Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location

Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location 6 - steamsplay.com
Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location 6 - steamsplay.com

This is a free-to-play, cross-platform MMO military game centered on aviation, armored vehicles, and naval vessels. It covers the entire twentieth century, from the most primitive to the most advanced combat units. You can now participate in major naval, land, and air battles.

To start, you will need the following items.

This Section Includes These Locations

  1. Starting point
  2. Entrance
  3. Inner hall


  • This guide “[]” includes options
  • Blue SinA is okay, especially when it’s Cursed, but because of my team comps it just sat the whole game in the inventory.

  • Add any [EMPTYSCROLL] to the list.

Before digging in any other area than the ones listed, you must have these items from looting bookshelves, crates, and pots.

  2. [PASSAGE – MA’HABRE] (Ignore, if not using Blue Sin).

    You need to reroll the ancient text using a bed/enlightenment until you attain Necromancy.

Yes Only the Explosive Viola is all that is needed. You can get arms from Prison Guardians or your party with the bonesaw… if insane.

All of this is possible in the Inner Hall (with some luck and restarting).

Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location - Required Items To Start - 22C110B

Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location - Required Items To Start - EA3C356

Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location - Required Items To Start - 9A0CD8E

Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location - Required Items To Start - 0C9A264


Another thing to consider is whether you want a marriage.

I love a high Attack Sergal Spear character so I will cut off arms from a Ghoul to make room for myself before performing a Love ritual since the Marriage regains its limbs.

This grants both a damage bonus and the 4 required legs for the Spear.

Fear & Hunger Required Items + Marriage & Location - Marriage - 82175ADThe highest level of player character Attack stat for marriage is

(Refer to 30/40 Attack as the starting point for every Main Character.

You can also use any armour and two hands.

Also, there are no phobias.

You can always equip Penance Armor to replace the sprite in the Marriage.

Stat Name Value
Attack 50
Defence 16
M. Attack 16
M. Defence 16
Agility 10
Luck 32

I have played the game as one. I don’t know the downside of becoming one.

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