Besiege Weapon System Information + Armor + Vehicles – Guide

Besiege Weapon System Information + Armor + Vehicles – Guide 1 -
Besiege Weapon System Information + Armor + Vehicles – Guide 1 -
This is an collective overview of weapon systems and armor for vehicles in besiege, this is not a specific step by step guide on how to make each weapon or telling you how you should make your besiege machines. I might have missed certain weapons or armor designs, but this is my comprehensive list.


Table Of Contents

Besiege Weapons Information 
Table of Contents 
– Introduction 
– Vanilla Weapon Blocks 
o Advanced Vanilla Weapons 
– Modded Weapon Blocks 
– Modded Weapon Systems 
o Un-balanced weapons 
o Light Weapons 
o Auto-Cannons 
o Anti-Air Guns 
o Cannon based main guns 
 Recoil Systems 
 Cannon Power analysis 
 Miscellaneous cannon related technology 
o Half pipe Cannons 
 AP rounds 
• APFS rounds 
• APDS rounds 
• APFSDS rounds 
 HE rounds/HE-I rounds 
 APHE rounds 
 HEAT rounds 
• HEAT-FS rounds 
 Fragmentation Flak Rounds 
 Guided Missiles 
 Munition Propellent 
o Recoilless Guns 
o Guided Missiles 
 SAMs 
 ATGMs 
 User controlled 
 AGMs 
 Semi-Automatic Guided Missiles 
 Missile Composition and Components 
– Vehicular Contact Based Weapons 
– Miscellaneous Weapon Support Systems 
o Semi-Automatic firing systems 
o Sensor Radar Guided Weapon Systems 
o Weapon sights 
o Weapon stabilization 
– Weapon Elevation 
– Turret Systems 
– Vehicle Armor 
o Heavy Armor 
o Invincible Armor 
o Slat Armor 
o ERA 
Update – 27/4/2021 
– Cannon block recoil control methods 
o Hull Mounted 
o Flat Cannon aka (No-Brake/No-Break Cannon) 
o Vacuum Cannon 
o FNS Cannon 
o Mortise Tenon Cannon 
 Grip-pad 
 Log 
 Other possibilities 


Weapons is a key component of Besiege, from the first level of Besiege you are required to cause damage using any form to a house. Weapons in besiege can be as simple as a fast-moving vehicle to a guided missile. This is not much of a guide and more of a list of what I think about weaponry and different systems. 
A good weapon system in Besiege is hard to determine, but this is a simple checklist. 
– The weapon must be effective at it’s intended purpose. For example, anti-aircraft, long range bombardment. 
o If possible, the weapon can be used in a multi-purpose role. For example, anti-aircraft autocannons used against a lightly armored vehicle. 
– The weapon must be able to resist damage, this damage can be caused by many factors such as transportation, enemy attacks, or human operation error. For example, a cannon should be able to maintain its function after being transported by a vehicle. 
o To increase a weapon’s durability, it can be made stronger, less complex thus reducing the points of failure, or with layers of protection such as shock absorbers or armor plating. 
– The weapon must function on a consistent basis. For Example, a cannon system of a tank should function under normal operation with minimal damage. 
o Weapon reliability can be increased by reducing the complexity of the weapon system, removing elements that are most easily affected by RNG, or removing fragile parts that are easily broken. 

