Ultimate Custom Night Dee Dee’s Roulette v2

Ultimate Custom Night Dee Dee’s Roulette v2 1 - steamsplay.com
Ultimate Custom Night Dee Dee’s Roulette v2 1 - steamsplay.com

So a awesome dude made a ucn gamemode called Dee Dee’s roulette

I think some adjustments could be made, so that’s what im doing!


Set all characters to 0. and begin
You cannot remove any characters.

wait what?

So, dee dee has a chance to add a character every night. but
because you’re not removing any characters it keeps on piling up,
you should PRAY that you don’t get XOR.

Depending on which game modes you want to do,
there are different game rules.

Each game-mode has a difficulty rating.

✪ = really easy
✪✪✪✪✪ = really hard


– You can use death coin 5 times per run
– If you survive the night you can turn all the animatronic difficulties
down by 1.
– If you die 5 times your run is over.
– Your highscore is the number of points you have.

Easy ✪✪

– You can use death coin 3 times per run
– If you die 5 times your run is over.
– Your highscore is the number of points you have.

Medium ✪✪✪

– You can use death coin 1 once per run
– If you die 3 times your run is over.
– Your highscore is the number of points you have.

Hard ✪✪✪✪

– You cannot use the death coin
– If you die your run is over.
– Your highscore is the number of points you have.

V.Hard ✪✪✪✪✪

– You cannot use the death coin
– If you die your run is over.
-All characters that get added must be set to 20
– Your highscore is the number of points you have.





Set all characters to 0. and begin
You cannot remove any characters.

Written by AsterIsTired

This is all for Ultimate Custom Night Dee Dee’s Roulette v2 hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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