College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements – Complete Guide

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements – Complete Guide 1 -
College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements – Complete Guide 1 -



The choices required for each achievement are given with a particular date and “conversation number”. These numbers don’t really appear in-game, but can be checked against my Walkthrough guide. 

A new beginning

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - A new beginning 
Lauren likes you 
Note: Prevents “Mixed feelings” achievement 

Day 3 – Dorm

PHONE Lauren (conversation 24) 
• Yeah, SV cafe in 20 mins? 


With Lauren (conversation 27) 
• There was something there. [must have KCT Loyal] 

Big mouth

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Big mouth 
Threaten Cameron 

Day 2 – Free roam (party)

With Mason/Jeremy (conversation 18) 
• Yeah, he better watch out. 

Bros before…

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Bros before... 
Help Imre 

Day 6 – Outside Adam’s

With Adam (conversation 75) 
• Fight Adam, and lose, OR 
• Don’t fight Adam, but then don’t tell the school in conversation 76 


At park (conversation 80 or 81) 
• Help Imre 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Credulous 
Trust Chloe 

DAY 5 – Josh’s party

With Josh (conversation 62) 
Do not play bangolo at the party (don’t select “Sounds good” or “Alright, just for a bit”), or don’t attend the party to begin with (in conversation 61) 

Chloe’s place

With Chloe (conversation 65) 
• I believe you 

DAY 6 – Park

At the park (conversation 78 or 80) 
• Meet Chloe 


With Chloe (conversation 83) 
• Trust her 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Ecstatic 
Bunk homecoming with Amber 
Note: Prevents “Homecoming queen“, “Playing with fire” and “Slow and steady” achievements 

Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

By this point you must have broken (or never have started) a relationship with Lauren. Then go ask Amber to be your homecoming date. 

Asking Amber

With Amber (conversation 150) [Must have KCT Popular] 
• Alright, I’m in. 
The achievement will be granted when you actually meet Amber on Friday. 

Homecoming queen

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Homecoming queen 
End homecoming with Chloe 
Note: Prevents “Ecstatic“, “Playing with fire” and “Slow and steady” achievements 
There are two main paths to achieve this. The most “natural” one is to take Chloe as your homecoming date (Path 1). Or you may leave with her regardless (Path 2), but this will require either pledging to the Apes or having KCT Popular. 
You must not be in a relationship with Lauren in order to invite Chloe, and you must not make her upset at you. The easiest way to do that is by not getting drunk just before meeting her on Day 5. 

Path 1: Chloe as homecoming date


Perform the same steps as in Rematch (not mandatory, but otherwise you will need to have KCT Popular when you ask her to homecoming) 

Day 5 – Josh’s party

Either don’t attend Josh’s party (decline his invitation over text in conversation 61), or if you do, don’t play bangolo. 
With Josh (conversation 62) 
• I should stop here, then 
• Sorry, I really can’t. 

Chloe’s place

With Chloe (conversation 65) 
• I believe you 

Day 6 – Pool

If Chloe invited you to the swimming pool, do not eavesdrop on her (conversation 83/84): 
• Trust her, or 
• Follow her but then Leave 

Day 8 – Free roam (Wolves party) [optional step, only if you didn’t go through the actions described for Days 5 and 6]

If you talk with Chloe at the Wolves party, do not side with Nora (conversation 114): 
• Nora’s being stupid 

Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

By this point you must have broken (or never have started) a relationship with Lauren. Then go ask Chloe to be your homecoming date and click on her when you’re ready to end the free roam. 

Path 2: Chloe is not your homecoming date



2a) Pledge to the Apes and stop Grayson



Day 7 (Monday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 101): 
• Meet Grayson 

Day 8 (Tuesday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 138): 
• Pledge to the Apes 

Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Hallway corner

With Grayson (conversation 168, must not have chatted with Chloe/Ryan yet): 
• Don’t do that 

Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

With Chloe/Ryan (conversation 170): 
• Defend Chloe [you will need to chat with them during the free roam, but this answer is only mandatory if Chloe is (still) mad at you by this point (see Path 1 for how to prevent that)] 

