JUMANJI – The Curse Returns How to Unlock Broken Achievements

JUMANJI – The Curse Returns How to Unlock Broken Achievements 1 - steamsplay.com
JUMANJI – The Curse Returns How to Unlock Broken Achievements 1 - steamsplay.com

This guide and tips will help you how to unlock the broken achievement in game.

What to do?

Hello guys.

This guide will help you unlock these broken achievements: Believe, Magic, Freedom Fighter and Jewel Master.

This can be done by downgrading the game through the HOLY Steam console.

These are the steps to follow to do so.

1 – Click Win+R to copy and paste the following code inside the box


Steam Console will open.

2 – Copy this command to the console.

download_depot 1665080 1665081 3135760474407652354

You will see Depot downloading but you won’t be seeing the progress. So wait a while and a notification will appear on console.

3 – Now navigate to the path shown into the console after the download is complete.

Usually is this: C:\Program Files (x86 – \Steam\steamapps\content\app_1665080\depot_1665081

4 – in Game>Properties>Updates set “Only update this game when I launch it” so the game will not be updated automatically.

5 – Open your game directory using steam Game>Properties>Local Files>Browse

6 – Delete all files related to games from this folder, and copy and paste them into the depot folder.

7 – Start playing the game. In a few minutes, you will unlock these achievements.

After the installation is complete, you can either upgrade the game to the latest version of the game or perform a fresh reinstallation.

Tested it myself. This should be helpful. Thanks for your help, guys. !


Written by J.OLDMAN VG

This is all for JUMANJI – The Curse Returns How to Unlock Broken Achievements hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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