Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview

Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview 1 -
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview 1 -

King's Fall Raid Overview guide


We waited for this. This is what the fans have been waiting all along. Everybody at Bungie was waiting for this. The best Raid from Destiny's original Destiny has returned. Let's all welcome King's Fall. It's the reason why every Guardian bought the original Destiny. It was only a matter if players would be allowed to meet their brother Oryx after Savathun made an appearance in Destiny 2. Now is the time. The complete guide for dummies (is), just like we are!
Destiny veterans are warned: The Raid has changed. All the old guides are no more relevant. While nostalgia can be overwhelming in some areas, it is possible to fall prey to new mysteries in other places. The old-fashioned method of getting around it won't work. But don't be discouraged. This Kings Fall guide is not a coincidence. We are here to help you solve your problem. Gather your closest friends and call them to this King's Fall overview. They will be helping you to gather all the gear necessary to defeat the King once and forever.


Each Raid in Destiny demands the most thorough preparation, scrutiny, study, and research. While your teammates can always be relied upon, you can also be the one they will rely on. To get more rewards, be sure to buy Raid Banners in the Tower from Suraya Hwthorne. To complete the Raid successfully, you will need powerful weapons for different stages. You will need exotics like Witherhoard against bosses,Izanagi's Burden as an additional source damage, Izanagi's Burden as a debuff, and Divinity as a better crit spot. We also recommend Legendary Linear Fusion Rifles (, for example – The new craftable Taipan-4FR A) for major boss damages Primary weapon and Sniper Rifle You can quickly kill red-bar enemies using the.
We can help you choose the best subclass for your Fireteam.

  • For Warlock The solar subclass of Well of Radiance will allow you to deal more damage and increase your survivability while dealing with bosses.


  • For Titan: Solar subclass with Loreley Slendor helmet exotic helmet so that you can survive almost every situation.


  • For Hunter – Arc class with Gathering Storm or Star-Eater Scales exotic legs. This is the current strongest Super in The Elder Scrolls Online if you have the most Overcharge Stacks. To weaken bosses, Void subclass with Deadfall is also available.

Keep in mind that the recommended power to King's fall is 1550

Kings Fall Loot Table


  • Doom of Chelchis – (Void Scout Rafle)
  • Item of Class


  • Doom of Chelchis – (Void Scout Rafle)
  • Qullim's Terminus Machine Gun (Stasis Machine Gun)
  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Class item


  • Defiance of Yasmin Kinetic Sniper Gun)
  • Smite of Merain (- Kinetic Pulse Rifle -)
  • Chest
  • Arms


  • Qullim's Terminus Machine Gun (Stasis Machine Gun A17Y
  • Midha’s Reckoning (Arc Fusion Rifle Rifle)
  • Zaouli’s Bane (Solar Hand Cannon)
  • Helmet
  • Legs


  • Zaouli’s Bane (Solar Hand Cannon)
  • Defiance of Yasmin Kinetic Sniper Gun)
  • Smite of Merain (- Kinetic Pulse Rifle -)
  • Chest
  • Arms


  • Touch of Malice (Exotic Ketic Scout Rifle for)
  • All legendary Kings Fall armor
  • All legendary Kings Fall Weapons

Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Kings Fall Loot Table - EF55CDF
As you can see the Kings Fall loot table This area is filled with interesting loot. Touch of Malice stands out. Unfortunately, this gun can't be obtained via the quest. It drops randomly at Raid's End and only once a week. However, it can be attempted on each of your characters. The gun itself comes with the following unique perks.

  • Touch of Malice: The final round of the magazine deals bonus damages, drawing from the wielder’s energy, and then regenerates. Rapidly defeating three targets restores your health.


  • Charged with Blight– precision hits drain combatants’ lives force and charge up a ball full of darkness. The blight projectile will blind combatants temporarily by obscuring their vision. Press [Alternate Weapon Action] then fire.

Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Kings Fall Loot Table - EEDA18A
These perks have made Touch of Malice a powerful primary weapon, surprising considering its power. Charged with Blight, you can increase Weapons of Sorrow damage up to 50%, blinds, and poisons targets for around 3 seconds. This applies to King's Fall guns as well. If you are able to knock out this catalyst, it will give your rifle the Rapid Hit perk. This will allow you to activate the alt-fire mode faster to increase your DPS. This King's Fall exotic will never fail you.
We discussed the most important, and now we propose to fly. Destiny 2: Since the King's Falls Return is an important event.

Opening a Portal

Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Opening – Portal - 9E49B8A
Nearly all Raids in Destiny 2 have an opening. The Raid will start with you appearing at the portal entrance. But it won't appear until your deposit 12 orbs into 6 green statues. First, you must divide your fireteam in three groups of 2. The first team will go left, the second will go right, and the last one will remain in the middle. It is your responsibility to determine who will be carrying orbs in the second and first teams. The second person will need to clear enemies and break down walls. The third team is responsible for destroying walls. You have to carry and deposit the orbs in the statue at the same moment. The orb will increase in size each time you do this six more times. After that, you will need to kill some enemies and then go into the portal to receive your reward.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Opening – Portal - DA6C9B6
But don't rush to the portal. There will be three symbols under the portal that you must find and shoot through the Raid. You and your friends will receive a bonus chest in the game.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Opening – Portal - 0C8705D
After the opening, the fireteam will have to complete a challenging but enjoyable jump puzzle with floating ships. Two people will then need to stand on the plates to open the barrier. You can also open the first secret chestright from here. To unlock a hidden chest at the wall's edge, your team must jump from their ship to the left.

