Paladins [2021 – ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META

Paladins [2021 – ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 1 -
Paladins [2021 – ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 1 -
Arguably one of the most versatile flanks, Evie is a challenging champion to learn but, i guarantee, she is one of the most rewarding.

Learn her abilities, some engagement tips and just generally how to be a prick to the enemy team!

This guide has some basic concepts for people getting into Evie, and also has some more advanced Evie tips for veteran players. Pretty much a really good read for any Evie player.

If you would like to contribute by adding Info, feel free to DM me on Discord @Octo_π#9645


Introduction to Evie

By playing Evie, you accept that your life during your training arc would be a hell-hole. But hey, once you’ve gone through all the pain, put in that effort, you’ll be an amazing Evie player in no time! 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Evie is the most agile champion in the game. Her abilities focuses primarily on movement, allowing her to zip in and out of dangerous situations like a fly. Evie’s toolkit allows her to harass and pick off vulnerable targets, this makes her one of the most dangerous and annoying champions in the game. 
I will attempt to explain a large amount of topics for this guide, going really in-depth for soon-to-be Evie mains. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading this guide! 
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==== PART I – ABILITIES ====

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - ==== PART I - ABILITIES ==== 

Part I (a) – Abilities (Ice Staff)

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part I (a) - Abilities (Ice Staff) 

Ice Staff – LMB


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Evie’s main weapon is an Ice Staff that deals AOE damage by firing a slow-moving projectile dealing 850 Damage on a direct hit. 

    850 is a lotta damage. To put this into perspective, most support, damage and flank champions have a health pool of 2200 (Without health cards). Therefore, it would take 3 direct hits from Evie’s projectiles to decimate these champions. Although powerful, this weapon comes at a cost – speed. The projectiles are incredibly slow. Therefore, it is imperative that you have good aim and able to predict where your opponent will move next. Missing shots can make a big difference in a fight against any champion.

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
When playing Evie, a lot of beginners tend to make a mistake by placing their crosshair directly AT the target. This is not ideal as you won’t deal any damage if the projectile completely misses your opponent. The best place to aim is right underneath your opponent. This is because even if you miss, the AOE would still be able to do a small amount of chip damage onto them. 
An exception to this rule is champions who have air superiority such as Drogoz, Willo’s ult, etc. You would have to predict their movement and prefire your projectile directly at them.  

Part I (b) – Abilities (Ice Block)


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 

Ice Block – RMB


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Ice block is a defensive ability which allows you to become invulnerable for 3 seconds. Whilst invulnerable, you are unable to move nor use your abilities. 

    This is incredibly useful as you are capable of shrugging off powerful Ultimates and nullify Status Effects. Furthermore, using Ice Box allows you to clear any negative Status Effect/s applied on you. This is very useful when going against Sha-Lin’s cripple or Skye’s debilitate.

As a general rule, IGN: NAMEMEMEMMEMEME & Me agree that there are generally three situations you use Ice Box for. 

Originally posted by ARandomKid_:

There are three crucial times to use Ice Box. 

  • Against a Crowd Control ability 
  • Before getting hit by burst damage 
  • To contest a point

Against a Crowd Control ability 
A Hard Crowd Control ability is an ability which will apply a negative Status Effect to your champion. Currently, there is a list of 9 Hard Crowd Control effects, you can read more on the –
Generally as an Evie player, some of the most annoying Status Effects that you have to deal are: 


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
The stun prevents the target from doing any sort of action.


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Cripple prevents your champion from using movement abilities.


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Root prevents your champion from using movement abilities and from moving.

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
As such, you must activate Ice Box before your opponent attacks. Often, champions who can Stun or Cripple, have an indicator when a Status Effect will be dealt. Learning the indicators for these Status Effects are important. For example, Sha-Lin’s arrow would become orange giving an indicator that he is about to use his Cripple Arrow. This gives you ample time to react. You can use Ice Box to negate the damage from the attack AND avoid the status effect allowing you to strike back, or retreat back to safety. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Before getting hit by burst damage 
Burst Damage means an attack or several attacks capable of dealing a high amount of damage in short time period. These are dangerous attacks as Evie has the lowest health pool of all other champions. As such, you should predict when a burst champion will attempt to fire their utility and Ice Block to negate their damage. An example of this is Cassie’s Blast Shot + Crossbow combo. 
To contest a point 
Evie, being a mobile and nimble champion should be able to reach the point and buy time for her teammates to contest the point. This works best during Overtime before the enemy team captures a point. You can fly and plop onto the point utilizing your Ice Box, allowing for a good 3 seconds before your teammates are able to coordinate and push. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 

Part i (c) – Abilities (Blink)

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part i (c) - Abilities (Blink) 

Blink – Q


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Evie’s primary movement ability. She has the ability to teleport forward a short distance. This is what makes Evie a pain to deal with. This ability allows Evie to pop up at unpredictable places, poking and prodding champions from a variety of different angles. 

    Blink can be used in several ways:

  • When playing offensively, attempt to teleport above the target in an unpredictable angle. 
  • When playing for picks, teleport to somewhere high to give you a height advantage. 
  • When retreating, use blink as a method to teleport somewhere with cover.

