Espresso Tycoon – How to get full achievements

Espresso Tycoon – How to get full achievements 1 -
Espresso Tycoon – How to get full achievements 1 -

A very helpful/useful guide for Espresso Tycoon – How to get full achievements

Details on the attainable achievements and how to get them.

Achievements – Campaign Exclusive

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Cape Town Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Sell 5 coffees

Simple and basic mission introducing you to bare min mechanics.

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New York Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Sell 5 coffees

Purchase the guitar and guitar amplifier decorations as part of the instruction while gaining style points. These decorations will help you gain style points. Drop a stack of napkins for instant style points. These are the most effective ways to increase your style points, but if you use too many of them, people will complain. Higher style points help you to raise your money multiplier, allowing you to charge more for your coffee.

Hire Rachel Bean and train her to level Fine in coffee. After that, simply complete the tutorial and progress through the game until you reach a rating of 30. Remember to pick up any trash that occurs.

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Sao Paulo Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Build guitar and guitar amplifier decorations


  • Have a rating of 30. Rating must be 30+ to trigger victory, reaching this rating and then falling before achieving your other goals will not trigger victory until you get the rating back to 30.



  • Have Barista with skilled coffee on min level: Fine


Create a coffee with Steamed Milk or Milk Foam as the top layer and select a Latte Art. Add to the menu, then sell 10 of them. Build 8 plant decorations. Plants require watering every now and then.

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Paris Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Build guitar and guitar amplifier decorations
  • Have a rating of 30. Rating must be 30+ to trigger victory, reaching this rating and then falling before achieving your other goals will not trigger victory until you get rating back to 30.
  • Have Barista with skill coffee on min level: Fine

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Siberia Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Sell 10 coffees with latte art


  • Have 8 plants



  • Have Barista with skill coffee on min level: Good


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London Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Sell 10 coffees with latte art
  • Have 8 plants
  • Have Barista with skill coffee on min level: Good

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Mexico City Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Complete the fourth mission in the campaign

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Los Angeles Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Complete the fifth mission in the campaign

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Tokyo Mission Completed (Campaign)

  • Complete the sixth mission in the campaign

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25 Style Points (Campaign) / 100 Style Points (Campaign) / 250 Style Points (Campaign) / 500 Style Points (Campaign) / 1000 Style Points (Campaign)

  • Complete the seventh mission in the campaign

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25 Rating Points (Campaign) / 100 Rating Points (Campaign) / 250 Rating Points (Campaign) / 500 Rating Points (Campaign) / 1000 Rating Points (Campaign)

  • Complete the ninth mission in the campaign

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Have $2000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $5000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $10000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $25000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $50000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $100000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $250000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $500000 In Cash (Campaign) / Have $1000000 In Cash (Campaign)

  • Complete the tenth and final mission in the campaign

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5 Golden Beans Achieved (Campaign)

  • Collect the required number of style points. Style points can be earned by placing decorations that have style point values associated with them and which increase or decrease your style points accordingly when present. Destroying an existing decoration reduces your points in proportion. Some levels will require you to continue campaign missions long after their goals have been fulfilled in order to reach success and unlock achievements.

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Rachel Bean Trained To Perfection (Campaign)

  • Collect the required number of rating points. Rating points are gained by receiving positive reviews from your customers. Rating points are lost by receiving negative reviews from your customers. The last levels of achievement will likely require you to continue the campaign mission after you have completed the mission’s actual objectives but will be much easier to get than other achievements. I get more than this from doing one challenge in my long-run Tokyo cafe; you will have insane rating points when finishing more grindy achievements like style points and cash, I had about 200k+ getting to a million cash.


Achievements – Sandbox Exclusive

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Sandbox In All Cities Created

  • Simply create a sandbox at least once in all 10 levels


Achievements – Any Mode

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First Coffee Sold / 10 Coffees Sold / 100 Coffees Sold / 250 Coffees Sold / 500 Coffee Sold / 1000 Coffees Sold / 5000 Coffees Sold / 10000 Coffees Sold

  • Sell lots of coffee to your customers.

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First Recipe Created / 10 Recipes Created / 100 Recipes Created / 250 Recipes Created / 500 Recipes Created / 1000 Recipes Created

  • Create the required number of drinks in the Coffee Editor.

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Played 10 Days In Total / Played 50 Days In Total / Played 100 Days In Total / Played 250 Days In Total / Played 500 Days In Total / Played 1000 Days In Total

  • Play the required number of days. Shared between all your games. Will probably be one of your final achievements to complete, 1000 days is a lot of playing. You can always leave game running in the background while you do other things so.

