Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice Leisure Suit and Wedding Suit Achievements

Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice Leisure Suit and Wedding Suit Achievements 1 - steamsplay.com
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice Leisure Suit and Wedding Suit Achievements 1 - steamsplay.com

Do you want to get both of these achievements without having to replay the whole game? Then this guide is for you!


Isn’t it annoying when games such as this, without much inherent replayability, include achievements that pretty much force you to replay the whole game once again to get them? What’s worse, if you’re inquisitive enough or follow a guide, you can get all the achievements in a single playthrough except for one of these.
Well, not anymore – let’s deal with them faster by editing save files!


Wedding Suit and Leisure Suit are simply items that aren’t listed in your inventory. The game simply checks after the final cutscene whether you have one or the other on you. What we’re going to do is, after finishing the game, go back to one of the save files, exchange the suits via save editing and finish the game again.
So you’ll need two things: a save file near the end of the game, the further the better, and some software for editing text (notepad is enough, notepad++ is even better).


First, you’re going to want to finish the game once to get one of the achievements. Simple enough, right? Just don’t forget to make a save file – again, as far as possible, as you’ll use it to finish the game again. Preferably somewhere during the final section inside the simulation.
Done? Ok, so let’s do this:

  1. Load that save file and save it once again as a backup – just in case we mess something up. Remember the number of the save slot you used for one of these.
  2. Open the folder where save files are stored. For me the path is:

    C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\Assemble Entertainment\Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice\savegames

    If the AppData folder is invisible for you, you can access it by typing


    in the file explorer’s address bar and going up one level, as that takes you to AppData/Roaming by default.

  3. Find the files related to the save you wanted to use. Open the .banana file with a text editor.
  4. The file contains, amongst other things, the list of the items you have on you, each represented with a unique id. The ids of the suits are:
    Leisure Suit:


    Wedding Suit:

  5. Find one of the above codes and replace with the other. Leave all the other signs around it, including backslash at the end. Save.
  6. Run the game, load the modified save file and finish the game again.

If everything was done correctly, you should get the achievement you were missing after finishing the game.

That’s it

That’s it. Hopefully it worked for you and you can finally enjoy having all the achievements and being able to brag about them to your friends.
Thank you for using my guide.

Written by Elkondo

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