Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds 1 -
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds 1 -

Hello everyone! Player radio commands the last couple of months are very popular isn’t it?? Y’all probably heard *moans* more than once and I guess that you have tried to learn how to do the same sh1ttt
First of all, radio commands are an option available in the in-game menu. It provides the player with a number of common requests and responses that the player can use to communicate to other players with. In addition, many actions, such as throwing a grenade, will cause an automatic radio response (but in this guide I’ll show you how to send grenade response message without buying a grenade xdd) announcing the action to the player’s team. The radio is communicated to all players on the player’s team, and players on the enemy team cannot hear it.
Here you can bind all these radio commands – [] 

Moans, cumm1ng or UGHHH

Most popular player radio command for the years was

 playerradio deathcry moans 

type in game console this

 bind x "playerradio deatcry moans" 

or bind this
In the second way, when you push X key all the way down, the sound of dead moans will be played in team chat radio.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds - moans, cumm1ng or UGHHH - 20FF610


Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio Radio.StickTogether Stick together
playerradio Radio.FollowMe Follow me
playerradio Radio.SpreadOut Spread out
playerradio Radio.TeamFallBack Fall back
playerradio Radio.GoGoGo Go Go Go!
playerradio OnMyWay On my Way
playerradio Radio.GetOutOfThere Get out of there

Usable only by CT

playerradio Radio.GoA Bomb site A
playerradio Radio.GoB Bomb site B

Usable only by T

playerradio GoingToGuardHostageEscapeZone Going to guard hostage escape zone
playerradio GoingToGuardHostages Going to guard hostages



Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio Radio.Decoy Decoy
playerradio Radio.FireInTheHole Granade out
playerradio Radio.Molotov Molotov
playerradio Radio.Flashbang Flashbang out!
playerradio Radio.Smoke Smoke out



Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio Radio.CoverMe Cover me
playerradio help I need help
playerradio Radio.HoldPosition Hold your position
playerradio Radio.Regroup Regroup team


Report in

Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio Radio.InPosition I’m in position
playerradio Radio.BombsiteClear Bomb site is clear
playerradio Radio.ReportingIn Reporting in
playerradio Radio.ReportInTeam Check in
playerradio RequestReport Status



Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio SpottedLooseBomb Bomb has been dropped

Usable only by CT

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio GoingToGuardLooseBomb Guarding the bomb
playerradio BarelyDefused Barely defused
playerradio WhereIsTheBomb Where is the bomb
playerradio TheyPickedUpTheBomb They picked up the bomb

Usable only by T

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio GoingToPlantBomb Going to plant bomb



Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio Radio.EnemySpotted I saw them
playerradio SniperWarning Saw a sniper
playerradio ThreeEnemiesLeft Three left
playerradio TwoEnemiesLeft Two left
playerradio OneEnemyLeft One left
playerradio Clear None left
playerradio Blinded I’m blind
playerradio HeardNoise I heard noise
playerradio LostEnemy I lost the enemy
playerradio Radio.Takingfire Under fire!

Usable only by CT

playerradio SpottedBomber Saw the bomb carrier


Enemy down

Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio KilledMyEnemy I killed them
playerradio SniperKilled We killed a sniper
playerradio EnemyDown Enemy Down
playerradio KilledFriend Our friend is killed



Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio CoveringFriend Covering
playerradio PinnedDown I’m pinned
playerradio InCombat Taking fire
playerradio FriendlyFire Taking friendly fire
playerradio LastManStanding Last unit alive
playerradio Radio.NeedBackup Need backup



Usable by both sides

Full command You can change this text but here is default meaning
playerradio WonRound We won
playerradio Radio.Thanks Thanks
playerradio ScaredEmote I’m scared
playerradio Radio.Compliment Good job everyone
playerradio Agree Yes
playerradio Disagree No
playerradio AgreeWithPlan I’m agreed



Full command
playerradio WonRoundQuickly
playerradio ThrillEmote
playerradio Radio.locknload
playerradio Radio.cheer


Guardian voiceover

Full command
playerradio Guardian.HalfwayThere
playerradio Guardian.RoundStart
playerradio Guardian.Victory


+bonus fake knife unbox and fake VAC ban message

In this way you just need to change URNAME to your acutual steam name

playerradio Ok "Roger
URNAME has opened a container and found: ★ M9 Bayonet | Lore"

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds - +bonus fake knife unbox and fake VAC ban message - DF120C4
Fake VAC ban looks like this:

playerradio Radio.Decoy "Decoy
URNAME has been permanently banned from official CS:GO servers."

don’t forget to change URNAME to your actual steam name or friend name yn xd
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds - +bonus fake knife unbox and fake VAC ban message - CABF94F

Another helpful thing u should know

In case of playerradio you also can use some colors, check this out (copy and paste)
Colors used by item unbox:

Red / knife:

Other colors:
Regular beige chat text:


Very red:

Darker red:

Very green:

Mid green:

Light green:

Greenest green:

Light purple:

Brown gold:

this how it looks
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds - another helpful thing u should know - A6516E9
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds - another helpful thing u should know - DBC6161


Hope you enjoy the post for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 100+ Player Radio Commands in CSGO + Key Binds, If you think we should update the post or something is wrong please let us know via comment and we will fix it how fast as possible! Thank you and have a great day!

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