Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds – Battlebound Plains

Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds – Battlebound Plains 1 - steamsplay.com
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds – Battlebound Plains 1 - steamsplay.com

Details on where the Mokoko Seeds are in Battlebound Plains, including maps and images showing exact positions.

Mokoko Seed Map – Battlebound Plains

There are 7 seeds in Battlebound Plains. Here is a complete map of the area with the seeds marked.
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Mokoko Seed Map - Battlebound Plains - 943C7F9

Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations

Here are the exact locations of the seeds and details on how to find the hidden ones.
All 7 seed locations are extremely easy to find in this area and are not hidden anymore than behind a tree or something simple like that. Check the images below and the map to find the seeds. I’ll note anything of special importance below.
First seed:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - 930314C
Second seed:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - 403FE90
Third seed:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - F014CA7
Fourth seed:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - 81475CA
The fifth seed is hidden behind some trees on the east side of the gathered soldiers in the area:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - D4C6AA5
Sixth seed:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - 15FC541
The seventh seed is slightly hidden behind some trees to the east before the barracade:
Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds - Battlebound Plains - Detailed Mokoko Seed Locations - 19A3112
That’s it! Check back in for more guides, I’ll be making more as I progress through the game!

Written by MoldySpore

Here we come to an end for Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds – Battlebound Plains hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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