HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files 1 - steamsplay.com
HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files 1 - steamsplay.com
This simple guide will explain how to edit your campaign bonuses to give you as much money as you need.


Brief Overview

As of today, 05.08.2021, in the current game version, the dev decided to heavily nerf the campaign bonuses. The current bonuses now rest at approximately 10k for capturing the first fleet headquarters, approximately 20k for half the campaign, and approximately 30k + for capturing Khiva. Bonuses are not accumulated.

This amount may not be enough for many of your custom large ships. To correct this, all you need to do is modifiy the .seria files for your saves in much the same way as you would to create flagships.

Where do I find files I need to modify?

The game contains your saves in your steam game folder. You can find it manually in “\steamapps\common\Highfleet” in your steam folder or just rightclick with mouse on the Highfleet game in your steam library and then choosing “Manage” and “Browse local files”

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files

Within that folder, you will see the folder labeled “Saves” and then three folders labeled “Profile_#” representing the three save slots.

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files

Opening those folders, you can see the “profile.seria” file.

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files

Modifying seria files

Following are steps for modifying seria file of the save to give greater campaign starting bonuses.

  • You need to open seria file of the profile in a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++ (notepad comes free with every Windows iteration since 90s).
  • Scroll down to “m_scores=#”
  • And modify the number within that line to an appropriate number to give as much starting cash as you want.

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files

That’s all!

Next time you start up your game and start a new campaign you will see a siginificant increase in your starting cash.

HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files


Written by WarPig262

Here we come to an end for HighFleet How to Edit Campaign Bonuses + Modifying Seria Files hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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