Harvest Days: My Dream Farm Basic Crops

Harvest Days: My Dream Farm Basic Crops 1 - steamsplay.com
Harvest Days: My Dream Farm Basic Crops 1 - steamsplay.com

Seeing no one else did anything, Ill start
This is my first time creating a guide and I have no knowledge of computer but basics.
This is a start but will update as I play more

Summer crops

Summer Seed price Yield Days to grow Price per unit $ per tile per day
Tomato 60 24 10 5.5 (20*) 7.2 (42*)
Cabbages 40 4 5 20.5 8.4
Coffee 50 10 10 12 7
Carrot 20 6 6 6 2.6
Watermelon 100 1 12 230 10.8
Beet 30 6 3 9 8
Wheat 12 24 4t 1 3
Corn 150 24 14 15 15
Sunflower 100 4 8 50 12.5


Written by Catastrophology

This is all for Harvest Days: My Dream Farm Basic Crops hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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