Escape from Monkey Island™ How to fix glitches issues

Escape from Monkey Island™ How to fix glitches issues 1 -
Escape from Monkey Island™ How to fix glitches issues 1 -

This is to help others get out glitches / issues they find themselves in

Act 1 – Stuck in rowing animation

If you find yourself stuck in the rowing animation after exiting the raft, I tried looking online at ways of trying to clear it (or even editing the save file to try and reset the state). Some mentioned that you could try holding down the pause button to repeatedly go in/out of pause state and that cleared it, but for me this did not work.
The only way I was able to clear this was to activate a part right at the very end of the Act. Spoilers below…..
Once you’ve followed Ozzie to the secret hideout and activated the button in the hideout. When you come back out of the hideout and jump into the water, this will reset the animation for you.
Alternatively, you can download one of the save games from this website but I wanted to try and retain my own save data rather than using someone else’s: – [] 
Would be nice to get this patched as it doesn’t feel like a big bug to fix….

Written by rossisthebest

Here we come to an end for Escape from Monkey Island™ How to fix glitches issues hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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