Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks

Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks 1 - steamsplay.com
Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks 1 - steamsplay.com

The Traitor is a new role in Unfortunate Spacemen, and I want to make sure that all agents of BRIGADE know what they are doing.


This guide is currently a WORK IN PROGRESS, however, I AM STILL WORKING ON IT. If you have any screenshots that you are fine with me using on here, or, on the Unfortunate Spacemen wiki (which I will update during / after this is finished), please DM them to GamEsnitzhel#0261 on discord.

What is the Traitor?

The traitor is a new role in Unfortunate Spacemen. It will only appear in games with 4 or more players, and the server has the setting on.

About the Traitor

The traitor will start with 90 HP, or 100 if they have the RECRUIT PERK, and is UNABLE to pick up power weapons except for the SUITCASE NUKE. (Power weapons: Shotgun, Railgun, Flamethrower, Auto-Shotty… etc).
Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks - About the Traitor - 1917F0E
The traitor can, however, can see all players through walls, and has one traitor perk that goes along with their spacemen loadouts. The monster and the traitor do not know who each other’s colours are at the start of the game, however, if they run into each other, then it will show that they are the monster or traitor.
Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks - About the Traitor - 8A85EBF
Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks - About the Traitor - F043F74
The traitor’s death is very important to the spacemen. If the traitor dies, everyone in the game gets informed, and there is no murderer penalty for killing the traitor, and it will be easier then killing the monster, as they don’t have as many options to run away with. The traitor is not designed for combat, however if need be, it can be done, but will usually end with the traitor dying if the spacemen are smart and can aim.
The traitor can vent, and sabotage like the monster, although without a remote arm, so you have to physically be there to do it, and investigator can scan them to get your colour.

The B.R.I.C.K

The B.R.I.C.K is the device that the traitor can use in order to help in the sabotage. The B.R.I.C.K is a long-range hacking device that will be able to do certain actions:
• HP station – Puts it on cooldown
• Camera – Triggers the alarm
• Sealed Research Sample – Unseals it
• Doors – Locks it (The B.R.I.C.K can NOT unlock doors)


As the traitor, you have some perks to choose from. Each perk is unique and will give different advantages to them.
Red Alert – Mostly blocks use of cameras + ability causes all cameras to get alarmed (red alarm).
Haywire – Causes hacked security bots to shoot at anyone nearby for a period of time.
Translocator – You can place your translocator down, and teleport to it at a later time, it can be destroyed by damage and bad placement.
Man Traps – You can have up to 4 man traps down at a time. They act like bear traps, and will damage and lock someone in place for a few seconds. Throwing one at somebody’s feet DOES work.
Flasher – Provides a flashbang effect in a radius and destroys all cameras in line of sight (any distance).

The Investigator

Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks - The Investigator - A55BF13
Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks - The Investigator - B5D739D
Investigators who are level 2 are able to scan clues you leave behind. The way that investigators are able to level up is by scanning your ship (image). You will get a hud notification when this happens. When the investigator scans a clue, they are told what happened there (image), for example, if you hacked a door, or if someone stepped in a man trap. It also will tell them how long ago that it happened. It does not provide much information, however, it is enough to figure you out.

Written by Not BRIGADE

Here we come to an end for Unfortunate Spacemen New Traitor Role Guide + Perks hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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