The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – How to Fix Video Playback on Steam Deck

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – How to Fix Video Playback on Steam Deck 1 -
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – How to Fix Video Playback on Steam Deck 1 -

This is a guide for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – How to Fix Video Playback on Steam Deck

Did you play the game for the first time, only to look at the color patterns but no video playback? This is a quick guide to set up your Steam Deck for the game. It assumes you are familiar with Linux and are able to follow a few simple steps.

This was created on July 4, 2023, using Steam Deck OS version 3.4.8, with help from u/DarthFly. All credit goes to the user. This information is provided in the form of a guide only.

Reference: – []


  • Switch to desktop mode
  • Open the Discover application
  • Search and download “Protontricks”
  • Do not ignore any warnings about the directory you are in.
  • Choose the game
  • “Select the Winprefix default”
  • Install Windows DLL
  • Check the boxes below.


    b. quartz

    c. lavfilters (Just the one that is named. Not the other 0.xx version)

  • Hit “OK” and wait a few minutes, as nothing will show up.
  • Install Windows will be displayed
  • Install the software, selecting your options, or click ok to accept the default settings.
  • Close all windows following the installer
  • Go back into handheld mode
  • Game>cog>properties
  • General>Game Resolution 1280×800 (This is required because the cut scene resolution would be incorrect during playback)
  • Compatibility: Force the use of …>At the time of writing I am using Proton Experimental
  • Close
  • Play a game

We hope you enjoyed The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – How to Fix Video Playback on Steam Deck, which was inspired by an insightful piece by Mr. Snrub. If you have any recommendations on how we can enhance this post, please share them in the comments. Have a fabulous day, and don’t forget to bookmark us for more exciting content!

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