How to bind Right Mouse Button in game in Last Epoch

How to bind Right Mouse Button in game in Last Epoch 1 -
How to bind Right Mouse Button in game in Last Epoch 1 -

How to bind Right Mouse Button in game in Last Epoch

Hey there! Ever bumped into the annoying problem where you can’t switch up the right mouse button (RMB) for different actions in Last Epoch? Looks like the makers didn’t think it was a big deal. But, no worries! There’s a sneaky way around it by tweaking the registry. I’ll guide you through it step by step. Just make sure to close the game first to dodge any glitches.

Ready? Let’s jump in:

Step 1: Open the Run Dialog

Hit WIN + R on your keyboard to pop open the Run dialog.

Step 2: Access Registry Editor

Type “regedit” and press enter to fire up the registry editor.

Step 3: Navigate to the Game’s Registry Path

Head over to this spot: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch.

Step 4: Find the Specific Entry

Find the entry named “RewiredSaveData|playerName=Player0|dataType=ControllerMap|kv=2|controllerMapType=MouseMap|categoryId=0|layoutId=0|hardwareGuid=ad60107c-ea39-4d9c-b906-56d39d07be95_h184998139” (it’ll be towards the end). Remember, the categoryId should be 0.

Step 5: Edit the XML

This bit’s in XML language. Scroll to around line 390 in the right XML-part of the editor. Spot the line: ” 7 “. Swap the number 7 for your chosen skill’s number:

  • 0: No skill, just moving around
  • 1: 1st skill (Q)
  • 2: 2nd skill (W)
  • 3: 3rd skill (E)
  • 4: 4th skill (R)
  • 5: 5th skill (RMB) (And yeah, it’s weird that the default is 7, but let’s not get into that!)

Step 6: Restart the Game

Shut the registry editor and boot up the game! Hit a snag? Just reset the keybindings to default in the game settings.

Boom! You’ve now got your right mouse button doing exactly what you want. Found this helpful?

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