PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements 1 - steamsplay.com
PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements 1 - steamsplay.com

This guide walks through how to complete all achievements in Powerwash Simulator that were added in the 1.0 update on July 14, 2022.

Work-in-Progress Disclaimer

Please Note: The achievements have only been out for a short time and I am still working through getting screenshots and full descriptions so please be patient. I will finish this guide as soon as I can. Thanks!

Be sure to use Ctrl + F to quickly find the achievement you’re looking.

Career Only Achievements

All of the following achievements are based on completing a certain number of jobs. Below are a few tips that apply generally to all achievements in this section.

  • All of the star-based achievement calculations are assuming you fully complete every job to 100%. You would be a monster if you didn’t.
  • If you met any of the star-based requirements before achievements were added, you may have to load into a job to get them. It can take a few minutes, or until you earn 1 additional star on a new Career job, for the achievements to pop, but they will eventually.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Career Only Achievements - 1815303 Starting Out

Earn 5 Stars in Career Mode

100% complete 1 job

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Career Only Achievements - D73EFD2 Raking It In

Earn 50 Stars Career in Mode

100% complete 10 jobs

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Career Only Achievements - 80FF7E9 Big Business

Earn 100 Stars Career in Mode

100% complete 20 jobs

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Career Only Achievements - 14FD370 Super Star

Earn 150 Stars Career in Mode

100% complete 30 jobs

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Career Only Achievements - FE524E2As It Was Foretold…

Complete Career Mode

Complete all levels in the “Career” section. This includes most of the Special jobs as well. The last job that is unlocked is Lost City Palace and there are a total of 190 stars available at this time.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Career Only Achievements - 8291729Specialist

Complete a Special Job

Complete a Special Job. The quickest and easier job is the Mars Rover.

Challenge Based Achievements

All All of the following achievements must be completed from the Challenge section in your tablet. Below are a few tips that apply generally to all achievements in this section.

  • You can get a Gold Medal in either category, the Water Challenge or Time Challenge
  • Each Gold Medal you obtain must be unique. You cannot obtain the Gold Medal in the same challenge over and over.


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Challenge Based Achievements - 9CDFB47 Going for Gold

Get one gold medal in Challenge Mode

Obtain 1 gold medal from either the Time or Water Challenges.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Challenge Based Achievements - 92D85A5 Gold Standard

Get five gold medals in Challenge Mode

Obtain 5 gold medals from either the Time or Water Challenges.

Purchase Based Achievements

All of the following achievements require items to be purchased via the Shop section of the in-game tablet. Money is earned from cleaning individual objects in a level. Below are a few tips that apply generally to all achievements in this section.

  • While you must buy all pieces of equipment, it is generally better to save up for the Prime Vista PRO under the Professional category. It by far the most powerful and will speed up your jobs dramatically, especially considering many of the early jobs were balanced around the weaker pressure washers.
  • Money can be earned in Career or Freeplay, so you can replay the same level over and over again to get money.
  • Some things achievements will not pop until load into a level, especially if you had the requirements met before the achievements were added.


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Purchase Based Achievements - BD3E8A2Fully Equipped

Own the Prime Vista 1500 and three of its attachments

You will own the Prime Vista 1500 at the beginning of the game. You will need to own 3 of the following attachments. The italicized rows contain the attachments required for the cheapest total shown in the last row.

Attachment Cost
Prime Vista 1500 $0.00
Prime Vista 1500 Extra Long Extension $0.00
Prime Vista 1500 Turbo Nozzle $15.00
Prime Vista 1500 Short Extension $25.00
Prime Vista 1500 Long Extension $50.00
Prime Vista 1500 Soap Nozzle $75.00
Cheapest Total $40.00


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Purchase Based Achievements - 34AEF71Urban Xpert

Own the UrbanX U2 and four of its attachments

You will need to own 4 of the following attachments below as well as the pressure washer itself. The italicized rows contain the attachments required for the cheapest total shown in the last row.

Attachment Cost
Urban X U2 $900.00
Urban X U2 Turbo Nozzle $75.00
Urban X U2 Short Extension $125.00
Urban X U2 Long Extension $250.00
Urban X U2 Soap Nozzle $375.00
Urban X U2 Extra Long Extension $500.00
Cheapest Total $1,725.00


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Purchase Based Achievements - B78D4C9Heavy Hitter

Own the Prime Vista 3000 and five of its attachments

You will need to own all 5 of the following attachments below as well as the pressure washer itself. The italicized rows contain the attachments required for the cheapest total shown in the last row.

