Ricter despite claiming that he supports you, his deputy (and the rest of PFJP) still has her doubt, so make sure your popularity isn’t reduced too much. If you do, her wing might pull her votes!

Independents (Mansoun Leke)

Leke holds the independent. While the independent has small seat, you will also need their support too since practically every votes count. He will support you when you veto NFP’s racist Bills, and passing Worker’s Bill also please him. Fortunately, the super reform will really please him because of the chance to put Soll on trial, so you can skip worker’s bill if you want to save budget (or just want to go full capitalist like me).

Oligarchs (Walter Tusk and Marcel Koronti)

Now then, onto our final ally, Tusk and Koronti. Koronti will offer his help to boost your popularity for a small offer, while Tusk promises to lobby the assembly for you if you do what he asked. In general, here is what they want:

1. Tusk, as the leader, will offer you bribe in exchange for choosing Underhall as the company for your first mega project (costs 2 budget total)

2. If you didn’t start a project, he will asks you to bailout business instead. (1 budget)

3. At dinner later, he will asks you to lower big corporation tax (2 budget)

And such, the cheapest way to please them is to skip first mega project, bailout business, and lower taxes, which will costs 3 budget in total.

Finally, Koronti’s deal. His small favor isn’t exactly small, since he want you to topple Tusk for him. Luckily there is a way to circumvent this. When he calls later before the big 4 ownership, Koronti will asks if you would like to privatize companies. Lie to him, and said you want to nationalize, and Koronti will burn his favor for not nationalizing his company. Agree to that, and don’t promise anything to him when he asks to topple Tusk.

After that, you can privatize majority of SSC and Nedam and share them both. This should guarantee support from both of them, and they should stop asking you favor. Sheesh

Oh yes, this won’t be the case if you are on a socialist path. I will address it below at the socialist guide, so be sure to check it out.

Anton Rayne (You, or your popularity)

Finally, your popularity. People’s opinion is also reflected in MP’s opinion. This is why I refrained from cutting welfare funding since it will make people react negatively, even more when you are going for the capitalist route. Too unpopular will make USP moderates and some PFJP members hesitate to vote for you. This is why Koronti’s deals help on helping you keep your popularity.

Do note that going too pro-business (like privatizing too much, lowering big tax, and reducing small one at the same time), will reduce your popularity. To check, if there is a report that states “President Approval Negative” before voting, you are kind of doomed. Sorry

Let’s Start (Turn 1) (Capitalist Run)

Alright, let’s begin

1. I suggest picking wealthy, or at least middle class so you have more wealth to lobby. Your degree shouldn’t matter too much, though I suggests Law in case you aren’t good with swaying Justices later.

2. On your promises, I suggests picking west alignment or neutral, promise Free Market, relaxed immigration, and Health.

This is going to be a Free Market West leaning run, since you want to be buddies with Oligarchs.

3. Agree on meeting with Koronti

4. Veto the Campaign Finance Bill (duh)

5. Pick Free Market as promised, but reject plans for the megaproject

I know, this is a weird decision, but I assure you, we will need every budget we can to prevent economic crash, and skipping first mega project saves you 2 budget. We will please Oligarch in other way, and I assure you, you can win the game without the first one. You have my words, Sordland will still be standing with recovered economy.

6. Invest in stocks, I suggest 2 wealth

Turn 2

1. Visit affected towns to reduce unrest. Remember, popularity!

2. As expected, Tusk will come and will attempt to bribe you to bailout business. Since we will do it anyway, do as you wish.

3. Accept Koronti’s deal. Alright, you should have your popularity intact for now

4. Go to the funeral to reduce unrests

5. I personally choose to condemn embassy closure here, but this shouldn’t be important

Update: later, there will be an option to ban any of the political organizations. Don’t do that, ut will cause more chaos

6. Do not declare emergency

I must stress that if you do, your run ends here.

Budget Management for turn 3 and 4

Alright, this chapter and the next one is a bit more difficult, so I suggest doing some save scumming if you are uncertain. I will combine the two turn together so you have ideas what to expect.

