Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition AI Aggression and Campaign Scripting

Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition AI Aggression and Campaign Scripting 1 -
Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition AI Aggression and Campaign Scripting 1 -
How to reduce AI aggression towards the human player via the campaign script.


No more ‘Flesh Creature, Kill’.

Ever felt the AI was out to get you? Ever seen an AI faction doom itself or pass up an easier victim, just so it could sail an army half way across the world to attack your protectorate? The problem lies in the campaign script and you can turn this behaviour off! 
1. Go into the Empire Total War Directory and find the scripting.LUA file for the main campaign. Probably somewhere like this. 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empire Total War\data\campaigns\main 
2. Open the scripting file in notepad and scroll to the bottom (you can add the command anywhere, provided you add the necessary function commands, but it just makes it easier if you include it in the existing campaign conditions). This is the bit you want: 

local function OnWorldCreated() scripting.game_interface:technology_osmosis_for_playables_enable_culture(“european”) scripting.game_interface:technology_osmosis_for_playables_enable_all()

3. Add the following new conditions below the two existing conditions:


The misspelt words in the conditions are accurate. Empire, poor, unpolished gem that it is, is riddled with stuff like that. These two conditions disable the AI’s single minded purpose in attacking the player. You can add one or both. It is ideal for if you want to turtle along at your own pace without having to deal with suicidal AI attacks. It fixed my pet peeve of starting a GB campaign and immediately facing a war against the Iroquois to defend the Thirteen Colonies. Every.Single.Time. No trouble now though. 

Written by L’Ouverture

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