Pants Quest Beginners Guide + Basic Controls

Pants Quest Beginners Guide + Basic Controls 1 -
Pants Quest Beginners Guide + Basic Controls 1 -

How to play Pants Quest, a classic style adventure game.

Basic Controls

The controls found in the HUD let you interact with the world.
Pants Quest Beginners Guide + Basic Controls - Basic Controls - 0AA60C2
Default action
Clicking on objects in the world will look at them by default.
Walking around
Clicking anywhere else will make the character walk to that position.
There are also hotkeys for each action if you want to click less.
Pants Quest Beginners Guide + Basic Controls - Basic Controls - 2CB43FB

Solving Puzzles

Picking up items
Picking up objects in the world can provide you with items needed to solve puzzles. Click PICK UP on the HUD and then on an object in the world to try and pick it up
Combining items
You can sometimes combine two items together to get a new item. Combining sponge with a soap gives you a soapy sponge. Combined items are often required to solve puzzles. To combine two items click USE on the HUD and then the first item. If you click USE and then click the sponge, the HUD will now say “Use Sponge with“. Clicking on the Soap next with combine the items. The sponge and soap has left your inventory and has been replaced with a soapy sponge.
Using items
You can use items as the player or on background objects.
To use an item as the player, click USE on the HUD and then on the item in your inventory. The item will be used if it can be used by the player.
To use an item on a background object, click USE on the HUD and then the item in your inventory. If the item can be used with something, the hud will now say “Use Item with“. You can now click an object in the background to try and use the item on that object.
Todo list
You can find a list of objectives in your TODO list. It is automatically added to your inventory at the start of the game. Clicking USE on the HUD and then on the TODO list will let you view it. It also contains some hints on how to finish the game.
Clues to solving puzzles can be found in the main characters dialogue, item descriptions and the TODO list.

Written by wooway

This is all for Pants Quest Beginners Guide + Basic Controls hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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