To avoid economy crashing because of trade war, I try to keep budget at -2 after education privatization. To count, since we have 2 budget (assuming you skip first megaproject), we have 4 budget to spend, 5 if we include budget from privatization.

Due to the change of the tax system, I will mention a few options here. Since you can only lower big corporation taxes without increasing small one when you have 0 budget or more, the ideas of spending change slightly. Fortunately, tax is now buffed, making a regional investment not mandatory anymore.

There are two plans I could think of which I call Plan A and Plan B

Plan A requires you to fund health and education (or swap education with worker’s bill), and lower the corpo tax without increasing the small one.

1. Spend 1 on health

2. Spend 1 on education

3. On tax meeting, spend 2 on lower corpo tax

4. Privatize education to regain 1 budget.

This is the one I recommend since with this, you can privatize health later and give the project to Taurus to save budget since your popularity remains intact.

Plan B requires you to fund health, education, and invests on region. After that, you can reduce big one while increasing the small one.

1. Spend 1 on health

2. Spend 1 on education

3. Spend 1 on Agnland investment

3. On tax meeting, spend 1 to lower corpo tax and increase the small one

4. Privatize education to regain 1 budget.

Plan B is riskier, since your popularity will drop, so if you do this, do not privatize health and give second project to Underhall to make Oligarchs likes you more. The good thing is, economic recovery is very fast.

Reform Package Finalization, and convincing USP Wing Leaders

Alright, time to put the draft.

The reform package, details:

Section 1:

Limit Vetoes

(This should ensure you can veto NFP’s dumb bills later in the game)

Section 2:

Remove Supreme Court’s veto

Section 3:

The Assembly and Supreme Court may impeach

(should make it harder for you to be impeached)

Section 4:

Confidence vote for Minister


Section 5:

Decrease to 3%

(This is what we want, don’t missclick!)

Section 6:

Decrees requires enabling act

(If you want to keep decree, bribe Albin later. Personally I don’t think decrees is necessary, since you did more than enough with super reform already)

Section 7:

Two Term Limits

(another freebie, you aren’t a dictator)

Section 8:

Judges can be impeached by Assembly

(Important to remove Hawker. Your retirement is up old man)

Section 9:

Abolish Honorary Membership

(Very important, and guarantees independent Support)

After that, there should be a meeting with Gloria, and she will not give you support as expected. The next one, Albin, shouldn’t be a problem.

After that, there will be a USP speech. I have no idea what increases or decreases your popularity, but make sure:

1. Do not mention anything about putting Soll on trial

2. Mention that reform will increase USP’s popularity

3. I choose order them since it will please conservatives.

Later, there will be another speech in front of all MP’s. I basically make a speech about democracy, united Sordland, and ask them to join the voting. Again, don’t mention about putting Soll on trial.

Turn 5

At this turn, Gus should inform you that your investment returns. Congrats

1. Arcasia should offer you budget. Accept it because why not?

2. Veto the Religious Bill for independent support

3. Decide to relax immigration.

4. When you go to Petr’s party, its a good opportunity to check your relation with Oligarch. If Gus offer’s you Underhall shares, it means your relation with them is good (basically you can join the cool kids club if you buy the shares). Do as you wish, but keep your wealth to 2 at minimum to lobby. On this run, I invests in FC Anrica to increase popularity (and if you pay for Serge’s kid, you can watch football together with him, but its optional).

4. For Agnolia, I suggests recognize island for them to save budget, and form alliance.

5. Refuse Wehlen’s deal since we want good relations with Lespia later.

6. If you maintain funding, Iosef will asks that you reform military to buy better gears, or modernize if you fund military. Agree to reform/modernize.

Turn 6

1. Iosef will asks for a meeting and asks to remove mandatory conscription. Agree to do that.

2. There should be an economic meeting later and you can choose your second megaproject. If you follow Plan A, you can pick Taurus to save budget later, but if you are going for Plan B, I suggests giving it to Underhall to please Oligarchs

Oh yes, if you have your hands on Underhall shares, imagine the profit if you give it to Underhall, just make sure nobody knows.

3. This is the time to decide whether you want to privatize health or not. As in the requirement, if you didn’t increase tax for small one, feel free to privatize like Plan A, but if you follow Plan B, keep it on state control.