Vanilla Weapon Blocks

Vanilla Weapon Blocks 
In Besiege, there is a specific tab for all weapon related blocks. This offers the beginning player to intermediate player with great choices, and often the only choices for vanilla only creations. 
– Metal Spikes, contrary to its name, it is not very spiky, and against AI units it feels very blunt. It has the ability to cut rope and not much other uses other than aesthetics. 
– Metal Blade, like the metal spike, it is not very sharp. This is often used on a spinning device as a spinning blade to cut down AI units, rope or crops. 
– Circular Saw, this weaponry block is much more effective against AI units, it can also cut down crops and rope. This is often a preferred choice by many people considering it’s simplicity and overall greater effectiveness compared to the metal spike and blade. 
– Cannon, this weaponry block has to be one of the most versatile weaponry blocks in the game. This weapon can cause massive destructive at very long ranges. 
– Drill, this weaponry block is much like the circular saw although in a more drill like form, commonly used to destroy castle walls. 
– Shrapnel Cannon, this weaponry block is often under used, and considering the lack luster performance due to the low range, high recoil, it is often not selected. 
– Crossbow, this weaponry block offers a more unique aspect to basic Besiege weaponry, it can launch multiple projectiles from the same weapon block. Can be used to deal massive damage to AI units and also unprotected player blocks. 
– Flamethrower, one of the best blocks in basic vanilla Besiege weaponry, it offers great damage against AI units and wooden structures. Although it is limited greatly by its ranged effectiveness 
– Vacuum, not really that good of a weaponry block in Vanilla form. 
– Water Cannon, provides a thrust on nearby objects, greatly increased power after heated up. 
– Torch, not really that good of a weaponry block, it is a infinite fire, good for powering the Water Cannon. 
– Bomb, another one of the best weaponry blocks in besiege, although requires a mechanism to put the bomb in position. Although it can explode and damage the vehicle that it was mounted on. 
– Remote Grenade, same as the bomb but a smaller explosion without fire. It is more robust than the bomb and will not detonate from a bounce. 
– Explosive Rocket, not much explosive power on its own, but can be used in mass to cause mass damage. Rockets can be adjusted in many different ways to provide the best possible usage in the required situation. 
– Flaming ball, not that great of a weaponry block although provides an infinite fire that is harder to contain. Can be launched at enemies like the bomb. 
– Boulder, probably the worst vanilla basic besiege weapon block although the metal spike is not that great either. Can be launcher like fire ball, will shatter if it is bounced or exploded. 

Advanced Vanilla Weaponry Systems

Advanced Vanilla Weaponry Systems 
– Cannons 
Cannons have only one shot, although being powerful it is often required for more than one cannon to be present. A basic row of cannons may be good, but not that good at pin point fire. 
o Revolving Cannon 
Have many cannons revolve around a wheel and fire them one by one when they are in the firing position. 
o Belt-Fed Cannon System 
Having a belt of cannons using hinges that are pulled with gears or wheels can be a great option for great volumes of pin point fire from cannons. 
o Automatic Cannons 
Cannons will automatic be fired once they touch fire. This can be used in conjunction with a Revolving cannon system or a belt fed cannon system to reduce the required amount of work needed for the operator. This can also be done using the infinite ammo cheat with a single cannon being heated with fire. 
o Recoil-Systems 
Basic recoil systems such as a suspension block can suffice for a 2x power cannon, although a ballast block can be attached to the cannon before attaching to the suspension to reduced the acceleration of the cannon’s recoil. Wing blocks can also be added to the cannon to reduce acceleration of the cannon’s recoil by increasing the drag. 
– Guided Missiles 
Basic guided missile can be created in vanilla Besiege using the “Flight” blocks and also the Explosive rocket block. These vanilla missiles are best made to be not automatically guided as the sensors without modification of game files are not very good. A bomb is often attached as the warhead of the missile considering it is one of the few weapons in besiege that require a delivery system before damaging the target. 
– Mechanical Launchers 
Basic launchers for Bombs, Flaming Balls, Boulders, Remote Grenades, and other launched projectiles is often a great option in vanilla. A catapult system can often launch bombs from the starting bounding box all the way to the target castle. 
– Water Jet Launchers 
Semi-advanced launchers using heater water cannons can be made. These water cannons after heated can produce massive amounts of power, allowing the launch of remote grenades or other materials fed through a system of water jets. 
– Fly-Wheel Launchers 
Like the water jet launcher, this is suited to launch remote grenades. This can provide a fast rate of fire from a single position using a feeding hopper of remote grenades or other materials with similar properties. 
– Carpet bomber 
Unlike a carpet-bombing plane, this is a device of which a main structure has bombs attached to the underside and has flying blocks pulling it up into the air and also spinning in circles. Once sufficient speed and height is gained, releasing the bombs from the grabbers will cause a great spread depending on the height and spin rate, carpeting a large area with great damage. 
– Other complex launcher systems 
Other realistic systems such as ballista or trebuchet can be used to launch bombs and projectiles far, although sometimes producing good results, but can often be less useful due to their complexity. 
*note, I have not experimented with many vanilla designs thus many designs may be missing from this list. 

