Planet Coaster How to Switch A Scenario Park to a Sandbox Park

Planet Coaster How to Switch A Scenario Park to a Sandbox Park 1 -
Planet Coaster How to Switch A Scenario Park to a Sandbox Park 1 -
A guide explaining how to turn a Scenario park into a Sandbox park.


How to Switch a Scenario Park to a Sandbox Park

1. Find the scenario you would like to switch, and play the scenario. 
2. Save the park and exit to the main menu. 
3. Find the park in the section “My Parks” and select Edit Scenario. Once you are in the park, edit the Spawn Points and Park Dimensions if you want to. 
4. Save the Scenario and exit to main menu when you are done. 
5. Go to the section “My Scenarios”, and press “Play Scenario”. 
6. Save the park and exit to main menu. 
7. Go back to “My Parks”. Find the park and select “Open As”. Then press “Sandbox”. 
8. Save the park and exit to main menu. 
Once you have completed all of these steps, you are now able to play the park in Sandbox Mode! 

Written by JSCoaster

This is all for Planet Coaster How to Switch A Scenario Park to a Sandbox Park hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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