Free roam (homecoming) – Hallway

With Chloe (conversation 174): 
• Or we could just leave 

2b) Have KCT Popular and stop Grayson



Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Hallway corner

With Grayson (conversation 168, must not have chatted with Chloe/Ryan yet): 
• Don’t do that (must have KCT Popular) 

Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

With Chloe/Ryan (conversation 170): 
• Defend Chloe [you will need to chat with them during the free roam, but this answer is only mandatory if Chloe is (still) mad at you by this point (see Path 1 for how to prevent that)] 

Free roam (homecoming) – Hallway

With Chloe (conversation 174): 
• Or we could just leave 

2c) Have KCT Popular and don’t stop Grayson



Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

With Chloe/Ryan (conversation 170): 
• Defend Chloe [you will need to chat with them during the free roam, but this answer is only mandatory if Chloe is (still) mad at you by this point (see Path 1 for how to prevent that)] 

Free roam (homecoming) – Locker room

With Chloe (conversation 175): 
• Let’s get out of here. (must have KCT Popular) 
The achievement will be granted at the end of homecoming, when you’re in her room. 

Keen eye

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Keen eye 
Pick the muffin 

Day 3 – On the way to shopping

PHONE Aubrey (conversation 33) 
• Sorry, something came up and I can’t make it. 

Clothing store

With Penelope (conversation 36) 
• Peek, then 
• Risk it 
(repeat until you get caught) 
With Penelope (conversation 37) 
• Apologize, or 
• Deny it [must not have KCT Confident] 

Day 5 – Cafe

With Penelope (conversation 58) 
• Buy Penelope a muffin 

Keep it moving

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Keep it moving 
Hit on Nora 

Day 1 – Free roam (corridors)

With Nora (conversation 9) 
• Flirt 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Lee-way 
Pull down Mr. Lee’s pants 
Note: Prevents “Seems fishy” and “Silverback” achievements 

Day 7 (Monday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 101): 
• Meet Grayson 

Day 8 (Tuesday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 138): 
• Pledge to the Apes 

Day 10 – History Class

With Cameron (conversation 148) 
• Do it, then 
• Pull it [timed response] 

Lips don’t lie

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Lips don't lie 
Kiss Riley in the park 

Day 4 – Going for a picnic

With Riley (conversation 49) 
• She’s into me 
• Kiss her 

Mixed feelings

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Mixed feelings 
Decline Lauren 
Note: Prevents “A new beginning” and “Truth hurts” achievements 

Day 3 – Dorm

PHONE Lauren (conversation 24) 
• Sorry, I can’t 

Monkey business

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Monkey business 
Join the Apes 
Note: Prevents “Seems fishy” achievement 

Day 7 – Dorm

In room (conversation 101): 
• Meet Grayson 

Meeting Grayson

With Grayson (conversation 102): 
• I’m in 

No hard feelings

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - No hard feelings 
Play nice with Emily 
Note: Prevents “Open wound” achievement 

Day 1 – Home

PHONE Emily (conversation 1) 
• Yeah… I’ll see you there 

Not my business

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Not my business 
Don’t disturb Ms. Rose 

Day 7 – Outside class

With Ms. Rose (conversation 89) 
• Don’t disturb 

Not now mom

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Not now mom 
Decline Julia’s call 
Note: Prevents “Relight the fire” and “Rematch” achievements 

Day 4 – Dorm

With Julia (conversation 46) 
• Don’t answer 

On the low

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - On the low 
Deny PDA with Lauren 
Note: Prevents “Mixed feelings” achievement 
Note: Going through route 2 seems to grant the achievement in-game, but not on Steam. This should be fixed in a future update. 
Perform the same steps as in A new beginning 
Then there are two possible paths for this achievement. Either have a good date with Lauren, or mess it up but apologize later. 

Path 1: good date


Day 4 – Date with Lauren

With Lauren (conversation 50, if you had s*x with Aubrey in conversation 45): 
• Don’t tell her. 
With Lauren (conversation 51): 
• Kiss her 
• If you reach under her skirt, do not keep going 

Path 2: mess up the date (two options: by confessing to having had s*x with Aubrey, or by going too far with Lauren)



2a) by having s*x with Aubrey



Day 4 – Meeting Aubrey

With Aubrey (conversation 45): 
• Kiss her 

Date with Lauren

Day 4 – With Lauren (conversation 50): 
• Tell her what happened. 