Modded Weapon Blocks

Modded Weapon Blocks 
With the addition of workshop mods, many mods offer new and unique weapons such as rocket launchers, auto-cannons, lasers, and more. These modded blocks have benefits and negatives, being a custom mod made by the community, they are likely to have bugs or become dysfunctional over different updates of Besiege. It also becomes an annoyance in multiverse, where some people may have these mods while others do, which might render your machine’s weapon systems unless. Advantages of modded weapon blocks is that they are often more powerful than their vanilla counter parts, and offer greater customization in their power, fire rate, and other statistics. 

Modded Weapon Systems

Modded Weapon Systems 
This section will be different compared to Modded Weapon Blocks, as this will be only using vanilla blocks that are modified using scaling tools and no-bound tools. Scaling tools allow a block that normally is one size to be either much smaller or much bigger, although it can also affect other elements of those blocks such as their colliders, triggers, attachment points, etc. The no-bounds tool allows a vanilla block with a scale to no longer be limited, for example a cannon’s power amount is limited at 2x, while no bounds can allow it to go to the integer overflow limit. 
– Un-balanced weapons 
A side effect of the no-bounds mod is that it allows the creation of over-powered weapons, such as extreme range flame throwers, super vacuum nukes, high powered water jets, game glitching systems, and etc. Using these certain tactics might just find the user banned from most multiverses considering they are not very competitive or fun for the receiving end. Unless the user like having no friends, this is not a preferable option. 

Modded Weapon Systems – Light Weapons

– Light weapons 
Light weapons are usually weapon systems that can do great volumes of damage to un armored enemies. These can be effective against planes, lightly armored vehicles, vehicle wheels, vehicle ammunition, and etc. Light weapons are often a crossbow with increased power and fire rate. An issue can occur where a crossbow can fire so fast, that the arrows can be despawned before it hits the intended target. 
o Crossbow bolts can explode explosive rockets, this might be useful if your enemy uses explosive rockets with a high explosive amount and you can destroy your enemy using their own ammunition 
o Flaming crossbow bolts can be extremely effective against vehicles which has lots of burnable features. 

Modded Weapon Systems – Auto-Cannons

– Auto-Cannons 
Auto cannons are weapons using the cannon block and infinite ammo. Depending on the power of the cannon, destruction power can vary. This type of weapon is often effective for SPAAG or guns for a plane. The construction of an Auto Cannon requires a stronger recoil reduction system considering it will be firing at a fast rate leaving little time for the anti-recoil systems to recover. Attaching the cannon to a heavy object is probably the best way to minimize recoil. 

Modded Weapon Systems – Anti-Air Weapons

– Anti-Air Weapons 
Anti-Air weapons are usually high rate of fire weapons with the downside of less damage to the target, although most air targets do not have great armor compared to land vehicles. Anti-Air Weapons has a few more key differences from a normal weapon system, it must be able to rotate fast and have great elevation to keep the enemy aircraft in sight. Fragmentation/Flak rounds can work for an Anti-Air purpose, although they are more likely to be less effective due to a limited ammunition amount and cause slower frame rate. SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) operate much differently to a more traditional Anti-Air system, they do not need a high volume of fire since they can be guided towards the enemy aircraft, these missiles depending on the guidance system can be great or even overpowered 