First Encounter – Totems

Splitting into two groups is necessary for the first stage. Two teams of three . The first team will be on your left, while the second team will be on your right. The actions of both teams will be identical and will not clash with one another. It is important that you and your team partners agree in advance who will be following whom. As an example, we will discuss guardians like First Guardian, Second Guardian, and Third. The encounter begins when First Guardian takes Taken Brand, and runs to the Totem. You will lose your buff if you aren't able to stand under it for long enough. To receive the buff Deathsinger's Power, the player must kill as many enemies and as many enemies as possible. The buff will be displayed at the upper ledge's center. After her death, Taken Knight will be available and a buff with him. This buff will allow your to steal a company's brand. This is Second Guardian's job. He must run with this buff to the Totem. As soon as the brand timer is approximately 2 seconds, he steals the Totem. First Guardian then moves to the center plate and deposits their stacks. At this point, the Third Guardian kills Wizard & Knight.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - First Encounter – Totems - 6CA5171
So, it is repeated over and over until 200 Deathsinger's Power can be contributed. Sometimes Unstoppable Champions can spawn in central, so be sure that you put on mods to stop them. The next stage is available immediately after the open passage.

Second Encounter – Warpriest

The first King's Fall Raid boss We must survive the meeting against Oryx's defense – Warpriest. The team is split into two groups. Three groups of two players and occupy the plates in the arena infront of the boss. It all starts with a simple clearing of the mob. But at some point, Knights or Wizards will appear. The Fireteam must find all the enemies and kill them. Otherwise, the stage will end. After all the enemies have been killed, the inscription " Glyph reading sequence begun " appears in left corner of screen. Three players must prepare and stand in front of plates (.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Second Encounter – Warpriest - 447311D
The first Guardian in center enters the plate. His task is name the glyph which began to glow. It will be, for instance, left in place so it is not confused. The central player must leave the plate and the inscription "Glyph Sequence started" appears. Next, the player to the left must place his plate on the ground and name another glyph (. Let's say,). But this time, the player cannot get off the plate. As none of the glowing glyphs are glowing, the player to the right must stand on the plate. The damage phase begins when the third Guardian, standing on the plate gets a buff and then the Guardian on the right gets a knockout. The " Brand of the Initiate The boss's buff allows him and his teammates to deal damage to him.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Second Encounter – Warpriest - A34EC5E
Take a moment to read. One player must find a knight who will spawn at the time while dealing damage. He should kill him and obtain the "Brand Cleaner", which allows him to steal the " Brand of the Initiate "Buff at the last moment to extend damage phase. The knight must then be found by the other player. He must then be killed and receive a buff. Finally, he must steal the damage buff to extend his phase. To avoid massive deaths at the hands the boss, everyone should hide in one glyph once the damage buff has worn off. Your cover will burst after you survive the fiery eruption. You will have only two opportunities to cover your team after the damage phase.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Second Encounter – Warpriest - FAC17FC
This is the best Strategy for King Fall Raid This encounter could be provided for by us. You should use all the available options, and put as many support subclasses to increase damage as possible. Your fireteam will then be able to defeat Warpriest to death.

Raid Chest 2

When you run into the portal, Golgoroth's Cellar will be your destination. Below you will see a map that shows red circles and numbers. Your team must locate the plates on this map alternately. They should then get up on them and stay there until the fifth plate is activated. A door will appear in the middle of the maze. It is marked in blue. There you'll find the treasured chest. The map's purpose is not finished there. This King's Fall maze Map shows you how escape the labyrinth. Just follow the red stripes and your team can reach the exit.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Raid Chest #2 - 15F9AC5

