How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3

How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3 3 -
How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3 3 -

How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3

Hey gamers! Wanna keep your Honor shining in Baldur’s Gate 3? Here’s a cool trick: reload your latest savegame right after shutting down the game’s process. But wait, there’s a bug buzzing around, right? No worries, let’s zap it by clearing the LevelCache. It’s like giving your game a fresh start without any hiccups!

Wipe Out That LevelCache!

How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3 2 -
How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3 2 –

Ready to clean house? Just scoot over to this spot on your PC: %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur’s Gate 3\. Find the “LevelCache” folder and show it the exit door (yep, delete it!). You can just copy-paste this path into your Windows Explorer, easy-peasy. Look at the screenshot if you need a visual guide.

Backup Your Honour Mode Savegame Like a Pro

Not into closing the game’s process? Gotcha. Let’s backup your savegame instead. It’s like having a secret weapon against those pesky Steam Cloud savegame glitches. Plus, you get to keep a manual backup, just in case!

How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3 1 -
How to Clear LevelCache and Backup Savegame in Baldur’s Gate 3 1 –

To safeguard your Honour Mode adventures, here’s what you gotta do:

  1. Head over to %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur’s Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\Savegames\Story.
  2. Pick the savegame you love and give it a cozy backup spot.

Again, just copy and paste this path into Windows Explorer. Need a visual? Check out the screenshot we’ve hooked you up with. When you backup, make sure you grab the whole folder linked to your precious savegame. To use it, just put it back where it came from after ditching the original, or overwrite the old files with your backup.

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