Modded Weapon Systems – Cannon based Main Guns

– Cannon based Main Guns 
Cannon based main guns are self-explanatory, a cannon block is used as the main weapon of the vehicle. Cannon based main guns have many great advantages to other main weapon systems, they are much easier to develop and engineer, they can be made with low part count allowing less CPU usage and more framerate, the power of the cannon can be tuned easily for the specific purpose required, and the ability of infinite ammo and explosive cannon shots provide great versatility. Some down sides occur are that an extremely powerful cannon such as one with 100x can be hard to engineer and a much simpler half pipe or recoilless gun system can be used to deal the same damage, cannons can be stopped using 0-mass armor. The most basic set of components of a cannon based main gun is the Cannon itself, the cannon recoil system, some optional components are, cannon stabilization, cannon sights, semi-automatic firing systems, fire rate controller, and many more accessories. 
o Recoil Systems 
The recoil system of a cannon based main gun is very important due to the high recoil of cannons that is not often found in other weapon systems. There are many ways to design a recoil system but most have features found on all similar weapon, although it is not universal to have all of the components and some have down sides. These components are the following, “cannon breech”, recoil spring, wing drag, overflow drag, counter force applicator, return to center springs, and vacuum. The “cannon breech” is a heavy mass that the main cannon is directly connected to, the heavy mass helps to reduce the acceleration of the cannon’s recoil and to allow the recoil springs to handle the recoil over greater amounts of time. Recoil springs can come in 2 forms, Piston based and suspension based, piston-based recoil springs are more robust but have an uncontrolled amount of recoil distance, and in theory can reach infinity, while suspension-based recoil springs offer a limited amount of distance for the cannon to travel and the ability to tune to stiffness of the spring at the cost of being not as robust. Wing drag and overflow drag have the same effect, they increase the drag of the “cannon breech” allowing greater reduction of force over time created by the cannon. Counter force applicators can be found in many forms such as flying blocks, high power water cannons, counter cannon, etc. their main purpose to create a counter force of about equal amount to cancel out the acceleration applied to the cannon breech, although it might be inconsistent due to the cannon random fire time. Return to center springs serve two purposes, they apply a force when the breech is moving away from its origin point and also help to return the main cannon breech to the origin point after recoiled. Vacuum based recoil systems are very experimental, a overflow vacuum is activated behind the cannon freezing everything around it resulting in the cannon not being able to create a recoil force, this method is can cause glitches and is not recommended. Overflow drag systems and vacuum recoil reduction systems also might break a vehicle if it is in motion, as the drag will result in the cannon breech staying in the same place while the vehicle is still moving, causing massive stress on the points connecting the cannon breach to the main hull. They also reduce vehicle speed if constantly on. 
o Cannon power analysis 
Cannon power can vary depending on the intended purpose, and the following will provide a simple grouping system for cannon power purposes. 
 1x – 4x cannons, they are achievable without modification of game files, not very powerful. 
 5x – 9x cannons, very good for an Auto-Cannon, can be used as a standard cannon on a light vehicle. 
 10x – 25x cannons, very power cannon for standard cannons used on main battle tanks. 
 26x – 50x cannons, extremely power cannon for standard cannons used on MBTs or heavy tanks. 
 51x – 100x cannons, extremely powerful cannon for standard cannons serves the main role as tank destroyers due to the high power. 
 100x – >100x cannons, way too powerful possible to be so fast that it will pass through vehicle armor without colliding with any of the colliders. Also, possible to go through the entire vehicle with no effect. 
o Miscellaneous cannon related technology 
The position of cannon ball that spawns is varies depending on how the cannon is scaled, it is possible to hide the cannon behind a heavy armor piece but scaling the cannon big enough that cannon ball spawns in front of the armor, allowing the cannon to be protected but still allow firing of the cannon. Cannon balls after spawning will not be in motion immediately, causing some issues if your vehicle is moving at great speeds, the cannon ball will collide with the vehicle during the time that it is not moving and destroy the vehicle. 