Day 5 – Library

With Autumn (conversation 55) 
• Apologize (if your KCT is Loyal then Autumn will forgive you, otherwise she will stay mad), OR 
• Sit somewhere else (Autumn will stay mad) 

Day 6 – Dorm

In room (conversation 69) 
• I should go apologize 
By this point you must not have made Autumn mad in conversation 55, or have KCT Loyal 

2b) by going too far with Lauren



Day 4 – Date with Lauren

With Lauren (conversation 50, if you had s*x with Aubrey in conversation 45): 
• Don’t tell her. 
With Lauren (conversation 51): 
• Kiss her 
• Reach under her skirt 
• Keep going 

Day 5 – Library

With Autumn (conversation 55) 
• Apologize (must have KCT Loyal) 

Day 6 – Dorm

In room (conversation 69) 
• I should go apologize 

Lauren’s room

With Unknown person (conversation 70) 
• I’m someone else (must have KCT Confident) 

After whichever path, Day 6 – in classroom

With Lauren (conversation 72) 
• I don’t like kissing in public 
• Sorry, not in public. 

Open wound

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Open wound 
Tell off Emily 
Note: Prevents “No hard feelings” achievement 

Day 1 – Home

PHONE Emily (conversation 1) 
• You cheated on me. Go to hell! 

Over it

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Over it 
Let Benjamin make a move 

Day 3 – Corridor

With Emily (conversation 30) 
• Okay, I guess. 

(On the way to) Doctor

With Benjamin (conversation 31) 
• Sure, knock yourself out. 

PETA public enemy

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - PETA public enemy 
Kill dog as animal lover 
You will need to reach the personality test scene with Lauren. The most direct path there is not to have started a relationship with Lauren (in conversation 27, day 3). 
If you did go on a date with her: 
• Either don’t mess it up by going too far (conversation 51) or, 
• Follow path 2b in the achievement On the low for how to apologize properly 
Either way, you will begin the personality test at this stage. 

Day 6 – In classroom

With Lauren (conversation 73) 
I consider myself an animal lover: 
• Agree 
Do not skip the test, play through the first situation (any decision), then push the lever on the second decision to kill the dog. 

Playing with fire

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Playing with fire 
End homecoming with Riley 
Note: Prevents “Ecstatic“, “Homecoming queen” and “Slow and steady” achievements 
To leave homecoming with Riley the most “natural” path is to have her as your date (Path 1). But it’s also possible to achieve this in other ways: by taking Emily (Path 2), by taking Penelope (Path 3) by going alone (Path 4), or by taking anyone else and ditching them (Path 5). 

Path 1: Riley as homecoming date


You must not be in a relationship with Lauren in order to invite Riley. Riley will only accept if you have KCT Confident, or if you start a relationship with her via the following steps: 

Day 4 – Going for a picnic

With Riley (conversation 49) 
• She’s into me, then 
• Kiss her 
Note: this step is not mandatory, but otherwise you will need to have KCT Confident during Day 8. 

Day 7/8

Follow the same steps as in True to self to walk Riley home. 

Day 8

With Riley (conversation 123): 
• Start flirting 

Riley’s dorm

With Riley (conversation 124): 
• Yeah, I’d like that. (must have KCT Confident if you didn’t kiss her during Day 4) 

Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

By this point you must have broken (or never have started) a relationship with Lauren. Then go ask Riley to be your homecoming date. 

Path 2: Emily as homecoming date

You must not be in a relationship with Lauren in order to invite Emily. You must also have forgiven her when you ask. 

Day 3 – Corridor

With Emily (conversation 30) 
• Okay, I guess. 

Day 7 – Dorm / At Emily’s

With Emily (conversations 92-94) 
• If you do accept Emily’s call and meet her, do NOT Push her away 

Day 9 – Walking home

With Emily (conversation 146) 
• If you had s*x with Emily during Day 7 (conversation 94), Text her 

Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

By this point you must have broken (or never have started) a relationship with Lauren. Then go ask Emily to be your homecoming date. 

Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Dancefloor

Click on Emily to end the free roam. 

Path 3: Penelope as homecoming date


Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

By this point you must have broken (or never have started) a relationship with Lauren. Then go ask Penelope to be your homecoming date. 

Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Dancefloor

Click on Penelope to end the free roam. 

Path 4: Going to homecoming alone


Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

Choose to go to homecoming on your own 

Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

Check on Aubrey and Riley taking pictures 

Free roam (homecoming) – Gym entrance

Click on Riley to end the free roam. 

Path 5: Going to homecoming with anyone else

In any other case, you can still ditch your date to finish the night with Riley. 

Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

Choose your homecoming date (as long as it’s not Riley or going alone as these are covered in the paths above) 

Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

Check on Aubrey and Riley taking pictures 

Free roam (homecoming) – Gym entrance

With Riley (conversation 166): 
• Alright, let’s go. 
Alternatively, you can also end the free roam with Riley if neither her nor Chloe are your date and you check in on Chloe, as follows: 

Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

Chat with Chloe/Ryan 

Free roam (homecoming) – Hallway or Locker room

If you stopped Grayson from spraying Chloe’s number on the wall, you will find her in the hallway. Otherwise she will be in the locker room. 
If she’s in the hallway and she’s not angry at you (see Homecoming queen for how to avoid this), say: 
• You’ve got this 
If she’s in the locker room and she’s not angry at you (see Homecoming queen for how to avoid this), say either: 
• Of course you can. or 
• Let’s get out of here. (must not have KCT Popular) 
Regardless of how you end up with Riley, if you’ve started a relationship with her in conversation 124, she will tell you she’s got a surprise for you. Otherwise, she’s got a secret to tell. But that will have to wait for Act 2 😉 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Reignition 
Kiss Emily back 

Day 7 – Dorm

With Emily (conversation 92) 
• Accept call 
[If you didn’t forgive Emily in conversation 30] With Emily (conversation 93) 
• Fine, I’ll come 

At Emily’s

With Emily (conversation 94) 
• Kiss her back 

Relight the fire

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Relight the fire 
Tell Julia about Emily 
Note: Prevents “Not now, mom” and “Rematch” achievements 

Day 4 – Dorm

With Julia (conversation 47) 
• Answer 
•Shopping sounds great. 

Day 5 – Shopping with Julia

With Julia (conversation 54) 
• Tell Julia about Emily 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Rematch 
Buy Chloe the volleyball 
Note: Prevents “Not now, mom” and “Relight the fire” achievements 

Day 4 – Dorm

With Julia (conversation 47) 
• Answer 
• Shopping sounds great. 

Day 5 – Shopping with Julia

With Julia (conversation 54) 
• Tell Julia about Chloe 
• Buy it 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Romeo 
Kiss Lauren 

Day 2 – In the park

With Lauren (conversation 16) 
• Yet, you’re here with me 
• I’ve broken into an Ikea 
• Kiss her 

Seems fishy

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Seems fishy 
Don’t meet Grayson 
Note: Prevents “Monkey business” achievement 

Day 7 – Dorm

In room (conversation 101): 
• Stay home 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Silverback 
Pledge to the Apes 

Day 7 (Monday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 101): 
• Meet Grayson 

Day 8 (Tuesday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 138): 
• Pledge to the Apes 

Slow and steady

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Slow and steady 
End homecoming with Lauren 
Note: Prevents “Ecstatic“, “Homecoming queen” and “Playing with fire” achievements 
You will need to take Lauren to the homecoming, and there are two main paths to achieve this. Either keep a relationship with her (Path 1), or kiss her on the beach (Path 2). If you do neither, she will still agree to go with you if you have KCT Loyal when you ask. 

Path 1 – Relationship with Lauren


Follow the same steps as in A new beginning. Then you will mostly need to avoid certain choices. 

Day 4 – Date with Lauren

With Lauren (conversation 50): 
• If you had had s*x with Aubrey, Don’t tell Lauren
With Lauren (conversation 51): 
• If you reach under her skirt, Stop when she asks. 

Day 5 – Library

• If you messed up and told Lauren about Aubrey, follow path 2a in On the low to apologize. 

