Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer

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Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 10 - steamsplay.com

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer

Hey there! Let’s talk about something cool today – a universal item filter for gamers. Think of it as your gaming buddy that helps you spot the good stuff while gaming. It’s like a treasure map that highlights the rare loot and makes customizing it super easy. And yes, while it’s still a work in progress, it’s pretty handy.

Grabbing Your Loot Filter

The loot filter’s fresh out of the oven for the game’s latest version. Just a heads up, some screenshots might show the old version. Scoop it up here: [www.lastepochtools.com]

Setting Up Your Treasure Map

Setting this up is a bottom-to-top affair. It’s made for the English game version, so if you’re on the Russian one, you might need to tweak it a bit.

1. Picking Your Loot

First things first, the “Show choose your affixes” rule lets you highlight the loot you’re eyeing (minus some specifics). Just click on it, pick your affixes, and you’re golden. A pro tip? Set a tier minimum of 6 to see only the top-tier stuff.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 1 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 1 – steamsplay.com

2. Choosing Your Gear

Next up, decide which armor and accessories you want to see. There’s a rule for hiding the stuff you don’t want, kicking in around level 50. Customize it to your heart’s content, but remember, ticking the box hides that item.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 2 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 2 – steamsplay.com

3. Picking Your Weapons

Weapons are next. Since everyone’s taste is different, all weapon bases are hidden by default. Uncheck the ones you wanna see.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 3 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 3 – steamsplay.com

4. The Cool Stuff

This part’s easy – it shows all the unique, set, experimental, and personalized items. You can even adjust the tier for experimental stuff if you like.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 4 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 4 – steamsplay.com

5. Shattering for Materials

There are two rules here for highlighting rare affixes perfect for shattering into crafting bits. “Choose affixes for shatter” is your go-to. If you’ve set up the main “Show choose your affixes,” just copy it here with a new color.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 5 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 5 – steamsplay.com

6. Class-Specific Loot

This highlights class-specific goodies. “Choose your Classes Affixes” shows everything by default. “Choose your High-Need Classes Affixes” focuses on skill level boosts. Feel free to hide what you don’t need.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 6 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 6 – steamsplay.com

7. Exalted Items

Exalted items get special treatment. From bottom to top, rules highlight gear with top-tier affixes. “All items with >=6 Tiers of * of * Affixes” and so on. Only items that meet these criteria and the main affix rule get the spotlight.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 7 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 7 – steamsplay.com

Spicing Up Your Gear:

“Skiller affixes >7 Tiers for all classes” shines a light on items with a T7 skill level affix.

These rules help you find the best exalted items. Want more? Add rules following these guidelines. But remember, it’ll only highlight items that fit within these specific rules.

8. Idol Highlights

Last but not least, idols. This rule highlights idols with the affixes you’re after.

Tip: Idols missing these affixes will still show up. If you want, add a rule to hide all other idols.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 8 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 8 – steamsplay.com

9. Spotting Those Ultra-Rare Treasures

Alright, we’re wrapping up with something exciting – highlighting those super rare unique, and set items. This is like the cherry on top of your loot filter. The best part? You don’t need to tweak anything here. It’s all set to make those rare gems stand out.

Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 9 - steamsplay.com
Why a Universal Item Filter is Essential for Every Gamer 9 – steamsplay.com

Now, you might notice some unique items look a lot like the very rare ones because they share the same base. At the very end of your filter rules, you’ll see things marked as x1, x2, x3. This is just a quick way to show how many unique items a rule covers. Say you’re not into rare leather belts – no problem, just turn off that rule. x1 means it’s focusing on one specific rare unique, and that’s it.

And there you have it! With this filter, you’re all set to dive into your game and scoop up the best loot without sifting through piles of junk. Happy gaming!

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