Attachment Cost
Prime Vista 3000 $2,000.00
Prime Vista 3000 Turbo Nozzle $120.00
Prime Vista 3000 Short Extension $200.00
Prime Vista 3000 Long Extension $400.00
Prime Vista 3000 Soap Nozzle $600.00
Prime Vista 3000 Extra Long Extension $800.00
Cheapest Total $4,120.00


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Purchase Based Achievements - BB90664Unlimited Powerwash

Own the Prime Vista PRO and six of its attachments

You will need to own all 6 of the following attachments below as well as the pressure washer itself. The italicized rows contain the attachments required for the cheapest total shown in the last row.

Attachment Cost
Prime Vista PRO $5,000.00
Prime Vista PRO Turbo Nozzle $180.00
Prime Vista PRO Short Extension $300.00
Prime Vista PRO Long Extension $600.00
Prime Vista PRO Soap Nozzle $900.00
Prime Vista PRO Extra Long Extension $1,200.00
Prime Vista PRO Triple Tip Nozzle $2,400.00
Cheapest Total $10,580.00


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Purchase Based Achievements - 2180759Soap Connoisseur

Own all cleaning liquids at the same time

You will need to own at least 1 of each of the following 6 types of cleaning liquids. They cost $10 each for a total of $60 minimum to get this achievement.

  • Glass Cleaner 1L
  • Metal Cleaner 1L
  • Plastic Cleaner 1L
  • Stone Cleaner 1L
  • Multi-Purpose Cleaner 1L
  • Wood Cleaner 1L


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Purchase Based Achievements - A125D29Fashionista

Equip a new outfit, gloves and washer modification at the same time

You will need to purchase at least one outfit, glove and washer modification and have the equipped in a level. If you already have all of them equipped before the achievements were added, you may need to swap out to a default skin and then back to the purchased one for the achievement to trigger.

Below are the cheapest prices you can pay to get this achievement.

Customization Cost
Outfit $50.00
Gloves $50.00
Washer Modification $25.00
Cheapest Total $125.00


Cleaning Based Achievements

All of the following achievements can be completed in either the Career or Freeplay versions of the jobs. Below are a few tips that apply generally to all achievements in this section.

  • Something only counts as “cleaned” if it is cleaned to 100% and you hear the DING sound.
  • For the “clean this first” achievements, you can ONLY clean the listed items to completion first. If you fully clean any other objects, you must restart the level.
  • For the “clean this last” achievements, you MUST clean all other items to completion before fully cleaning the listed items. If you fully clean any of the listed objects, you must restart the level. You do still need to clean the final elements and complete the level to unlock the achievement.


Clean First Achievements

This section will contain all achievements that require you to clean specific objects before anything else.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 4CCC7C6All Hands on Deck

Complete the Fishing Boat decks and steps first

Completely clean the following objects before any others. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Bow (x1)
  • Main Deck (x1)
  • Steps (x2)

Be sure not to complete either the Bridge Deck or Roof Deck as they are not needed for the achievement.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 2D626EF

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - A0707D8

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - FEA9916Blast from the Past

In the Subway Platform, complete the advertising boards first

Completely clean all 8 Advertising Boards before any others. There are 4 on each side of the subway mounted on the walls. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Advertising Boards (x8)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - FC77A02

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - B48E969

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - D3F2D58First Steps

In the Backyard, complete all 12 stepping stones first

Completely clean all 12 stepping stones before any others. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Stepping Stones (x12)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 444ADDE

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 0E827F3Head First

Complete the Drill head and tip first

Completely clean all the Drill Head and Drill Tip objects. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Drill Head (x1)
  • Drill Tip (x1)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 2598F80

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 8B0CF2DI Can See Clearly Now

Complete the Fire Truck windows, windscreen and wing mirrors first

Completely clean all the Wind Screens, Wing Mirrors, and Windows. Be careful not to clean the 2 Windscreen Wipers as they are small and easy to fully clean. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Wind Screen (x2)
  • Wing Mirror (x2)
  • Window (x6)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 2EA41B4

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - A210D75

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - FD668F3

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 27E0471Lantern Hunter

In the Treehouse, complete all of the lanterns first

Completely clean all 12 Lanterns. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Lantern (x12)

There are 2 lanterns on the posts at the entrance to the main stairwell.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - F9C12ED

If you head up the main stairs to the second landing, the 3rd lantern is handing from the tree above the research table.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 913E58C

