MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls

MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls 1 -
MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls 1 -

This guide explains the default keyboard controls of Maker King, as well as some important game mechanics that you will need to know in order to beat some of the more challenging levels. You can fully customize all inputs in the settings menu. Controllers are also supported.

Controls (default Keyboard):

  • Move right: RIGHT ARROW
  • Move left: LEFT ARROW
  • Jump: space
  • Interact: E
  • Dismount: R
  • pause: ESC
  • Restart from checkpoint: R
  • Restart from beginning: DELETE




You will build up momentum as you run until you hit the max speed. You build momentum faster while on the ground.
Bouncy Blocks
Hitting the side of a mushroom or rubber block will bounce you back. This can be used to hit max speed almost instantly.
While running in the same direction as a conveyor, you can move faster and go slightly above max speed if you remain on the conveyor.



  • Mounted mob damage speed boost



Jump Height
The longer you hold down your jump key, the higher up you’ll go.
MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls -  Mechanics  - F938D87
You can jump even higher if you are moving fast.
MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls -  Mechanics  - A062568
Slow Fall
While you are falling, holding down the jump key will allow you to fall a little bit slower.
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Frisbee Jump
You can jump off of airborne frisbees to gain extra height.
MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls -  Mechanics  - 4966D10
Boomerang Jump
You can also jump off of airborne boomerangs to gain extra height.
MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls -  Mechanics  - 2439632



  • Umbrella Jumps
  • Dismounting mobs


Written by Izzy, Uber Bob

This is all for MakerKing Basic Game Mechanics and Keyboard Controls hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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