Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide 1 - steamsplay.com
Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide 1 - steamsplay.com

This guide will cover all answers needed when talking to Digimon in order to tame them.

Introduction and Tips

This guide is a WIP and I will add to it as I get more Digimon tamed, if you see any mistakes please let me know.
Hey everyone! This is my first guide and I thought it would be great to have a space for all the answers while taming Digimon. Gets a bit hard to remember every answer for all of them.
How does the taming work?
In battle you can select the talk option with your partner Digimon, the opponent you choose to talk with will ask you 3 question and each question has 4 possible answers; 1 answer will add 2 bars to the affection meter, 1 will add 1 bar, 1 will decrease it by 1 and the last will decrease it by 2. In this guide I will give you the answers to get a +2 to the affection meter.

Before we begin, a few tips for those of you trying to tame them all!

  • Free battles don’t take up any move turns in free time mode.
  • If a Digimon dies in free battle, it will be revived at the end of battle and still get xp.
  • If you see a Digimon you really want in the free battle preview, be sure to save your game before fighting. That way, if you fail, you can reload the game and try again since it will still be your next free battle opponent.
  • Try use a speedy Digimon, like Falcomon, to do the talking on the first turn.
  • If you fail at getting your Digimon tamed and the battle is still not over, you can restart the battle in the start menu to try again.

Now with that out of the way, lets continue!

Part 1 Digimon

In part 1 of the game you will have access to:

  • Gotsumon
  • Betamon
  • Gazimon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 1 Digimon - 42BAF55

Question Best Answer (+2)
Boy, you’re a tough-lookin’ mug, aren’t ya?! I bet I’d lose if we threw down… I’d definitely lose.
Go on… Try guessing what I think of ya! That I’m cool?
Next! Whaddaya think’d be a good prank? A pit trap?
I don’t feel so good… Someone, help… …Pfft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?! Whoa, you scared me!
Don’t you think every day’s just sooo boring? Makes me wanna yawn.
Hey, what kinda food do ya like? Love me some meat!
I don’t care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain’t gonna trust no human! I’ll earn your trust!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 1 Digimon - 1A89B4F

Question Best Answer (+2)
How do clouds in the sky look to you? I wanna ride one!
I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible… Then let’s retreat.
Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime? No, but it’s not easy.
What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect? Get annoyed!
If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it? I’d scold them!
Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think? Be true to yourself.
Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it? What a gentle soul!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 1 Digimon - 719D8D9

Question Best Answer (+2)
Boy, you’re a tough-lookin’ mug, aren’t ya?! I bet I’d lose if we threw down… We’d probably tie.
Go on… Try guessing what I think of ya! That I’m easygoing?
Next! Whaddaya think’d be a good prank? A pit trap?
I don’t feel so good… Someone, help… …Pfft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?! I’m glad you’re okay.
Don’t you think every day’s just sooo boring? Let’s go do something!
Hey, what kinda food do ya like? Love me some meat!
I don’t care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain’t gonna trust no human! What can I do, then?


Part 2 Digimon

In part 2 of the game you will have access to:

  • Biyomon
  • Numemon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 2 Digimon - 22BDEF8

Question Best Answer (+2)
Have you ever told a lie? Never ever.
Why are leaves green? It’s the chlorophyll.
Whenever I meet a scary monster, I just start apologizing. Weird, right? You’re a scaredy-cat.
I don’t care how tough you are, I’m not gonna lose! Nice, so energetic!
Someday I’m gonna run this joint! Not a chance!
What’s the most important thing to you? Food!
What do you do for fun? Tag!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 2 Digimon - AD5513C

Question Best Answer (+2)
(The monster shakes his head as he starts to leave.) [Speak kindly to him.]
(The monster seems interested in what the humans are saying.) [Talk to him slowly.]
(The monster looks warily in this direction.) [Prepare to fight.]
(The monster just stands there.) [Gesture.]
(The monster is trying to say something.) [Give it some food.]
(The monster is staring in fascinated confusion.) [Stare right back.]
(The monster bends forward, scowling at you.) [Mimic his posture.]


