Project Playtime All Glitches in Game

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game 1 -
Project Playtime All Glitches in Game 1 -

This guide will show you all the glitches in the game. Enjoy!

Toy Factory Map

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Toy Factory Map - D61E87A

This section will highlight the most popular Glitched Spots in Theater Map. It will also include Step by Step instructions. You can also watch a video tutorial. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Sorry again for the poor quality gifs. Steam’s maximum file size is 2MB so I had to compress it.

Glitch 1

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #1 - 084869A

The rail leading nowhere is located near the middle section of the Toy Factory map. There should be a few pillars you can jump on. This allows you to hide from the beast and, when the train arrives or the game ends, you can jump off the pillar and the anticheat teleports you.

Glitch 2

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #2 - 090AE45

You will see a set of stairs to your right as you get off the train. Go up them and get to the top. You will see a vent to your right. Jump down and you will be able to afk-farm for ages. Walk to the train to get 12 xp when the game ends.

Glitch 3

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #3 - A281069

Near the 2 puzzles and grapple doors, a box fort contains a locker. The escalator can be reached by jumping on the box barely visible. You can then roll forward and go. I like this spot so that I can troll. These spots are all troll spots LOL,

Glitch 4

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #4 - 5C38008

There are two platforms and a set of stairs located in the middle area of the map. The area is close to Glitch 2; just outside the area should be the stairs or platform. Jump on the rail by grabbing the side.

They can get you there, but there is very little chance of them seeing you. It’s a great way to escape Huggy. He’ll need to go all the downstairs.

Glitch 5

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #5 - EA0E6DC

Once you’ve left the train, climb up onto the box fort. There should be stairs leading to the next level. Jump on to the boxes and then onto the rail. This spot is ideal for closing grapple door and using the puzzles. It’s also an escape spot.

Glitch 6

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #6 - DAC1756

You will find some boxes in the same place as Glitch 5 Jump on the boxes, and then roll over to the porta-lounge. You can then go inside the wall to hide from the monster. This is where I love to hide and seek. You can hide from the monster by closing the doors or making a mistake.

Glitch 7

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #7 - 3CB62AE

This spot looks almost like a secluded spot. Near the grapple zone with the grapple doors next to it, you will see 4 pillars that surround a sewer. You will find the 2nd column when you descend the Grapple section. If you want to hide, you must go to the side. It’s good for all black avatars. You can also lose the monster very quickly.

Glitch 8

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #8 - 2A155D4

Take the train up to Glitch 6 or 5. Upstairs, you will find stairs that lead down to 2 levels. Roll jump on the building’s side and jump on the block. If the monster has this power up, you can close and close the grappledoor to get the generator. This is not the best way to trolling the monster, but it can be used to confuse him.

Glitch 9

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #9 - C735C64

Just like in Glitch 3: Jump on the boxes and then take the elevator. Go to the Puzzle Pillar and jump there. It’s a great place to troll huggy, and use the Grappledoor. This is the first spot in Project: Playtime to be discovered.

Glitch 10

Project Playtime All Glitches in Game - Glitch #10 - F10B1DD

Near Glitch 9 and 3, there is a cutout. Smoothly jump and turn 180 degrees onto the cutout before you can walk onto an escalator. You can get underneath them by going down. To exit, move to your left and grab one of the boxes.


This is all for Project Playtime All Glitches in Game hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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