Day 9 – Lauren’s room

With Lauren (conversation 132): 
• If you had s*x with Emily in Day 7, Deny the cheating
Alternatively, Come clean about Emily and tell Lauren it won’t happen again (if you have KCT Loyal) 

Path 2 – Kiss Lauren on the beach

You can go on a beach trip with Lauren without having started a relationship, but you will still need KCT Loyal to kiss her. 

Day 9 – Dorm

PHONE Lauren (conversation 134): 
• Sounds good, when were you thinking? 

Beach date with Lauren

With Lauren (conversation 136): 
• You’re cute. (must have KCT Loyal) 
With Lauren (conversation 137): 
• Kiss her 
Either way, choose Lauren and don’t ditch her 

Day 10 – Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

Pick Lauren as your homecoming date 

Day 11 – Free roam (homecoming) – Dancefloor

Click on Lauren to end the free roam 
Alternatively, you can also end the free roam with Lauren if she is your date and you check in on Chloe, as follows: 

Free roam (homecoming) – Gym left side

Chat with Chloe/Ryan 

Free roam (homecoming) – Hallway or Locker room

If you stopped Grayson from spraying Chloe’s number on the wall, you will find her in the hallway. Otherwise she will be in the locker room. 
If she’s in the hallway and she’s not angry at you (see Homecoming queen for how to avoid this), say: 
• You’ve got this 
If she’s in the locker room and she’s not angry at you (see Homecoming queen for how to avoid this), say either: 
• Of course you can. or 
• Let’s get out of here. (must not have KCT Popular) 
The achievement will be granted at the end of homecoming, when you’re in her room. 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Snitch 
Tell the school 

Day 6 – Outside Adam’s

With Adam (conversation 75) 
Do not fight Adam, so do one of two things: 
• Confront Adam, then Talk to him, then Threaten to tell school, or 
• Leave it 
With Adam (conversation 76) 
• Tell the school 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Strike 
Kiss Penelope 
The easiest way to reach this achievement is by not making Penelope angry at the clothing store, or by shopping with Aubrey instead (Day 3, conversations 33-37). 
If you did cause Penelope to leave the store, see the achievement “Keen eye” for how to apologize, then follow with (still in conversation 58): 
• Grab her hand 
• Don’t kiss her 
At any rate, at this point you’ll be able to carry on the conversation with Penelope at the cafe. 

Day 5 – Cafe

With Penelope (conversation 60) 
• You wanna go bowling? 
• Encourage her 

Day 8 – Bowling

With Penelope (conversation 106) 
• Kiss her 

The notorious

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - The notorious 
Beat Tom on hard difficulty 

Day 3 – Walking outside

With Tom (conversation 25) 
• Shout back, or 
• Keep walking, then Shout back 
• Beat Tom (on Hard difficulty) 

True to self

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - True to self 
Walk home with Riley 

Day 7 – Dorm / Meeting Grayson

• If you decide to meet with Grayson in conversation 101, do not agree to join the Apes. If you do, do not take Riley upstairs to the Wolves’ office later at the party (conversation 117) as this will come up in the conversation and annoy her 

Day 8 – Free roam (Wolves party)

111. With Riley/Finn: 
• Ask Riley something 

End of the party

121. With Riley: 
• Walk Riley home 

Truth hurts

College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Truth hurts 
Tell Lauren about Aubrey 
Perform the same steps as in A new beginning 

Day 4 – Meeting Aubrey

With Aubrey (conversation 45) 
• Kiss her 

Date with Lauren

With Lauren (conversation 50) 
• Tell her what happened 


College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements - Complete Guide - Wolfpack 
Pledge to the Wolves 
Note: Prevents “Monkey business” achievement 

Day 7 (Monday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 101): 
• Meet Grayson, or 
• Stay home 
If you do meet with Grayson, then: 

Day 8 (Tuesday) – Dorm

In room (conversation 138): 
• Pledge to the Wolves 

Written by condy

Hope you enjoy the post for College Kings How to Unlock All Achievements – Complete Guide, If you think we should update the post or something is wrong please let us know via comment and we will fix it how fast as possible! Thank you and have a great day!

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