How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles

How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles 6 -
How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles 6 -

How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles

Hey there! Ready to crush those challenges in Wooden Battles like a pro? It’s easier than you think! Let me show you a nifty trick. Just tweak the game files a bit, and you’ll be sailing to victory in no time. Here’s what you gotta do:

1. Finding the Game Files:

  • Right-click on “Wooden Battles” in your game library and choose “Properties”.
  • Hit “Browse local files” to open up where the game lives on your computer.

2. Getting to the Level Data:

  • In the game’s folder, find and open the “Wooden Battles_Data” folder.

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    How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles 1 –
  • Look for the “Missions” folder and click on it.

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    How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles 4 –

3. Tweaking the Files:

  • Find mission files named with three numbers, like “Mission100” or “Mission602”.

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    How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles 5 –
  • Open the file for the level you’re stuck on.

4. Changing the Blue Team:

  • Inside the mission file, delete all details under the Blue team.

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    How to Complete All Challenges in Wooden Battles 3 –
  • But hey, don’t remove the line that says “Blue Team”! Just the stuff underneath.

5. Winning Made Easy:

  • With the Blue team gone, you’ve got a huge upper hand.
  • Drop in a single unit and watch it stroll to the enemy base for an easy win.

And that’s it! Use this method for any level you’re stuck on. By tweaking the right files, you’ll be tackling each challenge without breaking a sweat. Happy gaming!

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