SAS: Zombie Assault 4 Story & Zombies + Weapons Information – Walkthrough Guide

SAS: Zombie Assault 4 Story & Zombies + Weapons Information – Walkthrough Guide 1 -
SAS: Zombie Assault 4 Story & Zombies + Weapons Information – Walkthrough Guide 1 -

Did you ever wonder if SAS:3 and SAS:4 are in the same universe? Well… I did, and I am gonna explain how they are in the same universe…

Story & Zombies

The SAS:3 storyline does not have any indication of time or… Anything…
But that doesn’t mean we can’t pin point where it takes place. SAS:3 has a mobile version that takes place on earth in Europe… Mostly.
The original SAS:3 story ends in the level Black Isle where a helicopter comes to pick the SAS squad. And then… The story ends. It is believed that the squad managed to exterminate every last zombie on the planet. That is not the case because the mobile “expansions” reveal that the zombies are still alive.
The SAS:4 story happens in… 3104 or at least that is what the wiki says. We all know the story of SAS:4 but we’re never given closure. The story doesn’t end in the Steam version and it doesn’t end in the flash version.
These stories might not seem like it but they are related because of the zombies, the similarities are there. Take a look at the zombies from SAS:3 and then the ones from SAS:4…Swarm zombies look similar to Shamblers, Runners make a return from SAS:3 but with some augments because of mutation… I guess, Butchers or… Bloaters make a return from SAS:3, they pack the same wriggly surprise from the last game, Mamushkas do not make a return, Shadow becomes a mutation known as “Dark minion“, Chokers do not make a return in any way and Devastators make a return as well the Devastator
Also Purge Nests make a return from SAS:3
It seems that it is connected in some way but let’s push further…


SAS:3 and SAS:4 to some of you might look like fire and water in the weapon category BUT I have evidence to suggest that isn’t the case…
We all know the premium gun JKH 0.887 C.A.W, right? Well we all know that it looks like but note that it appears in SAS:4 not only in SAS:3, this time it is the HIKS 888 C.A.W (Also note that it looks like the CM Gigavolt and CM 401 Planet Stormer combined)
On another note, we all probably know the M41-A Grendel 12.7 from SAS:3. Look at its description
“The M41-A is the standard issue primary of space marines in the distant future. We got our hands on one and beefed it up to 12.7mm caseless goodness in its new ‘Grendel’ configuration. Mobility? – check. Power? – check. Accuracy? – check. The complete package. Military technology FTW.”
―Premium Weapon Description (Taken from the wiki)
You see what it says right there? “The M41-A is the standard issue primary of space marines in the distant future.“… Standard issue primary of space marines in THE DISTANT FUTURE, could this mean that this was the standard issue primary for the SAS soldiers from SAS:4? I don’t know…
Also you know the first weapons you have in SAS:4? You know the Z-1 Assault, Z-2 LMP and Z-5 Heavy? Yeah completely forgot about those.
The Z-1 looks like an M4 Beowulf but it doesn’t shoot .50 cal I think
The Z-2 LMP looks like an MP5 with some modifications
And the Z-5 Heavy looks like the… Stone LMG 96 and it isn’t in SAS:3
But the evidence I’ve showed you here is enough to convince you that SAS:4 and SAS:3 are in the same universe… But one more thing


So there you have it… SAS:3 and SAS:4 are in the same universe even though they are 2 very different games in terms of enemies, weapons, characters etc.
If you want to add anything please write it in the comments.
Also remember that this is just speculation, this is not official it’s just my thoughts on the SAS series.
If you like what you read make sure to leave a like, commend or award. And I will see you next time.

This is all for SAS: Zombie Assault 4 Story & Zombies + Weapons Information – Walkthrough Guide hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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