Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company

Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company 3 - steamsplay.com
Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company 3 - steamsplay.com

Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company

Hey there! Wanna shuffle around the furniture in your spaceship in Lethal Company? It’s super chill and easy. Check out these steps and turn your ship into a cool hangout spot.

Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company 1 - steamsplay.com
Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company 1 – steamsplay.com

Step 1: Kick Off Edit Mode

First up, wander over to that piece of furniture you’re eyeing. Hit the B button to jump into edit mode. You’ll see a nifty green model pop up. That’s your cue to start the magic.

Step 2: Spin It Right Round

Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company 2 - steamsplay.com
Where to Get and Move Furniture in Lethal Company 2 – steamsplay.com

Need to twist and turn your furniture? No sweat! Just tap the R button while you’re in edit mode, and watch it spin like a DJ.

Step 3: Stash It Away

Changing your mind? Wanna stash some furniture for later? Easy-peasy! Press X, and poof! It’s tucked away in storage, leaving you with more room to groove.

Get Your Stuff Back from Storage

Ready to bring back that cool sofa or table? Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Stroll over to your Access Terminal and hit the E key. You’re in!
  2. Type “Storage” and smack that Enter button. You’ll see everything you’ve got stored.
  3. Just type in what you want back, hit Enter, and bam! It’s right there in your ship.

Adding New Vibes to Your Ship

Feeling like your ship needs a fresh look? Grab some new furniture from the Store in Lethal Company. Here’s how:

  1. Zip over to the Access Terminal and press E.
  2. Type “Store“, hit Enter, and browse the cool stuff for sale.
  3. See something you like? Type its name, press Enter, and it’s yours!

Move It, Move It!

Shuffling furniture in Lethal Company is no big deal. Just remember these tricks:

  • Hit B near any furniture to start moving it. Click again to lock it down.
  • Hold R to give it a spin (just one way though, like a record).
  • Wanna store it? Press X, and it’s out of sight.

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