The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix

The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix 1 -
The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix 1 -

This is just an easy stupid fix for a badly cpu optimized game.

What is this guide for?

This game is a horribly optimized single core CPU game, and will cause the game to stutter when there is no CPU overhead.
This fix is for multi-core CPUs only.
So if your first CPU core is showing 100% usage while the game is running, then this guide is for you.
I do not really know why or how this fix works, but I do know it works without any perceived change to gameplay, while completely negating the framerate stutter.

The fix

If you don’t already have your task manager open, open it now. Make sure you have the More Details option selected and it should look something like this.
The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix - The fix - 3D01C48
Now check your cpu usage graph in the Performance tab with the game running and click on the CPU graph on the left.
if the first core of your CPU is under 100% load, or extremely close to it, you may continue for the fix
The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix - The fix - 3C3C7E5
Go back to the processes tab, and right click on The Surge 2 process. Click on the Go to details option.
The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix - The fix - ADDC80D
Right click on The Surge 2.exe in details and click on Set affinity.
The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix - The fix - 1F71C65
Now simply un-check CPU 0 from the list and click OK
The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix - The fix - F10F369
And now you are done. That’s the fix. Unfortunately you will have to do this every time you start up the game.


If anyone in the comments know why this works, or why you shouldn’t do this, let me know.
So far this fix has not caused any problems for me or my CPU, and has only made the game more playable for me.
I will update the guide as needed if something in the comments seems important enough to add.

Written by Savannah Banana

This is all for The Surge 2 High CPU (100%) Usage Fix hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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