4. Next is education. For me, I choose to build new school, and chooses both evolution and creationism.

After this, there should be a prompt to lobby assembly. Give 2 wealth at least to please assembly. Don’t worry, everybody did that.

If you are on new patch and you have 4 budget, you can use all of your money if you are in doubt.

5. Finally meeting with Ricter. He shouldn’t give you a problem.

Turn 7

We should be close to the end.

1. Koronti should call you and asks for his favor. As we planned, said you want to nationalize, agree to leave HOS alone, and choose not to pick a side when you want to privatize. Be polite.

2. After that, said to Lucian that you want to privatize. For me, I privatize majority of both SSC and Nedam for 3 budget

3. There should be a meeting with Tusk and Koronti later. Choose not to take Koronti’s car (too flashy for me), and agree to give both of them equal shares. Do this right, and its the last time you will deal with them. Tusks will give you the vote at assembly, while Koronti maintains your image.

4. Alright, the moment of truth, the voting time. For me, I quickly votes, then yell to make the MP vote faster. On this run, I get exactly 167 votes. Ricter will asks for alliance, but I personally choose no. You took your time to read this guide, plan ahead, and pass the super hard reform, you deserves all the credit.

5. After the cinema scene, there should be an option to grant Rumburg’s whistleblower asylum. Do it!

6. Your son failed? I send him to military school XD.

7. Finally, the scene with Justice Edmonds. She shouldn’t be hard too convince, but if you are scared that you will fail, there should be other guide on how to convince her. Basically.

-Be polite, wait for her to order, and order salad like her

-Talk about balance and democracy, new process executed in transparency,etc

-Talk about removing Old Guards when she asked about impeachmement.

-Mention Alphonso when she asks about your capitalistic tendency.

-Said that Justices should have Judicial review to strike unconstitutional law

-Promise her centrist Justices has nothing to worry

-Said you can’t silence different ideologies anymore.

-Said you want Soll as an ordinary citizen

(I actually said that I want to put Soll on trial, don’t know which one she likes though)

Ignore Heron, you don’t need his votes.

Congrats, the new constitution has passed. You deserved a pat in the back for your effort.

And Thank you for reading the guide.

Extra Notes

This part is optional, but I think I should mention a couple of things I did as reference.

1. Make sure you impeach Hawker and replace him with the experienced one if you want to put Soll on trial. Alternatively, you can pick Gloria Tory if you have no plan on putting Soll on trial, and placing Tory there should please her and the conservatives wing, at the cost of Heron becoming the Chief Justice (he is as corrupt as Hawker). Personally I prefer the experienced one instead.

P.S This happens at the minister’s meeting. To make sure you have the option, DO NOT say you want to end the meeting. Keep talking about your plan!

I suggest picking a useful plan like investing in the Economy or your popularity (the latter is recommended if Petr said that your popularity is low)

2. You can put Soll on trial now. Amazing I know. He should found guilty when you choose the experienced one.

3. Petr get into scandal? Share the blame and pick Lucian as VP for me.

4. Depending on your Plan, it might be necessary to pick a valuable decree given your state of the economy. If you follow Plan A, you might see that ED is low, for now, but nothing free trade Zone and lower retirement can’t fix. If you go with Plan B, you will have better ED, so feel free to invest in Free Medicine instead.

5. You can always go to war, provided you at least maintain a military budget. Check the war guide if you want, but it’s not necessary.

6. If you put Soll on trial, high chance you will get kicked out of USP. Don’t worry, you are popular enough without USP, and will still win the election.

7. Of course since you invests on health, you can easily stop pandemic. Do it now

Either way, since you reform constitution, fix economy, good welfare, media support, its more than enough to get you re-elected

Is it possible to do this in Socialist route?

Well fortunately it is!

Okay, read below if you are a socialist. Basically, we will do the reverse on what we did on capitalist run. Instead of pleasing the business, we please the people. Instead of staying neutral on Oligarch, we pick Koronti’s side to ensure his support.

This run is different, but only slightly harder than the capitalist run, because Tusk is now your enemy and Socialist have a little more chance to get couped, but we should fine, I assure you Comrade.