Modded Weapon Systems – Half Pipe Cannons

– Half Pipe Cannons 
Half Pipe Cannons are cannons constructed of 2 scaled half pipes. Half pipes are chosen for cannon barrels because they are the most cylindrical block that is hollow and also offer less friction to allow fired cartridges to be less effected by the barrel. The munitions of a half pipe cannon mostly consist of an explosive rocket which can be activated with fire, but powerful cannons or flying blocks can also work but with some down sides. 
o AP Ammunition 
One of the biggest advantages of the half pipe cannon is that it can fire larger projectiles that a cannon can’t. An armor piercing projectile fired from a half pipe gun can penetrate enemy “0 Mass Armor” and if fired fast enough can pass through the strongest armor of the enemy and cause massive internal damage. 
Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized bullets can greatly increase the accuracy of munitions fire from a half pipe cannon since they are greatly affected by physics RNG. The same stabilized effect can be achieved with a gyroscope or an overflow fan. 
Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot projectiles is a very specialized type of cartridge, although for just a simple AP rounds it is not that important for the bullet size to be reduced since it does not usually provide greater armor piercing characteristics compared to real world munitions. Most often it is just for creators to make their designs more realistic, although depending on if a specialty round requires a sabot to allow it to travel down the half pipe barrel then it might be a good design to remember. 
Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot is a variant of the APDS round which is just the APFS benefits added on the APDS’s benefits. 
o HE/HE-I munitions 
High Explosive and High Explosive Incendiary rounds are usually achieved with a bomb or a high explosive rocket as its warhead, these munitions can be extremely effective against targets which are vulnerable to explosives or fire. Distinctive factors that make a vehicle at risk of High Explosive or High Explosive Incendiary munitions includes, enemy High Explosive munitions such as rockets with high blast power, bombs, or grenades, enemy vehicle structure featuring lots of wood, enemy wooden wheels and flammable movement and engine systems, exposed weapons systems affected by tick damage. The biggest counter to High Explosive and High Explosive Incendiary munitions is slat armor, ERA (explosive reactive armor), and other premature detonation systems. High Explosive Incendiary munitions can also be countered by FPE (fire prevention systems) 
o APHE/APHE-I munitions 
Armor Piercing High Explosive and Armor Piercing High Explosive Incendiary offer the benefits of an HE or HE-I munitions but can counter slat and explosive reactive armor while also providing greater damage to vehicles with only one layer of hull armor. This munition type is comprised of the main warhead which will not explode on contact and a secondary fuse which will detonate the main warhead once the main warhead has penetrated. A main warhead can be comprised of bombs or explosive rockets with 0.001 flight time with high explosive power, the benefits of a explosive rocket is that it will not detonate on contact, allowing for a trigger to detonate it such as a bomb placed on the rear of the projectile or a timer and sensor. 
o HEAT munitions 
High Explosive Anti-Tank, although different to how real HEAT shaped charges work, this munition type is comprised of a main bullet body with many scaled down boulders attached to the tip as a warhead, on contact the boulders will break but the broken pieces will not be scaled down resulting in massive expansion and damage to enemy target. Boulder warhead/HEAT munition can cause a lot of tasks on the CPU and reducing frame rate, use with caution. 
High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin Stabilized is a version of a HEAT munition but with fins or gyroscopes to allow greater accuracy. 
o Fragmentation/Flak munitions 
Fragmentation or Flak munitions are mainly used to attack aircraft, although it is still greatly effective against ground targets. The main purpose of a frag/flak warhead is to increase the area of effect that damage occurs in, where a single shot can hit in a single direction, an fragmentated shell can go in a specific cone of attack or in all directions. One of the simplest frag/flak munition warheads is scaled down boulders, once the warhead has reached an optimal range the boulders can be destroyed into fragments and will be launched in different directions at the target enemy. This is similar to a Besiege HEAT munition but different in that it will have less effect on armored targets due to the fragments not being placed inside the collider of the armor piece upon detonation of the warhead. The same effect can be gotten using different methods such as having rockets with high explosive and short flight time that fire from the main bullet in different directions when reaching a specific distance from a target, but at this moment there have no been any better method of flak/frag shells. A fuse for the frag/flak shell is also important with only one method, the best method is to use a sensor with high radius and short range. Other methods have not been experimented with, such as distant contact fuse where a wire like device extends in a radius around the munition and once it contacts a target, a bomb will be detonated to triggered boulders, a timed fuse, or even manual detonation. Fragmentation/Flak munitions also greatly increases CPU usage which will slow down the game’s framerate, creating another down side to Flak/Frag Munitions. 
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head), although slightly different form the real dynamics of a HESH shell, it still functions similarly. The HESH shell upon contact with enemy armor, will detonate many explosive rockets with very high explosive power, causing the enemy armor to be pushed into the protected components of the armored vehicle. 
o Guided Missiles 
Guided missiles can be adapted to fire through a half pipe cannon, there are some benefits to this type of munition being fired out of a half pipe cannon if it was the vehicle’s main weapon system. The missiles would not have to require a separate launcher system, the main weapon sights can be used to aim the launch direction of the guided missile, and lastly it might be used to reproduce real tanks that can fire ATGMs from their main cannon. Although a vast number of down sides for a system like this may be present, such as more parts which will reduce framerate, depending on the elevation of the main gun the SAMs cannot be fired, removing the ability to only expose a missile launcher and having to expose the whole turret from behind cover, half pipe cannons may be inconsistent and jam or break down, and many more disadvantages to fire the guided missiles from the main half pipe gun. 
o Munition Propellent 
Many different munition propellants can be used with half pipe guns such as flying blocks, recoilless cannons, explosive rockets with high thrust, but other methods have not been experimented with. Each type having their own benefits and down sides, flying blocks means the limited ammunition due to the lack of key binds, recoilless cannons *there is another section covering its down sides, explosive rockets can explode within the ammunition stores if set on fire or shot with crossbow but can have a lot of ammo reserves due to the ability of firing using flame throwers. 

