Terra Invicta Space Mining Tips

Terra Invicta Space Mining Tips 1 - steamsplay.com
Terra Invicta Space Mining Tips 1 - steamsplay.com

How to get your space industry started by mining on Mars or Luna. This guide and Terra Invicta's Terra Invicta wiki (are my own. However, it may have been edited by other contributors).


Space industry is necessary for all factions, even those that are hostile to the aliens. Space industry will allow for you to

  • You can also extract useful resources from space and make money.
  • Receive research points from space and research bonuses
  • To defend yourself, build warships or, if you're playing as a faction, fight aliens to protect the Earth.

Later you will be able to find colonies in space and on other planets.
As we have already mentioned, Boost is a resource for launching space stations and outposts into space. Boost is also used for the maintenance of stations and outposts that need resources, like Water and Volatiles. These resources aren't produced in space and must be transported to the facility from Earth. Space stations orbiting around Earth are useful and can be helpful, but they will require Boost to maintain. This can hinder your ability collect enough Boost for you to start mining resources. These resources can then be used for maintaining space stations and habitats. They don't require Boost to maintain so it makes sense to first start mining, then expand your space station.
Mission Control determines the maximum capacity of facilities and ships that can be maintained outside of the Earth. Mission Controls are built by earthbound nations. They can either use the Mission Control priority or direct investment. Later in the game, Mission Controls may also be built in space. Mission Controls are best placed in smaller countries that you control, but which you plan to unify later into a larger one.
As your space industry develops you will find that Mission Control is more restrictive than Boost. While you can override your Mission Control limit, this will make your ships, outposts, and stations more susceptible to being subverted by other factions.

Start Requirements

It is important to have enough Boost and Mission Control. A good starting point is 40-60 Boost. You will need 2-4 Mission Controller (. One mine will require two). You will also require the following techs and the projects that unlock them (brackets).

  • Mission to Space
  • Outpost Habs (Outpost)
  • Advanced Electromagnetism
  • Mass Drivers
  • Space Mining and Refining (Outpost Mining Complex,)
  • Platform Core
  • Space (Nuclear Fission) Fission Pile. This tech and Platform core) are not able to unlock this tech. To mine on Mars,

To establish an outpost on a space body's site, you must first have sent a probe. Sending a probe to a planet costs Boost and takes time. You also need the appropriate global technology to research: Mission to the Moon (. Also, the Luna space body in the game is called Luna. We will refer to it as Luna). These techs will be available later to explore and colonize other parts of the solar system.
Select "View Solar System", then choose the space body you wish to prospect. After selecting the body, the button to send a probe will appear at the bottom.
Prospecting using a single probe will reveal all possible outpost sites on any space body's resources. Any amount of any of the following can be produced by a site:

  • Water (blue droplets)
  • Volatiles (Red flame)
  • Base Metals () Light Blue Pile of Bricks)
  • Noble Metals (yellow pile) bricks
  • Fissiles () green radioactivity symbol

The site's production of resources is determined randomly within certain upper or lower bounds. Some bodies, such as Europa and Ceres, have plenty of Water due to the presence of water-ice. Luna Water is comparatively rare.
Water and Volatiles are used for maintaining stations and outposts, while Base Metals and Noble Metals mainly serve to build them. Fission Piles require Fissiles. It is important to understand how the space industry works. Space resources are sent from Earth at a Boost cost. However, all space stations and outposts have access to the same pool of resources without additional costs. For example, if you're mining water on Mars, that Water will be immediately available for a space station orbiting Earth. It may be helpful to think about the solar system as divided into two resource pools: Earth or space.
Your goal is start mining and accumulating sufficient of all these materials so that you can launch cores directly from Earth using Boost. Then, complete the base using the five space resources.

Your First Mine

There are two options for where to begin:

  • You can build a mine on Luna, then go to Mars with the resources you have.
  • (: Going directly to Mars Note that Mission to Mars doesn't require Mission to the Moon)

There is no definitive way to determine which approach is best in any given game. The key is to be capable of mining for Water and Volatiles, Base Metals, Noble Metals and Water in space. These are essential to build more mines. Fissiles are also required for the cores and Fission Pils to power all this. But, Boost can also be used to make these if you have enough.
One, it is possible to skip Luna if there aren't two mining sites that together produce all five resources. You will need to purchase extra (Fission Piles to mine on Mars. This is because you would need a large number of Solar Collectors to generate enough power due Mars's distance to the Sun. Mars is always more valuable than Luna for mining, but requires more Boost to send outposts. Councillors also have a harder time traveling all the way to Mars. to try to seize an outpost.
A mine (with core and power plants) on Luna should be around 20 to 40 boost. A mine on Mars would cost between 40 and 70 Boost. If Mars costs more than that, you should check if Mars is in or near the launch windows. Launch windows are the dates that a target in space is aligned to Earth's orbit so that it takes less Boost than usual to get there. It may be worth waiting for the launch window's arrival to move closer. To lower Boost costs you can also check out the Nuclear Freighters Project (unlocked from Solid Core Fission Systems).
Your first mine will be very simple and contain the following components:

  • Outpost Core.
  • Complex for Outpost Mining.
  • A power plant (Fission Pille on Mars, Solar Collector for Luna).

If you have the Boost, you can deploy them all in one go. This is better since the mine and outpost core will be up and running simultaneously. The mine will pay most of the maintenance costs of the outpost. This will save you Boost and allow you to start building more. Only one mine can be supported by an outpost.
It will take several days for the components to reach Luna (, and several months to Mars). You can send another mine even if you have enough boost.


Once you have started mining all five resources, it is possible to change your approach and only send the Outpost Core on a site using Boost. You can then build the Fission Pile and Mining Complex by using resources from space resource pool instead.
Later, if a Construction Module is built on any station or outpost within a planetary system you will be able create Outpost Cores with space resources from that system. Mission Control capacity will stop you from progressing faster than Boost. As you climb the tech tree, Mission Control capacity will start to hinder your progress.
You might also want to pursue the Mission to the Asteroids tech, as asteroids are rich in resources. Mission to the Inner Planets is another option, as Solar Collectors can be very powerful the closer to the Sun. This makes outpost layouts easier. Another goal is to reach the next tier in surface outposts, called habs. This is unlocked by the tech Settlement Habs as well as the next level of mines or power plants.
It's then time to think about space docks. Shipyards. Warships. Point defense modules.


Written by Antti

This is all for Terra Invicta Space Mining Tips hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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