Our Allies on Socialist Run

To keep it brief, the assembly members is mostly the same. We will expect no help from Gloria and conservatives, and instead pin it on Albin, Frens Ricter, and Leke as Independent. The one that changed is our relations with Oligarch. Since Tusk’s help is out of the question, we will help Koronti topple Tusk and by doing that, we remove Tusk’s influence so he won’t sabotage the assembly voting.

As something to note, Tusk might leak your deal with Koronti at endgame for revenge, which might be problematic since while it isn’t exactly a crime like murdering someone, Hawker might impeach you since he will be looking at anything to bring you down. Fortunately, you shouldn’t worry since our reform will impeach Hawker, and Koronti’s deal will cover the leak as long as media is not independent.

I think you can have SSP investigate and arrest Tusk, and stopped investigation on Koronti so your cooperation will go unnoticed, so do that if you don’t want any loose ends.

The good news is, since you are going to be doing pro people policy (worker’s right, funding welfare without privatization, etc), you won’t need to worry too much about popularity, which is in a way, make this run slightly easier compared to capitalist route.

Turn 1 (Socialist Run Let’s Start)

Alright, let’s begin our socialist run

1. Same as the previous one, I suggests picking wealthy, or at least middle class so you have more wealth to lobby. Your degree shouldn’t matter too much, though I suggests Law in case you aren’t good with swaying Justices later.

2. On your promises, I suggests picking neutral. We are planning to align east, but it might be better to act neutral for now. Promise health, but now, promise to tighten immigration since we aren’t dealing with Agnolia and chooses Wehlen.

Remember, we are going Planned Economy, East leaning run now. We will be dealing with Wehlen and Valgsland.

3. Agree on meeting with Koronti, same with capitalist.

4. Veto the Campaign Finance Bill (duh)

5. Pick Planned Economy as promised, but reject plans for the megaproject

Again, I know, this is a weird decision but I assure you, we will need every budget we can to prevent economic crash, and skipping first mega project saves you 2 budget. Those budget will be necessary on Planned Economy run because we aren’t going to get extra budget from privatization, and we will need to nationalize company later.

6. Invest in stocks, I suggest 2 wealth

Turn 2

1. Visit affected town to reduce unrest. This should ease tension and keep popularity intact.

2. Tusk will come and will attempt to bribe you to bailout business. We are going to be the man of people here, so refuse his deal. Give stimulus check instead

3. Accept Koronti’s deal. Alright, you should have your popularity intact for now, and you will get strong ally later.

4. Go to the funeral to reduce unrest

Update: later, there will be option to ban any of the political organization. Dont do that, ut will cause more chaos

5. I personally choose to condemn embassy closure here. Some stated that gives advantage on war, so I picked this option.

6. Do not declare emergency when Hawker comes.

I must stress that if you do, your run ends here. Not so different from previous run I guess.

Budget Management for turn 3 and 4

Alright, this chapter and the next one is a bit more difficult, so I suggest doing some save scumming if you are uncertain. I will combine the two turn together so you have ideas what to expect.

To avoid economy crashing because of trade war, I try to keep budget at -2 after education privatization. To count, since we have 2 budget (assuming you skip first mega project), we have 4 budget to spend, 5 if we include budget surplus from raising big corporation tax.

This is how I spend it:

1. Health (-1) as promised

2. Education (-1)

2. Worker’s Bill (-1)

3. Increase big corporation tax (+2) and reduce lower and medium tax (-1) (+1 surplus)

4. Regional investment (I pick Lorren here) (-1)

Since we are doing socialist run, it wouldn’t be right to veto Worker’s Bill, so I pass that.

For Regional investment, I recommend Lorren since Lorren + Morna Port gives good return on investment. Alternatively, Bergia + Wehlen trade + Sarna Agriculture is also good.

If you see closely, the budget at the end of the count is -1, so technically, we can spend one more on this period. These are the options:

1. Keep the budget to spend elsewhere. This is what I did, and you do need extra budget anyway to nationalize later. Having spare is better.

2. Invests on military! Instead of joining CSP later, feel free to guarantee your election by declaring war or provoke Rumburg to declare war. With modernized army/airforce and Valgsland alliance, you will win.