When playing offensively 
When dueling an enemy champion, an Evie beginner would attempt to teleport behind, on the side or sometimes even in front of the enemy champion. This is a very good maneuver although a better maneuver would be to teleport above the said enemy champion. It is much easier for the enemy to shoot a target parallel to the floor and much harder to shoot an Evie that attacks practically anywhere in the air. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
This demonstration displays Evie using air-to-ground attacks/bombing attacks through Blink. Because, Octavia was expecting the Evie to walk up the stairs, her aim was low which then allowed Evie to blink above Octavia making it harder for Octavia to hit her shots. Also allowing Evie to Bomb her with AOE damage. 
When playing for picks 
Blink can be used as a method of finding a place to find a pick. An important part of playing Evie is understanding the map you are playing in. You can use blinks to find ledges which will allow you a height advantage to harrass and find frags. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
This player used a blink to teleport on to a ledge behind the enemy allowing her to look for picks. The player took advantage of Pip’s vulnerable position and punished the Pip. 
When retreating. 
An important mistake beginners tend to make when retreating is that they spam blink somewhere random. This is not very effective as it’s very easy to finish off a low health Evie in the open. Instead, aim to Blink somewhere with cover such as behind doors or on ledges that your opponent cannot reach. You could even blink back to your team allowing for them to protect you. 

Part I (d) – Abilities (Soar)

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part I (d) - Abilities (Soar) 

Soar – F


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Soar is a secondary movement ability which allows Evie to fly on her Ice Staff for a good 2 seconds. This ability is a very useful ability for re-positioning or escaping during a duel. This is often used together with Evie’s primary move ability – Blink. In the current META, generally there are three very useful ways to use Soar. 

There are generally three useful ways to use Soar. 

  • Defensively – To escape from an Opponent when low 
  • Defensive/Offensive – To re-position after getting a kill 
  • Offensively – To dive from an unexpected angle

Defensively – To escape from an Opponent when low 
Yes, be a chicken. Run away. That’s kinda how Evie works. Soar gives you the capability of escaping almost any situation at an incredible speed. 
A lot of beginners make the mistake of using Soar to escape in a line. This actually makes you an easier target for a experienced Cassie/Maeve. Instead, when retreating, using Soar to fly off in an erratic drunken-like manner which would make it very hard for your opponents to hit you. This is situational. When using the drunk-soar technique, you lose range and thus is not ideal for bigger maps. To compensate, you can use Blink + Soar to retreat when low. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
The left demonstrates a Drunk Soar – Harder to hit – Less Range 
The right demonstrates a Straight Soar – Easier to hit – More range 
Defensive/Offensive – To re-position after getting a kill 
A little more obvious. Paladins is a game that revolves around team-play. After getting a frag, often your opponents will look for a frag to even the playing field. A 4v4 is always better than a 5v4. As such, they will often target the player closest to their side of the map, which is the flank. A very good habit to develop is using Soar to reposition to another unexpected angle after finishing off a kill to make the enemy unable to target you. This allows you to regenerate your health before being able to strike again. 
Here, the Evie flanked and killed a Ying, immediately using Blink + Soar to gain distance and stay alive. The added attack on the Furia caused further chaos making the enemy retreat with her. With a crucial support character down, the enemy tanks are also free to kill. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Offensively – To dive 
Diving means to jump into enemy territory and focusing on one target to damage or secure the first frag. Depending on whether your opponent has a burst champion, Evie can use Soar to gain height and dive from an unexpected angle, finishing off snipers and high priority targets. Attempt to trade whichever champion seems to be the backbone of the enemy team. Could be their Support or Damage. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Here, NAME dived into the enemy side Window, dealing AOE damage to both the Seris and Bomb King. By doing this, he distracts the opponent’s damage from attacking friendlies and manages an exit frag on the Seris. This causes the enemy team to fall back as they do not get heals from their support player and a retreating damage player. 

Part I (e) – Abilities (Ice Storm)

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part I (e) - Abilities (Ice Storm) 

Ice Storm – E (Ultimate)


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Evie’s ultimate is to conjure a massive ice storm that deals 40 damage every 0.25s which applies slows, and cripples enemies that are within its radius. The slow and cripple effects last for as long as the target remains within the ice storm. This is an extremely effective way to secure kills and to allow your team to demolish clumps of enemies. 
An important note is not to walk towards your opponent and use Ice Storm. That’s suicidal. Pair Ice Storm with your Soar/Blink to get into a better position and be ready to retreat using your Blink/Soar. 

