The Evil Within How to Fix Chapter 8 Glitch

The Evil Within How to Fix Chapter 8 Glitch 1 -
The Evil Within How to Fix Chapter 8 Glitch 1 -

Does chapter 8's chase scene seem impossible? If so, this guide will help!

What is the problem?

The original game had a 30-frame rate lock. If you use the +r_swapinterval 0. launch option to unlock framerate, certain things in the game won't function properly. This is because the game was designed to run at a lower speed. This chase sequence is one of those scenes that the higher framerate causes the monster to move a little faster than it's supposed so it's impossible to escape it (.

How can you fix it

You can either remove +r_swapinterval 0. from the launch option or use the in game console (to turn off god mode with the command “god” (. To close the console,).


Written by Dan the Man

Here we come to an end for The Evil Within How to Fix Chapter 8 Glitch hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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