3. Invests on ACP/SSP. You might want to invests on ACP or SSP to arrest Tusk later. Be careful that this might backfire on you, since ACP might discover your dealings with Koronti, and SSP isn’t exactly democratic. Personally its not mandatory, and you can leave Tusk alone at the cost that he might defame you a little bit.

Also, unlike capitalist run, I highly suggests NOT reducing military budget. Communism is disliked on Sordland, and this will increase coup chance, so its better to play safe. Remember, you put Soll on trial is also causing quite a stir.

P.S If you follow this budget management and give stimulus check on early game as mentioned in the guide, you should get “Man of People” achievement. Congrats!

Reform Draft Finalization

Alright, time to put the draft. This is exactly the same with the previous run, but in case you only read the socialist one, here is the draft we are using. Remember not to missclick!

The reform package, details:

Section 1:

Limit Vetoes

(This should ensure you can veto NFP dumb bill and some taxes later in the game)

Section 2:

Remove Supreme Court’s veto

Section 3:

The Assembly and Supreme Court may impeach

(should make it harder for you to be impeached)

Section 4:

Confidence vote for Minister


Section 5:

Decrease to 3%

(This is what we want, again, don’t miss click!)

Section 6:

Decrees requires enabling act

(If you want to keep decree, bribe Albin later. Personally I don’t think decrees is necessary, since you did more than enough with super reform already)

Section 7:

Two Term Limits

(another freebie, you aren’t a dictator)

Section 8:

Judges can be impeached by Assembly

(Important to remove Hawker. Your retirement is up old man)

Section 9:

Abolish Honorary Membership

(Very important, and guarantees independent Support)

After that, there should be a meeting with Gloria, and she will not give you support as expected. The next one, Albin, shouldn’t be a problem.

After that, there will be a USP speech. I have no idea what increases or decreases your popularity, but make sure:

1. Do not mention anything about putting Soll on trial

2. Mention that reform will increase USP’s popularity

3. I choose order them since it will please conservatives.

Later, there will be another speech in front of all MP’s. I basically make a speech about democracy, united Sordland, and ask them to join the voting. Again, don’t mention about putting Soll on trial.

Turn 5

At this turn, Gus should inform you that your investment returns. Congrats

1. United Cortana should offer you budget. Accept it because why not? Make sure you pick United Cortana, not Arcasia!

2. Veto the Religious Bill for independent support

3. Decide to tighten immigration.

4. Around this point, Petr should invite you to his party. Unfortunately, Gus won’t offer you any investments because you didn’t please the business people (boo!). No worries, you won’t be needing them anyway.

Time for some diplomacy:

4. For Agnolia, we won’t be needing their help, and since you tighten immigration, Van Hoorten will certainly dislike you. Feel free to prank him like overpower his handshake, give puppies, etc. When he disagree to offer you trade deal, feel free to threaten him, that prick!

5. Now onto Wehlen. Personally, I found it better to only close border and not join their military operation. That way, you won’t get too involved with them, and still get their good deal (2 budget later)

6. If you maintain funding, Iosef will asks that you reform military to buy better gears, or modernize if you fund military. Agree to reform/modernize.

Turn 6

1. Iosef will asks for a meeting and asks to remove mandatory conscription. Agree to do that.

2. There should be an economic meeting later and you can choose your second mega project. This time since we are doing socialist run, I suggests doing Morna Port if you pick Lorren, or Sarna Zone if you pick Bergia. Pick the Sordish Company since its the cheapest, even though you pass Worker’s Bill. This is the benefit of planned economy, its cheaper with Sordish State Company.

3. This is the time to decide whether you want to privatize health or not. Of course in socialist run, we won’t be doing that. Choose to fix rural treatment for best result.

4. Next is education. For me, I choose to build new school, and chooses both evolution and creationism.

After this, there should be a prompt to lobby assembly. Give 2 wealth at least to please assembly. Don’t worry, everybody did that. This should cements the votes for you.

5. Finally meeting with Ricter. He shouldn’t give you problem.

Turn 7

We should be close to the end.

