Sub Rosa How to Setup Dedicated Server Tutorial Guide

Sub Rosa How to Setup Dedicated Server Tutorial Guide 1 -
Sub Rosa How to Setup Dedicated Server Tutorial Guide 1 -

A guide to help you set up your very own Sub Rosa dedicated server with modifications or without.

Setting up

First, decide which operating system you’re going to be running the server on. There’s Windows and Linux. I’d recommend using Linux for maximum performance and for RosaServer which lets you mod your server with Lua.
If you want to run a Vanilla server, you can open the dedicated using the binaries from your game folder.
If you want to run a RosaServer server, please read this after reading the guide and setting up your server: RosaServer information – [] 

How to get all the required server files

Go to your game’s installation folder.
Copy these files and folders, if present:

  • data [Required!]
  • config.txt
  • config_round.txt
  • config_versus.txt
  • config_world.txt
  • server.srk

If you wish to run a Windows server, copy the subrosadedicated.exe file as well.
For a Linux server, copy the subrosadedicated.x64 file.
If you also want to be able to make mods for your server (Linux only!), visit this page and download the files specified below: noche-x/RosaServer – [] 

  • rosaserversatellite


Ready to use server templates


Once you’ve downloaded any of these, unpack them anywhere you’d like and move on to the next section.


Now you need to configure your server. (you don’t really have to but y’know, you gotta set the name at least)
The header names will be the filename. Feel free to create the file if you don’t have it yet.


Default contents:

servername=Sub Rosa Server


Key Default value Description
port 27584 The port for use by the server to accept connections. Make sure to forward it. Must be within the range of 0 to 65535.
servermaxbytespersecond 500000 How fast server will send updates. Generally you don’t want to touch this.
servername Sub Rosa Server This is the name of the server displayed in the list.
adminpassword <Sequence of 6 random numbers> The password for getting administrator permissions. Refer to commands section for usage.
serverpassword The password that will be used to connect to the server. If not specified, there is no password.
gametype 3 The gamemode that the server will run upon launch.
Must be one of these in the list:

  • 3: Round
  • 4: World
  • 5: Eliminator
  • 6: Cooperative
  • 7: Versus
maxnumofplayers 16 The maximum amount of players allowed to connect to the server. Maximum for the engine is 256.
roundtime 11 The time in minutes for Round mode game length. Maximum is 60.
setcpuaffinity 1 Processor affinity, or CPU pinning or “cache affinity”, enables the binding and unbinding of a process or a thread to a central processing unit or a range of CPUs, so that the process or thread will execute only on the designated CPU or CPUs rather than any CPU. Set to 0 or 1 for false or true respectively.



Default contents:



Key Default value Description
roundtime 11 The time in minutes for the length of a single round. Maximum is 60.
startcash 250 The starting amount of cash for every player.
weekly 1 If the game should be weekly or not. After Friday all company funds are reset to the starting cash. Set to 0 or 1 for false or true respectively.
bonusratio 1 The bonus multiplier for cash earned?
teamdamage 50 Percentage of damage returned when shooting teammates.



Default contents:



Key Default value Description
allowrespawn 1 Allows respawning of players after death. Set to 0 or 1 for false or true respectively.
startcash 250 The starting amount of cash for every player.
roundtime The time in minutes for the game length. Maximum is 60. Description
movedelay 10 The amount of time to wait at round start for players to be allowed to move.
bonusratio 1 The bonus multiplier for cash earned?
teamdamage 50 Percentage of damage returned when shooting teammates.
mapxx <Name of map> Select map for use by the /setmap command. Map names can be found in the “data” folder of the server root. Refer to commands section for usage.



Default contents:



Key Default value Description
traffic 256 Amount of traffic cars to spawn. Maximum for engine is 256.
crimecivciv 100 Base amount of criminal rating earned when a civilian harms a civilian.
crimecivteam 200 Base amount of criminal rating earned when a civilian harms a corporation member.
crimeteamciv 50 Base amount of criminal rating earned when a corporation member harms a civilian.
crimeteamteam 0 Base amount of criminal rating earned when a corporation member harms another corporation member.
crimeteamteaminbase 100 Base amount of criminal rating earned when a corporation member harms another corporation member in the opposite team’s base.
crimevscriminal 20 Base amount of criminal rating earned when harming a criminal.
crimenobuy 200 Minimum amount of criminal rating before you are unable to buy anything from shops.
crimenospawn 500 Minimum amount of criminal rating before you are unable to enter the city after dying.
crimekick 1000 Maximum amount of criminal rating. Passing this threshold will ban you from the server until the rating goes down.
startcash 1000 The starting amount of cash a player starts with.
mincash 500 The minimum amount of cash a player is allowed to reach. After re-joining, if below minimum, it will be set to this number.
showjoinexit 1 Announce players joining and exiting the server in chat. Set to 0 or 1 for false or true respectively.
respawnteam 0 Allow teams to respawn in their base using the Respawn in base button. Set to 0 or 1 for false or true respectively.



Contents example:


This file specifies people that will get admin powers automatically upon joining.


Contents example:


There was never any documentation on this file, but I’d assume that it uses SteamID64 to specify banned users.


Contents example:
Hello World!
This is the text displayed on the Read Me paper in World mode.


This section will describe each command and it’s usage.
[] means optional, <> means required.

Command Arguments Description Example usage
/admin <password> Gain admin powers if you know the adminpassword set in config.txt. /admin 291752
/arm [id] Give yourself a weapon, 4 magazines and 2 bandages. If argument not specified, will give you the M-16 (ID 2).
List of applicable IDs:

  • 1: AK-47
  • 2: M-16
  • 3: MP-5
  • 4: UZI
  • 5: 9mm
/arm 5
/ban <phone> <duration> Ban a player using phone number with ban duration specified in seconds. /ban 2564096 100
/bann Cancel a ban. /bann
/bany Confirm a ban. /bany
/beamer Spawn a Red Beamer in front of yourself, facing north. /beamer
/car Spawn a Red Town Car in front of yourself, facing north. /car
/cash Give yourself $100,000. /cash
/clearkick Clear all kicks. /clearkick
/give <phone> <amount> Give a player using phone number a specified amount of cash. /give 2564096 100000
/godmode Make bullets pass through you. You are still vulnerable to grenades and roadkill. /godmode
/heli Spawn a Red Helicopter in front of yourself, facing north.
/helicopter Spawn a Red Helicopter in front of yourself, facing north. Model currently missing.
/hlist Print out a list of all players with their player ID, human ID and name specified.
/kick <phone> Kick a player using phone number from the server. Apparently, they will not see it in the server list until the kicks are cleared. /kick 2564096
/kill Kill your currently controlled character. /kill
/message <text> Send a message in chat visible to everyone. /message Hello World!
/phone Give yourself a phone, put in the last slot of your inventory. The number is 6666. /phone
/pickup Spawn a Red Pickup Truck in front of yourself, facing north. Currently not implemented. /pickup
/resetgame Reset the game. /resetgame
/savereplay [number] Save a replay of all of the actions performed after command execution. Saves on reset. Apparently, you have to put 1 as an argument or the replay might not save. /savereplay 1
/setmap <number> Sets map for Versus gamemode specified in config_versus.txt. /setmap 2
/traffic Toggles car traffic on the map.
/turbo Spawn a Red Turbo in front of yourself, facing north. /turbo
/van Spawn a Red Van in front of yourself, facing north. /van


Written by olv

This is all for Sub Rosa How to Setup Dedicated Server Tutorial Guide hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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