Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls & Layouts Guide

Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls & Layouts Guide 3 - steamsplay.com
Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls & Layouts Guide 3 - steamsplay.com

Here we help players find the best guides and gameplay tips for Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls & Layouts Guide hope you enjoy it. A control layout is needed for keyboard users. The default controls are not set up well.


Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls & Layouts Guide - Screenshots - 7E18D67

Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls & Layouts Guide - Screenshots - B5658F5


These are just a few of the things we need to know.

First, the game is unstable. The keyboard will not respond to if either the mouse button is held down. You can’t use your mouse for anything. The camera is the only exception. The camera will not work if the keybind is held down. It may seem dumb, but that’s the way it works.

This is not a big deal. Even if your mouse worked, there would be far too many tasks to assign for your left hand to do. It is better to divide it more evenly. Your left hand should be around WASD, and your right hand should be on the NUM pad.

You may find some of these keys a bit strange at first. But once you get used to it, you’ll be able to see my point. NUM 0 is where the main thrust is located. This was due to the thrust being moved to NUM 0. This is the ideal spot for thrust since it will often be activated for long periods. Your thumb can be used to adjust the camera) while your other fingers can do other tasks (. I don’t recommend the Thrust Lock, but that’s my personal preference. It is easier to control your final landing thrust using intermittent thrust. It’s also more responsive. Going from 0-100 without a thrust lock seems to take much longer than going from 0 to 100 with it on.

The camera angle was a problem I encountered when landing my plane. I like to fly 3rd person. However, the default controls require you not to control your ship to adjust the camera. Ideally, you would want the camera to be angled downwards as you approach the landing area, but then you would angle it higher as you go further down to see how close to you are. This bug is also a problem because the keyboard won’t function when either mouse button is pressed.

You might want the “Release Cargo” button unbounded. I never used it. Unintentionally, only once, which was a wasteful use of time.

That’s all I can think of.


Written by Varlun

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