1. Koronti should call you and asks for his favor. Since this is planned economy, he will asks to leave HOS alone (agree to this) and asks that you nationalize Bergia Steel to topple Tusk (say whatever you want)

2. After that, said to Lucian that you want to nationalize. Ignore what other said, leave HOS alone and nationalize Bergia Steel fully. Yes, fully. This should completely removes Tusk’s influence on assembly, and make Koronti, who is your ally, easily took over. Ignore Mikail’s threat, and let him angry.

3. After that, there should be a scene where Tusk will be forced to sign Bergia Steel nationalization, while you and Koronti laughed at him. If you have SSP, you can instantly arrests him, but this might attract too many attention, and simply undemocratic.

4. Alright, the moment of truth, the voting time. For me, I quickly votes, then yell to make the MP vote faster. On this run, I managed to get 179 votes. Ricter will again asks for alliance, but feel free to refuse since well, you did all the work didn’t you?

5. After the cinema scene, there should be an option to grant Rumburg’s whistleblower asylum. Do it!

6. Your son failed? I send him to military school XD. Nah, you can do what you wish, but I prefer either military or United Cortana.

7. Finally, the scene with Justice Edmonds. She shouldn’t be hard too convince, but if you are scared that you will fail, there should be other guide on how to convince her. Basically:

-Be polite, wait for her to order, and order salad like her

-Talk about balance and democracy, new process executed in transparency,etc

-Talk about removing Old Guards when she asked about impeachmement.

-Mentions that you are not a Malenyevist, but a Socio Democrat

-Said that Justices should have Judicial review to strike unconstitutional law

-Promise her centrist Justices has nothing to worry

-Said you can’t silence different ideologies anymore.

-Said you want Soll as an ordinary citizen

(I actually said that I want to put Soll on trial, don’t know which one she likes though)

Ignore Heron, you don’t need his votes.

Congrats, the new constitution has passed. You deserved a pat in the back for your effort.

And Thank you for reading the second part of the guide. Again, thank you Comrade!

Endgame Tips and Tricks for Socialist

Same as the capitalist path guide, here I will note on how I finish the game.

1. At the meeting, make sure to remember to impeach Justice to remove Hawker, and put Soll on trial if you wish. Remember that this is necessary, since Tusk will try to bring you down by leaking your deal with Koronti, which Hawker might take advantage to impeach you. DO NOT forgot!

2. Remember that communism is again, disliked in Sordland, so I must ask you to remember not to announce that you will put Soll on trial.

3. Again, I have to remember that budget is limited in this run. Hell, I even skip free medicine and lower retirement age decree to save budget for Woman’s liberation later. Don’t worry on skipping budget, you can do extravagant policy later at endgame if your economic bar is full. Do pick the free trade decree since its very good.

Also, try not to let media independent, since again, high chance Tusk will leak your deal with Koronti, which will reduce your popularity.

In short, just remember to keep your budget at -3 at the lowest.

4. Valgsland should be welcoming you due to your consistent planned economy. Agree to the alliance, and feel free to invade the island together with Valgsland. Claim that you join the operation on Kyrute interview to get the achievement.

5. Same as usual, when scandals arise. I share the blame with Petr and pick Lucian as VP

6. There shouldn’t be any more problem after this, and with media support, you can attend Ascraf anniversary safely.

7. Remember to keep Gendarmerie under military! DO NOT give it to Interior!

8. Since everything is stable, you should be able to join CSP without worrying about coup. Remember to join them if you didn’t fund military. It is very hard to get Rumburg sanctioned here, since you deal with Valgsland and Wehlen.

If you do fund military and go to war, remember:

1. Pick Pincer attack and have Vaglsand covers you

2. Rush capital and have Vaglsand cover your flank.

9. Finally, Lileas will challenge you. Don’t worry if you lose, its almost certain when you imprison Soll. Just form new party and you should win easily. I pick the People’s Party (PP) since its fitting for this run.

Hopefully, you will fix economy, welfare, saved from coup and impeachment threat, and gets re-elected.

Written by Natala, Source

Here we come to an end for Suzerain Best Ways How to Pass Reformist Reform Tips hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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