Recoilless Guns

– Recoilless Guns 
Like real recoilless guns they are not void of recoil and also create at least some amounts of back blast. This may be disadvantages to use on a vehicle considering you need to dedicate a big area to the back blast of the weapon and any friendly equipment behind the vehicle will be in danger. But the best advantage of a recoilless gun is that it can support an extremely powerful cannon such as a 500x and can fire huge projectiles such as 100x mass ballasts. Extra downsides occur with these include supporting the weapon system and reloading the weapon system. 

Guided Missiles

– Guided Missiles 
Guided missiles can be the best weapon system in Besiege, the main idea of the guided missile is to have a projectile that is possible to be guided accurately onto an enemy target after firing. Many advantages come such as accurate in-direct line of fire, reduced required aiming accuracy before launch, ability to take down fast moving targets such as aircraft easily, and etc. Down sides to these missiles are that they can take up many keys thus reducing the amount of ammunition can be had on one vehicle. 
o SAMs 
SAM (Surface to Air Missile) are guided missile that attack air targets, this offers a great advantage over conventional Anti-Air Cannons due to the ability to guide the missile into the target. These missiles are often faster and more maneuverable than ATGMs because of the speed of aircrafts. These missiles can be armed with HE-I, HE, Flak/Frag, APHE or be AP/Kinetic. These missiles tend to be distracted easily but allows the missile to lock onto targets with a greater radius. 
ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missile) are guided missiles designed to attack ground targets. These missiles are usually less maneuverable than SAMs because its intended targets are not that fast. These missiles can be armed with HE-I, HE, HEAT, Flak/Frag, APHE or be AP/Kinetic. These missiles tend to be less able to be distracted at the cost of not being able to correct a lot of aimed poorly. 
o Manual Guided Missiles 
These missiles are guided with the controls from a human input, they might be similar to flying an aircraft. 
o AGM 
AGM (Automatic Guided Missile) are missiles guided automatically after launch, there are two main types, vacuum and sensor. Vacuum missiles will use a high-power vacuum to guide it to the target, although this type of missile can cause lots of damage and a high likely chance of friendly fire, it is hard to distract using flares/chaff, and is also highly unfair. Sensor missiles is the other alternative to AGMs, they use sensors to change the direction of the missile. These missiles have some down sides such as requiring more keys for the logic thus reducing the amount of ammunition that can be stored, it is more likely to be distracted by flares/chaff. Although an up side is that you are less likely to be banned from some one’s MV since these missiles are a bit fairer, there is also less friendly fire chances. 
o Semi-Automatic Guided Missiles 
These missiles allow the operator to control the missile mid flight but will also be assisted by sensors to hit the target. 
o Missile Composition and Components 
A guided missile has a few common components found on all similar weapon systems, they are the following, Main missile body, Warhead, Control surfaces, Stabilization systems, Missile Mounted Camera (primarily for manual guided missiles), and Guidance sensors (primarily for automatic guided missiles). The main missile body is often a ballast due to it’s the ability to change its weight, although other materials can be used. Warheads are often HE-I, HE, Frag/Flak, AP/Kinetic, HEAT, APHE. Although other proprietary weapon warheads can be mounted too. Control surfaces of a guided missile can be found in the form of flying blocks, rotatable fins, gyroscopes, or other forms of propulsion such as water cannons. A stabilization system for the missile is also important, these can be made using either a gyro scope, fins, or overflow fans. Missile mounted cameras are self-explanatory. Missile guidance systems can be created in different ways but are often mounted at the front of the missile. 

Vehicular Contact Weapons

– Vehicular contact weapons. 
Vehicular contact weapons require that the vehicle ram into the enemy vehicle, this can often be in-affective if the enemy vehicle is far away or at a location hard to get to. 