Part 3 Digimon

In part 3 of the game you will have access to:

  • Meramon
  • Deltamon
  • Fangmon
  • Dokugumon
  • Patamon
  • Birdramon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 3 Digimon - 2820EC9

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? You look strong.
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! [Let it simmer down.]
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! Yeah, the best!
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! [Stare in amazement.]
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! I’ll think about it.
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! Nice, a tough one!
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? You know your stuff!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 3 Digimon - B28FE77

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? You look strong.
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! Calm down already!
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! Thanks for the lesson!
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! I know what you mean.
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! Hunt for yourself!
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! Scary, but I’ll win!
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? You know your stuff!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 3 Digimon - 5371C59

Question Best Answer (+2)
Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item! I don’t believe you.
What do you think decides what’s right or wrong? Reality itself.
You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone? I wouldn’t mind.
I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you! Secrets? I wonder…
Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans sure are cruel. So let’s call it off.
Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived? The deceiver, duh!
You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself. Strength’s irrelevant.

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 3 Digimon - 7A4479A

Question Best Answer (+2)
Me… eat you… okay? Try it, if you dare.
Human… no good! Sorry to bother you.
(The monster thrashes about on the spot.) [Stare coldly at him.]
(The monster looks away, as if bored.) [Throw something.]
(The monster has taken a threatening stance.) [Glare at him.]
(The monster seems perplexed by the sight of a human.) Strut around.
(The monster seems to be pleading hungrily.) [Give him candy.]

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 3 Digimon - 0235835

Question Best Answer (+2)
Someday I’m gonna run this joint! Let me work for you!
Whenever I meet a scary monster, I just start apologizing. Weird, right? You don’t wanna fight.
Why are leaves green? Can’t say, really.
What do you do for fun? Climbing trees.
What’s the most important thing to you? Myself.
Have you ever told a lie? Once, for a friend.
I don’t care how tough you are, I’m not gonna lose! I’m not gonna lose!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 3 Digimon - EB2C410

Question Best Answer (+2)
How do clouds in the sky look to you? Always transforming.
I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible… There’s no such thing!
Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime? You should go for it!
What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect? I’d be embarrassed.
If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it? I’d protect my friend.
Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think? Be true to yourself.
Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it? What a gentle soul!


Part 4 Digimon

In part 4 of the game you will have access to:

  • Diatrymon
  • Angemon
  • Tuskmon
  • Agumon
  • Gatomon
  • Guardromon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 4 Digimon - 2144F76

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? I eat everything!
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! [Let it simmer down.]
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! Thanks for the lesson!
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! I know what you mean.
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! I’ll think about it.
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! Scary! But I’ll win.
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? Even more than you!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 4 Digimon - E449FAE

Question Best Answer (+2)
Are there bonds stronger than Family? There must be.
Is there something you’d like to say to me? Go on, don’t be shy. Thanks for being kind.
The goal of this battle is to test each other’s strength. I’ll come out on top!
It’s better to take some sort of action than just sit idly by and worry. Gotta move forward.
What kind of human are you? A friendly human!
By the way, why exactly are you here? I was guided here.
What do you think is the most important thing for building trust? Opening up…

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 4 Digimon - 7AC9B3B

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? I eat everything!
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! Calm down already!
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! It’s bad for your gut.
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! Can’t say the same…
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! Hunt for yourself!
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! Not if I beat you!
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? Even more than you!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 4 Digimon - 4425E46

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? I eat everything!
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! [Let it simmer down.]
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! Yeah, the best!
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! I know what you mean.
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! Hunt for yourself!
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! Nice, a tough one!
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? Even more than you!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 4 Digimon - A6FC551

Question Best Answer (+2)
Boy, you’re a tough-lookin’ mug, aren’t ya?! I bet I’d lose if we threw down… Why don’t we find out?
Go on… Try guessing what I think of ya! That I’m funny!
Next! Whaddaya think’d be a good prank? Pranks are bad!
I don’t feel so good… Someone, help… …Pfft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?! That was lame!
Don’t you think every day’s just sooo boring? I’m too busy living.
Hey, what kinda food do ya like? Veggies all the way.
I don’t care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain’t gonna trust no human! I trust you.

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 4 Digimon - 1C2EC62

Question Best Answer (+2)
How do clouds in the sky look to you? I wanna ride one!
I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible… And yet fight we must.
Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime? Yeah, shame on you!
What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect? Get annoyed!
If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it? With my fists!
Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think? Efficiency is key.
Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it? Not for me, nope.


