NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide

NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 1 -
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 1 -
Don’t expect much, i made this because i could not find any guides on achievements.


Unlock achievements

NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide - Unlock achievements 
Unlocked Flesh World! 
Description of achievement: See, the world is made entirely of flesh so that makes it a Flesh World 
To unlock this achievement you must unlock all of the tutorial islands think juice (tier 1-4) and pay a certain amount of each tier in the research tab. (top left of the screen). 
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 
Unlocked Planet Tronne! 
Description of achievement: pew pew pew lasers does anyone look at these descriptions i bet not 
To unlock this achievement you must unlock all of flesh worlds flesh juice (tier 1-4) and pay a certain amount of each tier in the research lab (top left of the screen). 
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 
Unlocked Candy Land! 
Description of achievement: i once ate 3 metric tons of gummy bears and then my heart EXPLODED 
To unlock this achievement you must unlock all of planet tronnes tech juice (tier 1-4) and pay a certain amount of each tier in the research lab (top left of the screen). 
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 
Unlocked M&M! 
Description of achievement: (I put on my tie and pocket protector) 
To unlock this achievement you must unlock all of candy lands candy jello (tier 1-4) and pay a certain amount of each tier in the research lab (top left of the screen). 
If there are any questions you have about the world achievements that i did not answer here leave them in the comments. 

ISOPOD achievements

NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide - ISOPOD achievements 
First Steps! 
Description of achievement: Reached level 100 of the ISOPOD! 
To unlock this achievement you must reach level 100 of the ISOPOD. You are only able to go up 20 levels at a time in the ISOPOD, to unlock the ISOPOD you must have tier 1-3 tech juice and pay a certain amount of it in research (top left of the screen). 
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 
Getting Higher 
Description of achievement: Reached level 500 on the ISOPOD! 
To unlock this achievement you must reach level 500 of the ISOPOD. You are only able to go up 20 levels at a time in the ISOPOD, to unlock the ISOPOD you must have tier 1-3 tech juice and pay a certain amount of it in research (top left of the screen). 
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 
Look at you go! 
To unlock this achievement you must reach level 1000 of the ISOPOD. You are only able to go up 20 levels at a time in the ISOPOD, to unlock the ISOPOD you must have tier 1-3 tech juice and pay a certain amount of it in research (top left of the screen). 
If you have any question about the ISOPOD or its achievements that i did not answer here leave them in the comments. 

Other achievements

NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide - Other achievements 
How Immature. 
Achievement description: Threw more than 69420 of something into the pit. You knew this was gonna show up at least once. 
To unlock this achievement you must unlock the muslukk pitt and throw more than 69420 of anything into the pit. If you know what world you must be at to buy the research for the muslukk pitt please say how to in the comments. 
NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide 
Turn your first material INFINITE 
Achievement description: Woah dude. 
To unlock this achievement you must have a resource with the base production of 10 trillion. 

Hidden achievement

NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide - Hidden achievement 
Way to go, idiot. 
There is no description for this achievement as it is a hidden achievement. 
I do not know how to unlock this achievement, if you know how to please say how to in the comments. 


This is the end of the guide, if there is anything that i missed or was wrong please comment what. Corrections to grammar or spelling errors would be appreciated as well. 

Written by TheStagesOfGrief

Hope you enjoy the post for NGU INDUSTRIES Achievement Guide, If you think we should update the post or something is wrong please let us know via comment and we will fix it how fast as possible! Thank you and have a great day!

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