Third Encounter – Golgoroth

This stage is simple, but many people were able to get stuck on it in the original Destiny. When you enter the arena, you immediately choose what of you? You will be a magnet for the boss's interest Two guardians will suffice for this, so be kind to yourself. After the right people have been selected, they should start shooting at an orb located in the center. This action will lead to a battle for Golgoroth.
The boss will not be able to immediately enter the active arena so it is important that the arena is clean. After a time, Golgoroth should stand up. Players who attract attention should begin shooting at him, dealing as much damage possible. After obtaining the "Golgoroth's Gaze” buff, their main task is to survive, and shoot the orbs flying at them. But there's more. They need to turn the boss toward the DPS Team, and run up to the Droplet orbA, which is located in lower left of the arena. Once the droplet has taken enough damage, the damage phase can begin. The second player on the attract team is also in the process of dealing damage to the back and replacing the first player. "Golgoroth’s gaze" only lasts 20 second . If this effect is not sustained, the phase will be ended and the clearing process will resume.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Third Encounter - Golgoroth - 23C5A64
The DPS Team should immediately get under the fallen droplet orb to deal damage to the boss. When a player from another team shouts that the effect is over, they must run to the next droplet. Remember to break it. BUT BE CAREFUL. One of the players could become infected with "Unstable Light", which will affect not only him, but also his closest friends. In the last seconds of the debuff, a guardian should run up to the boss to explode alongside him.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Third Encounter - Golgoroth - 29464BB
If you've played this Raid and the first Destiny, you might remember the totem with symbols that is behind the boss. It used to kill everyone in a room if six guardians died in succession. But, this mechanic has changed. It all depends on who is distracting them. Once they lose the buff "Golgoroth’s gaze", the totem will flash the same number of glyphs that were not used during damage phase. If they have more than six pieces, it is a wipe. Just use our Kings Fall Raid Tips All will be well if you follow the steps above.
Six drops later, Golgoroth will appear to be tired. The DPS phase is over. Clear the room again. This helps you locate ammo. As soon as the boss stands up, you can repeat the above steps until he is killed by your fireteam.

Puzzle and Raid Chest 3

You must solve simple platform puzzles once you have defeated Golgoroth. One point, a massive pillar will appear on the right side with platforms on both sides. Jump in and ask your ghost to show new platforms. Keep going until you reach the door. There is a chest full of loot. We get Kings Fall armor from most chests, but RNG might bless you with cool tools.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Puzzle And Raid Chest #3 - AFB2C12
To complete the remaining jumping puzzle, the player must stand on the slabs and create platforms between them to allow them to jump. To make sure everyone can cross, you must jump with your partner on the plate in front of.

Fourth Encounter – Daughters Of Oryx

This section will require everyone to assume a specific role. There will be four plates in front you – one per person. The stage opens with the death the Knight who is standing on the plate. After that, a timer of two minutes begins. The player in charge must kill the Knight and stand on the plate. He will then be able see which plate the other should stand on. The random player becomes torn A (and a Taken Ghost). His goal is reach the objective marker in midair and grab it. Once the message has been sent, " A piece from the Blightguard is located " appears, players must jump off the platforms. But what if the player who is responsible for the platform is lost? The other two players will be responsible for this. One of them must be on the same platform as the other.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Fourth Encounter - Daughters Of Oryx - 6089D7F
On the third attempt, you will need to pick up an object marker and not just interact with it. You can then fly up towards one of the Daughters, who will shoot at the you. The shield will disappear and the damage phase begins. The shield from Daughter will be handed to the player who took it. He must then stand near his allies, as there will be a flash that will instantly kill everyone behind the shield. You can repeat the same steps if the Daughter was not killed. You must kill the Daughter you killed the first time or you will be executed.

Final Encounter – Oryx, the Taken King

Finally, it's time for Oryx, the last boss! At the beginning, you'll need to kill four Taken Knights which spawn on plates. This encounter uses the same tactics as plates. Knight will be killed, but Oryx will hit the plate. You will need to stand on the plate. After someone becomes a Taken ghost by jumping on the invisible platforms to climb to the objective marker four Ogres spawns near each of four plates. The Taken sphere, which will be the Knights, will appear at their final resting place. They must be killed before reaching the orbs. You will also need jump on the platforms three more times to pick the buff the third, but this time you'll need to grab the buff. Shield from the Vessel for Oryx . If you do it suddenly, you'll be forced to quit.
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Final Encounter - Oryx, The Taken King - 709043A
This is where the major differences between the previous stages begin. When the message " Oryx calls upon Darkness " appears, four players immediately stand at the Taken sphere to wait for the message "*Player Name* has detonated Corrupted Light." . The DPS phase begins when everyone runs to the guardian and is given a shield to help them survive. One of two mechanics will be available after the DPS phase is complete.

  • An Oryx will teleport random individuals into the arena by placing a blue dome at the front. You will need to kill Shade of Oryx inside it as fast as possible. Otherwise, all six of you would be teleported.


  • Oryx will move fly away out of the arena and explosives will spawn behind players. To avoid them, you must run. The players tied to the plates run around the plates, while the two others run as they wish. It is important to not cross the lines with other players.

You will now need to repeat the previous steps until you reach your Final Stand.
Final Stand: Oryx will move to the center of arena. Two Ogres will spawn to the left and right. You must kill them quickly. Both players will have to stand in Taken spheres as soon as Oryx calls on the Darkness. The Guardians should now be firing at Oryx. If you failed to kill Oryx at Final Stand, you would wipe.


Congratulations. Congratulations! Perhaps you were the one lucky enough to receive the Touch of Malice weapon. If so please give a round of applause. Make sure to tell your friends about this Raid guide in Destiny 2 and check out our Steam profile for more guides on a variety other games!
Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview - Afterword - 0456CF4


Written by WowVendor

This is all for Destiny 2 Kings Fall Loot Table and Gameplay Overview hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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