Hard West 2 How to get and use hand cannon Turn (3:10 To Heaven)

Hard West 2 How to get and use hand cannon Turn (3:10 To Heaven) 1 - steamsplay.com
Hard West 2 How to get and use hand cannon Turn (3:10 To Heaven) 1 - steamsplay.com

This guide will show you how to complete 3:10 to Heaven by simultaneously stealing from the back safe and the front of the train.

There is no need to try again because it has been optimized to eliminate randomness.

This will save you the medical bill, and time, and you have one extra toy (Hand cannon) to play with.

It has 7 damage as a pistol, could be 8 with character skills.

You can finish with WD and Flynn start on horseback regardless.

1. Use all your Laughing Deer speed ups!

2. Lazarus just need any weapon that’s capable of bouncing bullets

3. Gin Carter – Blue dynamite and any combos that would shove out 7 damage only

4. Flynn – Just herself with 1 blue dynamite, boots not required but will make work easier

5. Run Gin Carter as far as possible towards the rear end, prefer under the ladder

6. Use Gin’s last point to throw the blue dynamite kill one goon, reset.

7. Get up on the roof and have him use a talent that deals 7 damage; it must strike the second thug hiding in plain sight, otherwise you will be forced to resort to option (A). Gin needs to deal enough damage with her 8-damage weapon or B to knock him out. Adjust his posse ability so that it deals exactly 7 damage.

8. Bring Flynn up to the rooftop and trade places with the guy who just has one health point. Let Flynn open the safe at the back of the wagon; she has already gained three points by swap-killing the one-health thug.
9. Lazarus bounce one bullet, damage the behind cover goon with 15 HP one train ahead of the starting train.

10. Laughing Deer, board the train and Wild Run to kill the goon, he should have enough movement to reach the front of the train in one go.

Hard West 2 How to get and use hand cannon Turn (3:10 To Heaven) - SIMPLE GUIDE - 3:10 TO HEAVEN IN ONE TURN. - 63F4A9B

The Hand Cannon

Hard West 2 How to get and use hand cannon Turn (3:10 To Heaven) - SIMPLE GUIDE - 3:10 TO HEAVEN IN ONE TURN. - 592203D

Written by Your Neighbour

This is all for Hard West 2 How to get and use hand cannon Turn (3:10 To Heaven) hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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