Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone

Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone 1 -
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone 1 -

This guide will tell you what the drone is and how to obtain Advanced Drone!
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What are drones (you can skip this part if you already know)

Before we dive into the specifics of how we get the advanced drone, we must first understand what the drone is.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - What are drones (you can skip this part if you already know) - B1496C0
The drone is an extremely useful gadget, and there are variety of things it can do: such as removing plorts from a plort collector and selling them,
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - What are drones (you can skip this part if you already know) - C2AAA0C
or removing veggies from the garden and putting them in the auto feeder.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - What are drones (you can skip this part if you already know) - EAE09B8
There are a ton of things it can do! But… once you discover the advantages, you will also discover the disadvantages. A potential problem with using drones to automate your base is you can only place two drones in each region. This means that since the drones only operate in the region they were placed in, and that they can only perform one task, you are limited to two tasks per region which may not be enough to automate some bases.
There is, however, a solution and it comes in the form of the advanced drone!

The Advanced Drone

For achieving near full-automation, the advanced drone is the solution. The difference between drones and advanced drones is that while still being limited to two per region, the advanced drone can do two tasks instead of one!
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - The Advanced Drone - AC2285E
This means that you can have 4 tasks per region instead of two, which saves effort, and allows for more slime time!
Unfortunately, you can not simply buy the advanced drone at the lab. Which brings is to our next section.

How to get the advanced drone

As said in the previous section, you can’t get the advanced drone at the lab. To get the advanced drone you must first be allowed into Viktor’s workshop and here’s how.
First, you need to have the Treasure Cracker MKII unlocked. You can do this by crafting 20 gadgets then purchasing it at the vacpack upgrade module. Next you must complete a range exchange (a trade) with Viktor Humphries. Upon completion of the range exchange with Viktor, he will send a partnership message via Starmail and the teleporter in the lab will activate.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - How to get the advanced drone - C9CDD2F
When you go into the teleporter, you will be transported Viktor’s workshop.
The first thing you want to do once in the workshop is press the button on the range exchange machine there. It will look something like this.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - How to get the advanced drone - 4B080E7
He will request help removing glitches from his simulation and will give you 1 manifold cube for every 20 bug reports you give him. You will need manifold cubes to craft advanced drones. Once you have given him a total of 100 bug reports, you will receive the blueprint for what I now know is a chicken duplicator. When you receive the chicken duplicator blueprint, the trade machine will update. While it still gives you manifold cubes, it will now give you the blueprint for the advanced drone for 360 bug reports.
You now can get The advanced drone!

More about drones

Programming Drones

Drones are very useful, but only if you know how to program them. Lucky for us, it is fairly simple.
When you you press the button next to the drone’s “flower”, a box like this should pop up.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - More about drones - EA5FFDD
There are three slots: target, source, and destination. First, select target. A box like this should pop up.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - More about drones - 0139E47
I want my drone to collect plorts, so I simply select plorts. Next, I select source. This tells the drone where to get the plorts. I want it to get them from the plort collectors, so I select plort collectors. Now, I select destination. I want the drone to put the plorts in the plort market, so I select plort market. Then, we can turn the drone on by pressing activate.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - More about drones - 1C6973B
Now the drone will do the task you’ve told it to!

Refueling your drone

The drone, while being mainly independent, still needs to be refueled occasionally. Don’t worry, it is easy to do.
The drone runs on water, and you can tell how much it has by looking at the fuel gauge.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - More about drones - 7D8283A
If a drone runs out of water it will look like this.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - More about drones - 9F2E5A9
To refuel your drone just shoot water at its “flower”.
Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone - More about drones - 3E4EFBE

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Written by joelbeetle8

This is all for Slime Rancher How to obtain the advanced drone hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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