    When to use Ice Storm

  • To secure a kill 
  • To help your team take out clumps of enemies

When you want to secure a kill or take out a high priority target that is free use Ice Box to cripple them and finish them off quickly before repositioning. 
Ice Storm can also be used as a zoning ability. Use Ice Storm as a way to help your team destroy clumps of enemies. 
Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 


Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - == PART II - DECKS AND PLAYSTYLE == 

Part II (a) – Wormhole, Playstyle: Frags/Harrass

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part II (a) - Wormhole, Playstyle: Frags/Harrass 
Wormhole is a talent which allows you to teleport back to your initial location after using Blink. This can be activated by pressing the Q key. This ability makes Evie incredibly mobile. With this deck, your job is to play play for picks, doing chip damage and allowing your Damage to hurt vulnerable targets while you finish off their kills. This ability also allows you to teleport over enemy players and hit them safely because you can teleport back to your original location. This deck is also the current most popular Evie deck. 
Personally, i do enjoy using this deck but it does have limitations. In a 1v1/2v1, this deck doesn’t have an ability reset meaning you would be stuck in a compromising position if you do not cycle your abilities well. 

Part II (b) – Wormhole Variant, Playstyle: Frags/Aggresive

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part II (b) - Wormhole Variant, Playstyle: Frags/Aggresive 
This is a variant of the above deck. This deck includes a Ability cooldown reset & a Soar cooldown reset which allows you to dive in, grab a frag and immediately fly out. Sort of a combination of the below Over the Moon aggressive playstyle and a more passive Wormhole playstyle. The core of this deck is to teleport into enemy lines, find a frag and rush out using Soar. 
A disadvantage to this deck is that it is not as mobile and sustainable as the above deck. Because this deck does not increase Blink Distance, your blinks are much shorter and thus suitable for smaller maps. 

Part II (c) = Over The Moon, Playstyle: V.Aggressive

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part II (c) = Over The Moon, Playstyle: V.Aggressive 
Over The Moon is a talent which allows you to increase the damage you deal with your Ice Staff by 20% for 3s after Soar ends. This means your direct hits deal 1020 Damage. With this deck, your job is to play horribly aggressively, diving right into enemy lines to get frags on vulnerable champions. 

    This means you can kill these champions in 2 direct hits

  • Lian 
  • Koga 
  • Maeve 
  • Zhin 
  • Skye 
  • Sha-Lin 
  • Talus

This deck features an incredibly aggressive playstyle. Your goal is to fly in with Over The Moon, grab a frag and use the Soar reset to immediately fly out and reposition. This is a very aggressive playstyle as you don’t have the capability to teleport back without Wormhole. But with a cooldown reset and extra damage from your Soar, you can continue to get frags after the initial one. This can leave you in a compromised position, although you can still use Soar to escape. I have attached a video of this playstyle and notes on how to use it are below, credit to my friend NAMEMEMEMMEMEME 
Paired with Luminary, this talent can deal 1122 Damage. This is enough to take out the majority of support, flank and damage champions in two direct hits. 

Part ii (d) – Snowglobe, Playstyle:Aggresive

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part ii (d) - Snowglobe, Playstyle:Aggresive 
This deck is actually just a replica of the Over The Moon deck. I am not a Snow Globe Evie player, so i simply use this. This deck is actually not bad for Snow Globe as you can reposition using your kill cooldown whilst your Ice Storm is active. 
When using Snow Globe, the recommended Item to buy is Morale Boost. This will allow you to spam Ultimate at an incredible rate. 

==== PART III – ITEMS ====

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - ==== PART III - ITEMS ==== 

Part III (a) – Items

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META - Part III (a) - Items 
Items are an important aspect of Paladins’s combat system. Items allow players to gain power ups such as extra speed using Nimble or reduced healing on a target using Cauterize. You can read more on Items on the –
The above is a Tier List for Evie players, in this section we will explore several items that are important to use and some situational items to counter other Champions. Although the use of Items are largely subject to the enemy team composition, here are several ideas on what items to buy for Evie and why. (This section will continuously be updated within the next 2 weeks) 

Part III (b) – Standard Buy



Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Cauterize provides a Healing Reduction effect to your LMB attacks for 1.5s. Generally, all champions should buy this item as it really affects your opponent’s Self-Sustain. Furthermore, having Cauterize punishes your opponents by making their healer unable to bail them out of situations by healing them.



Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Resilience is a Defense Item which passively reduces the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control effects. When facing an enemy comp with lots of Heavy Crowd Control such as Damba + Sha-Lin, you definitely need to buy Resilience to counter their Stuns and Cripples.



Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Resilience is a Defense Item which passively reduces the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control effects. Haven is a good buy for Evie because her health pool is the lowest of all champions and most of the champions that counter Evie are high-burst champions.


Morale Boost

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Morale Boost is a Utility Item which passively increases the charge rate of your Ultimate ability. Morale Boost is a really good buy for Evie because her ultimate charges at a fast rate. Evie should use her Ultimate as soon as possible to get a frag and morale boost would help refilling the Ult Charge.


Part III (c) – Good Buy


Master Riding

Paladins [2021 - ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META 
Master Riding provides a mount movement speed bonus. This item is incredibly useful on any map is it reduces the time to be back in combat. Furthermore, using this item allows Evie to get into flank routes much faster to surprise the enemy.





Part IV (a) – How to be a good flank



Part IV (b) – Finding Picks



Part IV (c) – Duels



Part IV (d) – Anti-Flank



Written by Octo_π

Here we come to an end for Paladins [2021 – ULTIMATE Evie Guide] (WIP) The Champion Always In The META hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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