Rising Hell Information Guide and Tips for New Player In Game

Rising Hell Information Guide and Tips for New Player In Game 1 - steamsplay.com
Rising Hell Information Guide and Tips for New Player In Game 1 - steamsplay.com
I’ve played 20 hours so far and wanted to put something together that would of helped me when I started out.



Hell breaking is when your land on a monster if you have automatic hell break enabled it auto kills most monsters and high damage to minibosses/bosses also it allows you to do another jump.

Rising Hell Information Guide and Tips for New Player In Game

I recommend to keep it automatic unless your going for the 3 achievements that require no hell breaks on each stage.

trying to hell break a spawn when its spikes are out, A imp that is electrocuting itself or the second bosses torso in the first stage can cause damage to yourself there are a few invincibility frames so you may get lucky.

The Plaguelings self destruct can be avoided by dashing away right after a hellbreak.

The Guillotine in stage 3 often takes 2 hellbreaks to kill unless you have a lot of damage and the Atropos along with its mini boss Adrammelech can not be hellbreaked


First I suggest rebinding it to something your comfortable with cause you will be using it a lot I use a xbox controller to play and I chose The right trigger.

When you dash you are completely invincible until you come out of it so you could dash right through attacks from bosses and monsters or beams from traps and be fine but if you come out of your dash on an attack you will still take damage so getting a good judge of how far your dash throws you will be vital.

Multi dashing
you can dash back to back with almost no delay this allows you to hover in the air for long periods very helpful for avoiding monsters that do ground attacks such as Magog the ferocious mini boss or the final bosses laser since you can hover off the platform on the sides while he does it. You do come out of the dash animation for a short time between dashes in which time you can be hit so you cant use it to become an immortal god through the bullet hell attacks.

Leveling up

When you complete a run either through winning or death you get xp towards your accounts level this can unlock quite a few things as of right now the max level is 40.

The best way I found to power level is not by doing conquest but by doing the gauntlet and the fastest one I have found is using AROK for his hp on hellrisen difficulty 4 on any of the worlds I like world 2 at this Difficulty you can literally just hold left and jump and take spike damage and use the invincibility frames to make it to the top in 30-40 seconds.

Rising Hell Information Guide and Tips for New Player In Game

Written by zeith

Here we come to an end for Rising Hell Information Guide and Tips for New Player In Game hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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