Miscellaneous Weapon Support Systems

– Miscellaneous weapon support systems. 
Weapon Support Systems help the operator to use their weapon systems on their vehicles more effectively against the enemy. 
o Semi-Automatic Weapon Firing Systems 
Semi-Automatic Weapon Firing Systems are sensors that upon activation will fire the weapon system it is linked with when it senses a non-static target Infront. 
o Sensor Radar Guided Weapons Systems 
Sensor Radar Guided Weapon Systems (RGW) employs a sensor radar that scans for enemies in set field of view. The system will begin scanning the surroundings by spinning a sensor like a radar, once the sensor has detected a non-static object, it will begin a second lock on phase, during which more sensors can be deployed to help increase lock accuracy, after locking onto the target successfully it is possible the operator to change the target object, the main weapon system controller by the radar guidance system will have a third set of sensors that detects if it is lined up to a non-static object and upon detection it will fire the main gun. 
o Weapon Sighting Systems 
Weapon sighting systems are based of the camera device, they can have advanced reticle but can also be as simple as a dot, cross, or just the center of the camera. Advanced zoom features can also be applied for increase accuracy at longer distance. 
o Weapon Stabilization Systems 
Weapon stabilization systems will reduce wobble of the weapon. There are two main types of stabilization systems, gyroscopic or overflow. Gyroscopic uses a gyroscope that will stabilize the weapon while an overflow uses overflow fans or water cannons. overflow have a disadvantage of adding drag to the whole vehicle, thus it is better to have the ability to toggle overflow, while gyroscopes have the disadvantage of less power and more prone to damage. 

Weapon Elevation

– Weapon Elevation 
Weapon elevation systems are for elevating the main weapons, coaxial weapons, top mounted weapons, and other weapons that require aiming. Depending on the size and weight of the weapon system it might be important to limit the elevation angles so prevent damage of the vehicle and the weapon system. There are many methods to making an elevation system, but the best works using steering hinges with set limits and a spinning block as the point of rotation connected to the turret floor. 

Turret Systems

– Turret Systems 
Turret systems allow the mounting of weapon systems on floor that can rotate 360 degrees around the vehicle. This is often used in conjunction with a weapon elevation system to allow a wide range of angles for the weapon to be aimed at. Like the elevation system, it is best to use steering hinges connected to a spin block that is attached to the vehicle hull, although other methods do work. 

Vehicle Armor

– Vehicle Armor 
Vehicle armor comes in many forms, with the most standard being the armor block. The armor block can be versatile even against some powerful weapon system, but there are many different armor options with some being not so defensive but only to look nice. 
o Heavy Armor 
Heavy armor is armor plates consisting of either smooth surface/scaling blocks, build surface/deformable surface or possibly ballasts. These armors use the fact that heavy objects are hard to accelerate, although being able to stop a great amount of enemy munitions, they are able to be countered by extremely powerful cannons, recoilless guns, missiles, and much more. Slanting heavy armor also provides a good effect allowing for the chance that a shot will ricochet off. 
o Invincible armor 
Invincible armor is just like its name, it is impossible to break. There are few blocks that are impossible to break but certain ones such as Spin blocks and grip pads are notable. Using these armors can make you invincible to most damage, but the possibility of heavy projectiles or extremely fast shells can skip through the armor causing great internal damage or flipping the vehicle with heavy mass. These armor types can be hard to make at time due to the limited variety of unbreakable blocks. 
o Slat Armor 
Slat Armor is like its real-life counterpart, it is mainly used to counter HE, HE-I, HEAT, and possible Frag/Flak. A light weight piece will extend from the armor, triggering the fuses of those shells causing premature detonation which will result in the armor not taking the full force of the munition. This type of armor can be slightly hard to construct, and the size of it may have to be fairly sizeable due to the huge explosive radius of HE-I, HE, Frag/Flak, HESH, or HEAT. Slat armor can also be countered with an AP capped shell, with the AP shell destroying the slat armor to make way for the main explosive warhead to detonate when on the main armor of the enemy vehicle. 
o ERA 
ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) it is also like its real-life counterpart, this technology uses explosives attached to the outside of the vehicle to destroy incoming munitions. Although it must be placed far enough that the explosive from the ERA does not destroy the vehicle. ERA can be prone to damage from collision or detonated from other munitions, thus destroying the armor. This effect can be achieved using bombs and rockets with high explosive power, these can destroy the warhead of an incoming ATGM carrying HE-I, HE, Frag/Flak, HESH or HEAT resulting in the preservation of the armored fighting vehicle. 

