Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide

Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide 1 -
Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide 1 -

With guidance from Gunner62, and other high elo prealphas, a training guide for each character.


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Top - 6E3DD0E
HASTE – Speed up your movement
CREATIONS – Anything that a character creates (e.g juno slimes and atlas expanse).
STAGGER is basically your health bar. Once it is empty/broken, you receive more knockback
LIGHT HIT: Does not knockback targets unless they are hit.
MEDIUM HITI: Knocks the target back
HEAVY HITI: Hits the target hard and then slows down.


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Atlas - 2AD0F76
Atlas is primarily used to play the role of a goalie. Your ultimate is primarily used to resurrect your allies. So cast it as soon as they die. Your expanse has a long cast time, so cast it sooner than you think.
Meta Goalie: Built Different, Crossover, Creator of Durable Products
This alternative rune page is for you if you feel the need to resurrect more often. This can be useful against comps with high kill focus.
Alternative Goalie: Built Different, Crossover, Extra Special


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Drek’ar - CF783DB
Drek can be played as a kill-focused forward. There is only one accepted page. To facilitate killing people, focus your attention on hitting the sweet spot with your shotgun while you learn Drek. Focus on obtaining orbs in order to gain experience, and then hit your LVL10 power spike with primetime.
Meta Forward: Prime Time.Heavy Handed.Cast To Last.
Goalie is not very often played. However, if you're looking for some fun, you can play it.
Goalie: Eject Button, Prime Time, Cast to Last


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Dubu - 871DE04
Dubu is often used as a goalie. Keep in mind, slam actually STUNS your core. People can't actually hit it for about a quarter second after hitting it so it is very useful against people trying stuff into the goal.
Meta Goalie: Built Different, Missile Propulsion, Creator of Large Things
Dubu is notoriously hard to kill in the net. However, if you need a little more survival, taking well fed Creator of Large Things can give you a little bit of knockback resistance at just 5 orbs
Alt Goalie: Built Different, Missile Propulsion, Well Fed
You can use this rune page to play Dubu Forward
Forward: Built Different, Creator of Large Things , +1 Y (Generally Crossover. However, have fun with)


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Era - CA069FC
Era can be used as a support forward and is usually paired with a brawler like X or Drek'ar. Era swarm is a great tool to both secure orbs as well as put pressure on the enemy goalie. Shrinkray is used to buff your brawler or slow down enemies. Shrink ray can also be used to score quick points.
This page is the accepted runepage, but I prefer the alt pages for faster cooldowns than the super surge buff on a speed boost.
Meta Forward: Crossover., Cast to Last., Super Surge.
Alt Forward: Crossover and Cast to Last. Perfect Form.
Prime time can be good if you want more late-game play
Alt: Crossover, Super Surge, Prime Time
Alt: Prime Time, Cast to Last, Crossover


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Estelle - 8CC4A04
Estelle is generally used as a forward. Estelle trainings are personal preference. You can do anything on the orange page. You should strive to achieve level 10 by contesting andbs if your goal is prime time. The ultimate is an excellent scoring tool
Meta Forward: Missile Propulsion.Rapid Fire.Primetime.
Alt: Missile Prop, Ultrascope, Rapid Fire
Alt: You can really pick anything from Orange and Red trees, and it will work. Super Surge, Crossover can also be considered in green tree
Estelle goalie can also be effective, but it takes precision use of Estelle’s Teleport and Snipe to keep the ball from the net. Keep in mind that you can strike very quickly with teleports. For example, you can teleport to the ball and strike to redirect it.
Meta Goalie: Missile Propulsion, Rapid Fire, Prime Time


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Juliette - 91740FB
Juliette can be trained in any combination you like. The main juliette combo, which includes punch and dash, is u dashing. They get hit by both. This makes it very easy to kill people close to the edge of a map. You can also use flurry to ensure the kill or flurry into dash punch if you are confident it will kill.
The meta training page focuses primarily on killing. I prefer heavy handed over built differently to make it easier for you to dodge. But built different makes it much easier to hit the combo. If you are new to the game, I recommend that you take built different.
Meta Forward: Perfect Form.Tempo Swing.Built Different.
Alt: Perfect Form, Tempo Swing, Heavy Handed
This page can be useful if you are looking to focus on speed, scoring, and there isn't much pressure from the enemy side.
Alt: Crossover, Stacks on Stacks, Unstoppable
Alternativ: Crossover can be used if you do not like the base page but feel slow. It makes it easier to maintain ball control, score, and score.
Alt: Crossover, Tempo Swing, Perfect Form


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Juno - 0A885A1
Juno is usually a forward with a focus to score and control the ball. Her slime throw is capable of scoring KOs against staggered goals.
Remember that your slimes can be controlled by where you strike the ball if you press your strike. You are also invulnerable if you jump, and you can strike during the leap. The ultimate also generates slime for all targets in the ultimate, even the core.
Meta Forward: Rapid Fire
Creator of Durable Products , Crossover
If you prefer to have your ultimate up quicker than you movespeed, this page is for you
Alt: Rapid Fire, Creator of Durable Products , Extra Special
Alt: Rapid Fire, Creator of Durable Products , +1


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Kai - 8B27E4D
Kai is usually a goalie. However, he can be a great scoring forward against those with weaker goals.
Kai goalie has a lot of flexibility in terms of training pages. So find one that works best for you!
Goalie: Crossover, Missile Propulsion, Built Different
Alt: Crossover, Missile Propulsion, +1 (Stacks on Stacks, Eject Button, Ultrascope, Perfect Form, Rapid Fire, Super Surge)
Kai forward, like goalie is extremely flexible. This trainings page is great if you don’t feel like you have to die to enemy forwards.
Forward: Crossover, Stacks on Stacks, Rapid Fire
Alt: Crossover, +2


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - Luna - 29BC776
Luna can play both as a forward and goalie. She is extremely kill-focused but can score incredible goals with well-placed juggernauts (and the dash). Remember that you can strike during a dash which allows you to redirect the ball. You can hit the goalie using juggernaut, while hitting the ball into another goal.
Goalie – Heavy Handed, Ultrascope and Eject Button
Luna forward will not need the eject but many people like to run stacks on stacks when they feel they can't die in battle against the enemy ahead.
Forward: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, Extra Special
Alt: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, Stacks on Stacks
Alt: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, +1 (Eject Button, Primetime)


Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide - X - 81756E5
X is a kill-focused forward. He is very easy to play and can be recommended for newer players who like his playstyle.
For X forward any red trainings will work, but this can be a simple one to get you started
Forward: Heavy Handed, Tempo Swing, Built Different
Alt: Any 3 red Trainings
Alt: Crossover+2 Red Trainings
Alt: Built Different+ 2 Red Trainings


Written by squako

Here we come to an end for Omega Strikers How to Train All Characters Guide hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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