There are 8 lanterns hanging from the roof of the house.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 0940911

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 07FD442

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 92DC030

If you head down the spiral staircase, the 12th and final lantern is on a post at the bottom.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 0191EF4

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - C166446Live by the Blade

Complete the Fire Helicopter blades first

Completely clean all the Rotor Blades and Tail Rotor Blades. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Rotor Blades (x6)
  • Tail Rotor Blades (x4)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 33CB2A9

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 85432ED

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 29C70CAPave the Way

In the Detached House, complete the Pathway, Driveway and Driveway Edges first

Completely clean the Pathway, Driveway and Driveway Edges. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Pathway (x1)
  • Driveway (x1)
  • Driveway Edges (x2)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 5AEA5CC

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - B9CCFC6

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 60DD254Shine Bright

On the Helter Skelter, complete the objects that have lightbulbs before anything else

Completely clean the Sign, Top Ring Frame, and the Channel Lights. The entire object must be cleaned, not just the light bulbs. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Sign (x1)
  • Top Ring Frame (x1)
  • Channel Lights (x16)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 6BF6DED

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 1593C76

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - C51B65CSuspicious Modifications

Complete the Private Jet laser and anti-gravity parts first

Completely clean the Laser, Anti-Gravity Boosters, and Anti-Gravity Panel. Be sure to only clean the object labeled “Laser”, not the “Laser Mount”. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Laser (x1)
  • Anti-Gravity Boosters (x2)
  • Anti-Gravity Panel (x2)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 15201E1

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - B9018FATyresome

Complete the Monster Truck tyres first

Completely clean the 4 Tyre objects. Be sure to only clean the Tyre objects, not the Wheel Outer or Wheel Inner objects. See the images for the highlighted specific areas.

  • Tyre (x4)

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Cleaning Based Achievements - 03931EF


Clean Last Achievements

This section will contain all achievements that require you to clean every but specific objects before completing the level.

Cleaning Style Achievements

This section will contain all achievements that require you to clean in a specific way with restrictions.

Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements

All of the following achievements can be completed in either the Career or Freeplay versions of the jobs. Below are a few tips that apply generally to all achievements in this section.

  • The red 0° nozzle is the best for moving objects around.
  • “Knock Over” achievements mean simple hitting the object with any amount of contact. As long as it moves at all, it will count.



PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - E832F79Best Buds

Ride around the Big Wheel with a gnome

On the Ferris Wheel level, take the gnome around the Ferris Wheel. The gnome can be found at the top of the Helter Skelter slide seen in the image below.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 9864DC1

Drop the gnome off the top of the slide and jump down after it (which is way faster than walking all the way back down the slide). Climb in any of the cars on the Ferris Wheel while holding the gnome and wait until the achievement pops.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - C2C43E0 Bucket List

At the Ancient Statue, knock over four buckets

Move all 4 blue buckets on the map Ancient Statue. Only the blue buckets can move. See the locations below.

The first bucket is under the second tent on the left near the start of the level.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 769396C

The second bucket is further up on the left under the farther tent next to a red bucket near the movable scaffolding.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - DF503E5

The third bucket is up the hill behind the statue sitting on a box under a tent.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - D53E093

The fourth and final bucket is on the top of the scaffolding behind the statue’s head.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - C587E9B

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 9D71BA7 Coconut Dodge

At the Fairground, knock over all of the coconuts

Knock over the 5 coconuts in the shooting gallery on Fairground. They are located behind the Ferris Wheel in a shooting gallery seen on the right in the screenshot below. Simply hit them with you pressure washer and the achievement will pop.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - EE74C50


PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 6F7EF96 Impeccable Balance

Stand on the Penny Farthing for 10 seconds

On the level Penny Farthing (Vehicles > Ground), simply jump on top of the bicycle and stand still for 10 seconds and the achievement will pop.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 6F4F867 StegoScore

In the Playground, roll the football up the stegoslide

You will need to roll the football (or soccer ball for the North American folks) up the tail side of the Stegosaurus slide. Once it crests the top, the achievement will pop.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 7D53D77

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - D8D57CDWatermelon Shot

In the Skatepark, push the ball out of the bowl

On the Skakepark level, simply use the red nozzle to push the ball out of the bowl in the middle of the level. Once the ball crests the top lip of the bowl, the achievement will pop.

PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements - Miscellaneous In-Job Achievements - 534864B

Written by Choolio123

This is all for PowerWash Simulator Get All Achievements hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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