Update 27/4/2021 – Cannon block recoil control methods

– Cannon block recoil control methods 
This section is an extension of the original part on the cannon block. More in-depth regarding some of the methods 
Hull Mounted 
Probably the simplest method to mount a high power cannon on any vehicle that uses one ballast as the base. The base of the vehicle is usually very heavy, and attaching a cannon directly allow very high powers and does not require that many advanced building techniques. = 
Flat Cannon (No-Brake/No-Break Cannon) 
Flat cannons or No-Brake/No-Break cannon (yes no-brake is not grammatically correct but this is just a name some people use), are cannons attached a spin block, this spin block is also the pivot for the elevation of the cannon. And the cannon plus spin block (elevation) should be connected to another spin block which will control the traverse of the turret. These spin blocks have unbreakable bonds, and using the fact that the cannon or the (elevation) spin block being flat, allows the recoil of the cannon to directly transfer into the hull of the vehicle, which then absorbs the recoil. (note the spin blocks should have 0 speed) (steering hinges should be used to rotate the spin blocks to adjust for traverse and elevation) 
Vacuum Cannon 
Vacuum cannons use negative overflow vacuums to freeze the cannon, thus all recoil is removed. Although being one of the simplest ways to have a very high power cannon (ex. 1000x, 1000000x), it is also hard to perfect. The negative overflow vacuums has an area of effect, which the cannon should be inside, thus allowing the cannon to be frozen. But if the cannon ever leaves the area of effect, a common issue, the system will fail. 
FNS Cannon 
FNS (Force Neutralization System) is a method in where a very heavy ballast is held up using springs which are attached to 0 mass ballasts. There is a page regarding this on the Besiege wiki. The cannon attaches to the heavy ballast of the FNS and can give great results. FNS allows for high power cannons. 
– Tether FNS 
Tether FNS is a varient of the FNS system, where one set of springs pushes the far end of the heavy ballast away, while another set pulls the close end in, thus Tethering the heavy ballast in place. This is better than other ways to stabilize the heavy ballast of the FNS because it usually has a smaller area and can also allow most of the FNS components to be behind the heavy ballast, which helps protect it from enemy weapons. 
Mortise and Tenon Cannons 
Mortise and Tenon cannon, is designed to counter act tick damage of cannons. Normal cannon systems can be easily defeated using explosive weapons (ex. explosive cannon balls, bombs, grenades, rockets), these cause tick damage which break the “unbreakable” bond the cannon usually has. These cannons counter this by using other blocks to hold the cannon in place, but not using the cannon’s primary attachment trigger to hold the cannon in place. 
Grip-pad (Mortise and Tenon) 
Grip-pad method uses the fact that grippads are unbreakable and is not effected by tick damage, grip-pads are attached to spin blocks which are also used to control elevation of the cannon, they form a box and within the box there are grabbers which grab onto the cannon. Because of the unbreakable bonds the grippads have with the spin block, and the spin block to the traverse spin block, and the traverse spin block to the main hull, there is no way for a bomb to break off these pieces. Within the box of grippads, grabbers are tightly packed, the grabbers will be locked in place because there is no way to move since they are positioned inside a box. The construction of this usually has two sets of boxes of grabbers on either side of the cannon, so the grabbers have no way to fall out of the system. (forward, backwards, up, down, are blocked by grippdas. Left and right are blocked by the spin blocks the grabbers attach to. 
Log (Mortise and Tenon) 
Log method is similar to grippads, but instead of using grippads to lock a grabber in place, logs are. Logs have the advantage that they do not bend. (this is using the idea that one half of the broken log has a unbreakable bond to the block it was attached to, and this fragment of the log still has a collider which can interact with other physics objects. this log fragment will never bend, thus good for armor and no-brake/no-break cannon systems. 
Other possibilities 
There are still other ways to make recoil control systems in Besiege, some are more reliable than others, but they all focus around 2 main aspects. Using heavy objects to absorb recoil, using a counter force to absorb recoil. Although at high cannon powers like this, conventional system like suspension or pistons become ineffective. 
Talin/Dalin (original name : 大林) 
The talin/dalin system of recoil control, I have only seen in few places. This system was created to have a replacement cannon for rules regarding FNS, (FNS cannons were thought to be too powerful and was banned in many communities). This uses a cannon on a heavy ballast, but the difference being that once the ballast reciprocates backwards due to recoil, this turns a spin block with nives (negative water cannons) attached which counter act on the recoil accordingly, This is different from just having a nive that activates after a cannon fires because it is not affected by the cannon’s random fire delay. Once the ballast has been pushed back by the nives to the original position, the spin blocks will also return to a state where they no longer allow the nives to enact force on the main ballast. 
Although this is probably a bad description of the system, It is as best as I can currently explain. 

Here we come to an end for Besiege An Overview Weapon Systems and Armor for Vehicles hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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