Part 5 Digimon

In part 5 of the game you will have access to:

  • Sangloupmon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 5 Digimon - C505571

Question Best Answer (+2)
Inferior creature, surrender and you may yet live! Humans ain’t inferior!
Those whose positions waver from little more than words do not amount to much. Never happened to me.
Supreme beings can’t be understood by others. But that doesn’t mean I’m lonely or anything! A lone wolf, huh?
Do you like the moon? The sight of a full moon is so heartwarming, don’t you think? Reminds you of you?
Some things in this world cannot be overturned… Do you know of what I speak? There’s no such thing!
What would you say is your favorite expression? Steady progress.
It’s hard to believe there are monsters out there that coexist with humans… Friends help friends!


Part 6 Digimon (1/2)

In part 6 of the game you will have access to:

  • Monzaemon
  • Etemon
  • Crowmon
  • BlueMeramon
  • Arukenimon
  • Garudamon
  • Gigadramon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - BDB0A55

Question Best Answer (+2)
Mutual…understanding…would end…conflict… That’s not enough.
Do you…treasure…your comrades…? More than anything.
All…you need…is love… That’s a tough sell.
Would you…use violence…to protect others…? Try something else.
Do you…wanna…fight…? I don’t want to fight.
Get…away from here… Appreciate the advice!
Stepping on…flowers…makes me…sad… What a nice ‘mon.

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - B0F8897

Question Best Answer (+2)
Well ain’t you cute! I wanna eat you up! What a cool ‘mon!
Hey now! Got time to hear me sing? You can sing? Wow!
I’ll teach you how to walk a mile in my shoes. Ya dig? Yes, pretty please!
What number are you? One!
Wanna know the secret to this bangin’ bod? Let’s keep it secret.
Man, something’s bugging me real bad. Can you guess what it is? Your crazy strength?
Hey now, you don’t think you can beat lil’ ole me, do ya? What? Not a chance.

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - 7ED14CE

Question Best Answer (+2)
How do clouds in the sky look to you? Makes you think, huh?
I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible… Then let’s retreat.
Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime? I prefer fun.
What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect? Get annoyed!
If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it? I’d protect my friend.
Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think? Efficiency is key.
Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it? Not for me, nope.

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - 9EF5178

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? I prefer vegetables.
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! That’s crazy talk.
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! It’s bad for your gut.
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! [Stare in amazement.]
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! I’ll think about it.
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! Scary! But I’ll win.
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? I’m not like you.

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - 27166FF

Question Best Answer (+2)
Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item! Interesting proposal!
What do you think decides what’s right or wrong? Your own beliefs.
You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone? That’s not true!
I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you! I’m not telling you.
Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans sure are cruel. You’ll say anything…
Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived? I don’t like either.
You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself. How rude!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - AE6F7B5

Question Best Answer (+2)
Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy? Fighting is barbaric.
Can I trust humans…? Get to know us first.
I won’t forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area! Yeah, so?
Do you think I’m uptight? You seem serious.
Do you think you can do anything by force? There are other ways.
What do you believe is “right”? Acting with kindness.
If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do? Save the kid, duh!

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (1/2) - 7F1F513

Question Best Answer (+2)
Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? Not really.
Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! Calm down already.
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! Thanks for the lesson!
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! [Stare in amazement.]
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! I’ll think about it.
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! This’ll be your grave.
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? Grin and bear it.


Part 6 Digimon (2/2)

In part 6 of the game you will have access to:

  • Zudomon
  • IceLeomon

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (2/2) - 03C84E3

Question Best Answer (+2)
Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy? Fighting is barbaric.
Can I trust humans…? They may betray you…
I won’t forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area! You got it all wrong.
Do you think I’m uptight? You seem serious.
Do you think you can do anything by force? Strength is justice.
What do you believe is “right”? Power, of course.
If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do? Yell “save yourself!”

Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide - Part 6 Digimon (2/2) - 18DD684

Question Best Answer (+2)
Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy? Fighting is barbaric.
Can I trust humans…? You can and should!
I won’t forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area! Yeah, so?
Do you think I’m uptight? You seem serious.
Do you think you can do anything by force? There are other ways.
What do you believe is “right”? The answer’s in you.
If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do? Save the kid, duh!


Part 7 Digimon

In part 7 of the game you will have access to:

  • Gabumon

Screenshot coming soon

Question Best Answer (+2)
Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item! ?
What do you think decides what’s right or wrong? Reality itself.
You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone? Do you have friends?
I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you! I have nothing to hide.
Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans sure are cruel. I love peace, myself.
Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived? The deceiver, duh!
You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself. Strength’s irrelevant.


Written by L33THash

Hope you enjoy the post for Digimon Survive Digimon tamed guide, If you think we should update the post or something is wrong please let us know via comment and we will fix it how fast as possible! Thank you and have a great day!

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