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Played 10 Days In A Row / Played 25 Days In A Row / Played 50 Days In A Row / Played 100 Days In A Row

  • Play a single level for the required number of days. I’d recommend doing this in one of the later campaign levels so that you can work on the grindy campaign achievements at the same time.

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First Discount Given / 10 Discounts Given / 100 Discounts Given / 250 Discounts Given / 500 Discounts Given / 1000 Discounts Given

  • To give a discount, click a customer and click the offer $10 discount button. Giving discounts gives the customer a positive review. You can only give out so many discounts per day. Discounts becomes available once you unlock enough Golden Beans. Additional discounts become available with additional beans.

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First Custom Latte Art Created / 10 Custom Latte Arts Created / 100 Custom Latte Arts Created

  • To create Custom Latte Art, open Coffee Editor, have Steamed Milk or Milk Foam as the top layer, then go to the Latte Art tab. Click Create New to create new pieces of Custom Latte Art. Click on the coffee in the mug to draw. It’s quite difficult lol. Name your art and save.


0Chris0 has written a useful guide for loading images for your custom art so you can get something that actually looks like more than squiggles. – []

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First Snack Sold / 10 Snacks Sold / 100 Snacks Sold / 250 Snacks Sold / 500 Snacks Sold / 1000 Snacks Sold / 5000 Snacks Sold / 10000 Snacks Sold

  • Snacks are decorations customers can purchase with their drink selection. To add snacks, click either on the Snack Container at the bar or use the bottom left tab and add your chosen snacks there. Ensure ‘Automatic Snack Refill’ is checked so the game automatically restocks sold snacks instead of manually monitoring them; note that if negative balances arise and snacks are sold without sufficient funds available to restock automatically (this only applies in campaigns where research may be necessary for replenishment).


Snack Container:
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Snack Menu:
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First Item Researched / 10 Items Researched / 100 Items Researched / 250 Items Researched / 500 Items Researched / 1000 Items Researched

  • Click the Research tab on the top right, there are two tabs – one for researching new decorations and one for researching new drink ingredients. Each tab has its own budget slider. Higher the budget, the faster you will learn new items.

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10 Different Chairs, Tables, And Cabinets In The Coffee Shop

  • Place at least 10 unique chairs, tables and cabinet decorations into your shop.

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First Tip Received / 10 Tips Received / 100 Tips Received / 250 Tips Received / 500 Tips Received / 1000 Tips Received

  • Tips are received by selling perfect coffee. Perfect coffee meets all of a social group’s preferences and temporal trend. Remember to double-check when trends change whether your coffee still meets the requirements.

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Menu With Perfect Coffees For All 8 Social Groups

  • Have at least one coffee for each of the 8 social groups that meet all their preferences and their temporal trend on your menu. The earliest you can do this in the campaign is the final mission in Tokyo as that is the first time the Techies social group is available. Otherwise can be done in Sandbox.
  • Achievement appears a bit bugged atm – I did not receive it when getting everybody’s perfect coffee (and social groups with blue bars). Instead the achievement randomly popped for me when I created a random drink for a challenge.

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10 Challenges Completed / 100 Challenges Completed / 250 Challenges Completed /

500 Challenges Completed / 1000 Challenges Completed

  • Challenges can be unlocked by reaching enough golden beans, with new challenges being offered every 7-9 minutes. Accept or decline each challenge as desired; successfully completing it will earn rewards while failing after accepting will incur larger penalties; all challenges reward/penalize rating or cash.
  • This achievement may take longer to complete as it can take several hours of playback time for one challenge to be completed; one every 7-9 minutes would likely speed things up faster. You’ll likely need game fast forward on max for this achievement to go smoothly.
  • Challenges have odd scaling that allows for you to amass excessive ratings and cash. I think they scale by rating; as your ranking goes up, so will the rewards from each BS challenge increase accordingly.

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All Animals In Sydney Found

  • Click on all the animals in Sydney (campaign mission 8 or sandbox). There are quite a few of them and will swim around a bit.


Steve the Starfish:
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Martha the Starfish:
Espresso Tycoon - How to get full achievements - Achievements - Any Mode - 26014D6
Jenny the Octopus:
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John the Octopus:
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Fin the Dolphin:
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Stacy the Dolphin:
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Tim the Turtle:
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Tina the Turtle:
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Mark the Shark:
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Shiela the Shark:
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It’s been a pleasure sharing Espresso Tycoon – How to get full achievements with you, inspired by a remarkable guide from chris.ferrantegerard. If you have any ideas for improving this content, we’d love to hear them in the comments. Have a splendid day, and be sure to check back often for our latest posts!

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