Recompile Walkthrough Guide + All Achievements Unlocked Playthrough

Recompile Walkthrough Guide + All Achievements Unlocked Playthrough 1 -
Recompile Walkthrough Guide + All Achievements Unlocked Playthrough 1 -

How to get earn 100% achievement completion in Recompile.


Sup fellow gamers,
I wrote this guide as I was interested in finding out how to earn some of the achievements, but there wasn’t a guide on Steam yet, so here we are! I 100%’d the game in a bit under 8 hours, I hope this guide can help people if they are stuck at any point 🙂
Oh and obvious spoiler warning for the achievements ahead as I describe the method to complete all of them in detail, sometimes requiring me to spoils bits of the gameplay. Text is spoiler-proofed where possible.

Story Achievements

These are completed as part of the game, so they’re hard to miss, but I’ll list them out here anyway.

  • Installation Wizard
    (“Install yourself”, move out of the first area of the game where you get the jump and shoot abilities and into the main area to unlock).
  • Security System Online
    (“Restore the TET Biome”, complete this area of the game to unlock).
  • Data Processing Online
    (“Restore the HEX Biome”, complete this area of the game to unlock).
  • Mission Control Online
    (“Restore the OKT Biome”, complete this area of the game to unlock).
  • Biosphere Online
    (“Restore the ICO Biome”, complete this area of the game to unlock).
  • Arachnocide
    (“Defeat the Hyperspider”, kill the final boss of the game to unlock).


Upgrade Achievements

Upgrades are found in the form of these black floating orbs with orange sparks around them, when you touch them they will play an animation and then give you a new ability or improve on one you already have. They are signified on the map by the yellow triangles in each room. NOTE: The triangles do NOT currently disappear once you have obtained the upgrade it corresponds to.

  • FTL
    (“Fully upgrade all Traversal abilities”, these are used to help you move around the world and are most useful in finding collectable items later as well as saving time in clearing areas and assisting with platforming challenges).
  • Firewall
    (“Fully upgrade all Deletion abilities”, these are used to increase your firepower by giving you new weapons that work well in various specific cirumstances).
  • Admin Access
    (“Fully upgrade all Hacking abilities”, these are probably the least useful in my experience, as they only help your ability to hack various things, first puzzle items and later, non-boss enemies).
  • Godmode
    (“Fully upgrade all Abilities”, pretty self-explanatory, just get the 3 achievements above to unlock this one).


Exploration Achievements

There are a lot of collectables in the game (50 total), and I’m not going to put all of them in here, but I highly recommend picking them up as you see them throughout your playthrough, but going for all the traversal upgrades first, as these will help a lot with getting into tough places and saving you a lot of time going from area to area. Most collectables are on the general route you’ll travel while exploring, so you don’t need to go to crazy lengths to search for them.

  • Friend
    (“Collect all memories in the TET Biome”, find all the collectable items in the red/lava area).
  • Conspirator
    (“Collect all memories in the HEX Biome”, find all the collectable items in the green/pipe areas).
  • Assistant
    (“Collect all memories in the OKT Biome”, find all the collectable items in the yellow/fuse areas).
  • Colleague
    (“Collect all memories in the ICO Biome”, find all the collectable items in the blue/flowers area).
  • Eulogist
    (“Collect all memories in the USER Biome”, find all the collectable items in the start/main area).


Other Achievements

I’ll describe these on a case by case basis as they’re pretty much all unique.

  • Code Jumper
    (“Survive a lethal fall”, to complete this achievement you have to fall from a height such that you hit the ground and explode, then respawn. If it isn’t unlocking for you then try falling further or into an abyss somewhere).
  • Malware
    (“Kill 32 enemies”, self-explanatory, just kill all the enemies you come across, it’s a good way to stay alive during gameplay too).
  • Botnet Farmer
    (“Hack 16 enemies”, also self-explanatory, an enemy hack must be acquired first however, the cheapest one to use is the insta-kill one. I farmed this achievement out in a few minutes by finding one of the enemy spawner areas in TET and hacking enemies as soon as they appeared. It costs 1024 bits minimum to do this, so you can always come back to it).
  • Spyware
    (“Complete TET Shield without killing a single enemy”, come back to this achievement once you have all traversal upgrades and it’s a total breeze, just go straight to the end portal, it doesn’t matter if you’ve beaten the stage already and have killed enemies there before).
  • Vaporware
    (“Complete TET Access Control without killing a single enemy”, same method as achievement above, this one is also really easy to do with that method).
  • Ecocentric
    (“Complete the game with an ICO-Centric AI”, these centric-AI achievements are a little strange. To complete each of them, you must activate the respective button in the final fight to create the coloured orb, then fly into the orb and end the encounter, do this for each type aside from USER, as this has no achievement).
  • Solopsist
    (“Complete the game with an OKT-Centric AI”, same method as achievement above).
  • Theocratic
    (“Complete the game with an HEX-Centric AI”, same method as achievement above).
  • Scorched Earth
    (“Complete the game with an TET-Centric AI”, same method as achievement above).
  • Singularity
    (“Restore all Memories and complete the game with a Balanced AI”, this is the most time consuming of all the achievements, to complete it you have to have found all 50 collectables in the game, then complete the final encounter, ensuring you activate every button before flying into the orb and killing the boss, once you do this, the achievement will unlock).


Written by Prometheus

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