How to Double FPS for FSR 3 frame Generation Mod in Cyberpunk 2077

How to Double FPS for FSR 3 frame Generation Mod in Cyberpunk 2077 1 -
How to Double FPS for FSR 3 frame Generation Mod in Cyberpunk 2077 1 -

How to Double FPS for FSR 3 frame Generation Mod in Cyberpunk 2077

Hey there, gamer! Want to **crank up your frames per second (fps)** in Cyberpunk without breaking the bank? Check out the **FSR 3 frame generation mod**. It’s a game-changer, and here’s how to get it going:

1. Getting the Mod Ready:

  • First up, head over to Nexus . That’s where the magic begins.
  • Spot the “” file? Hit the download button. Go for the **slow download** – it’s worth the wait.
  • Once it’s downloaded, pop into your downloads folder. Right-click on that zip file and pick “Extract all”. Choose a spot you’ll remember for the files.
  • Open up that folder you just extracted. Find the file “DisableNvidiaSignatureChecks.reg”, right-click it, and click “Merge.” Hit “Yes” to confirm.
  • Now, let’s find your Cyberpunk game folder. In Steam, right-click the game, go to “Manage,” then “Browse Local Files.”
  • In the game folder, dive into the “bin” folder, then the “x64” one.
  • Go back to your mod folder and drag both “nvngx.dll” and “dlssg_to_fsr3_amd_is_better.dll” right into the Cyberpunk folder you just found.
  • **Boom!** Mod’s installed. Nice work!

2. Turning On the Mod:

  • Right-click on your desktop, open the **NVIDIA Control Panel**.
  • Hit “Manage 3D Settings” on the left, then jump to “Program Settings.”
  • Find “Cyberpunk 2077” in the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll to “Vertical Sync”, set it to “On”, and hit “Apply.”
  • Now, scoot over to your Windows settings. Go to **System > Display > Graphics > “Change Default Graphic Settings”** and turn on “Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.”
  • If you’ve never done this before, restart your PC. If you’ve already been there, done that, skip this step.
  • Fire up the game, let it load.
  • In the game, hit up the graphics settings. Turn on **DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling)** and **Frame Generation**.
  • **And there you have it!** You’ve just doubled your fps, and it didn’t cost a penny.

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  • This guide’s for version 0.50 of the mod.
  • If it’s working fine, no need to tinker. But if you wanna update, don’t forget to put back the original “dbghelp.dll” file in the “bin > x64” folder. Fingers crossed you backed it up like we suggested.

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